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Broken urls when wrapped #49

Open agenbite opened 2 months ago

agenbite commented 2 months ago

Hi! Still enjoying page, but I have a problem with long urls that are wrapped: they become broken for the terminal emulator. I use foot, here's what happens:

cat > /tmp/test

page /tmp/test

Now, assuming the url is longer than page's window, if I hit CTRL-SHIFT-U (foot binding for "URL mode"), only the first line of the URL is recognised. This only happens inside page, not in plain less. Any way I can help debug this?

agenbite commented 1 month ago

In case this helps: I've been persuaded that the issue is that page is eating osc8 sequences. I wish I could debug this myself...

agenbite commented 1 month ago

Maybe this is related?: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/28817