I7-Examples / The-Reliques-of-Tolti-Aph

An Inform 7 Standard Example
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Doesn't compile with Inform for Windows 10.1.2 #1

Open AlexProudfoot opened 1 year ago

AlexProudfoot commented 1 year ago
D:\Program Files\Inform\Compilers\inform7 \
    -internal "D:\Program Files\Inform\Internal" -external "D:\Alex\Documents\Inform" -project "D:\Alex\Documents\Projects\I7 Examples\The Reliques of Tolti-Aph\The Reliques of Tolti-Aph.inform" -format=Inform6/32d
Inform 7 v10.1.2 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 32523 words long.
I've also read Basic Inform by Graham Nelson, which is 7691 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2328 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 32164 words long.
I've also read Singing Reloaded by Shin, which is 151 words long.
In Part I - Mechanics of a Simple Role-Playing Game, Chapter 3 - Combat,
  Section 3 (a) - Monsters are People Too:
  >--> You wrote 'Some kinds of monster are defined by the Table of Monstrous
    Beasts' (source text, line 495): but you can only use 'defined by' to set
    up values and things, as created with sentences like 'The tree species are
    defined by Table 1.' or 'Some men are defined by the Table of Eligible
  >--> You wrote 'An elemental demon called Zoorl the Elemental Demon is
    indifferent' (source text, line 522): but I can only make 'a something
    called whatever' when the something is a kind I know, possibly qualified
    with adjectives. For instance, 'an open door called the Marble Door' is
    fine because 'door' is the name of a kind and 'open' is an adjective which
    means something for doors. But 'a grand archway called the Great Gates'
    would not normally mean anything to me, because 'archway' is not one of the
    standard kinds in Inform. (Try consulting the Kinds index.)
 In Section 3 (b) - Weaponry:
  >--> You wrote 'Some kinds of weapon are defined by the Table of Weaponry' (source
    text, line 538): again, you can only use 'defined by' to set up values and
 In Section 3 (c) - Armour:
  >--> You wrote 'Some kinds of armour are defined by the Table of Armoured
    Dress' (source text, line 558): again, you can only use 'defined by' to set
    up values and things.
 In Part II - The Reliques of Tolti-Aph Scenario, Chapter S - Southern Quarter,
  Section S (c) - The Fallen Tree and the Fullers:
  >--> The sentence 'The guardian harpy is a harpy' (source text, line 875)
    appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'guardian harpy' and
    'harpy' as two different things, and therefore it makes no sense to say
    that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'Laurel is Hardy'. It
    would be all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps
    with properties: for instance 'Blue-Ridge Mountains is a lighted room' says
    that something called Blue-Ridge Mountains exists and that it is a 'room',
    which is a kind I know about, combined with a property called 'lighted'
    which I also know about.
 In Section S (d) - The Broken Lane and the Spiders:
  >--> You wrote 'A short sword called the short sword called Bliddforn is
    metal' (source text, line 971): again, I can only make 'a something called
    whatever' when the something is a kind I know.
 In Section S (e) - The Icefinger River:
  >--> You wrote 'A hostile goblin called Vish is in the Gravel Track' (source
    text, line 1021): again, I can only make 'a something called whatever' when
    the something is a kind I know.
  >--> You wrote 'A goblin called Dronsh is in the Source of the Icefinger' (source
    text, line 1084): again, I can only make 'a something called whatever' when
    the something is a kind I know.
 In Chapter Z - The Central Ziggurat:
  >--> You wrote 'An indifferent wyvern called the green-scaled wyvern is in
    the Ziggurat' (source text, line 1114): again, I can only make 'a something
    called whatever' when the something is a kind I know.
 In Chapter W - Western Quarter, Section W (c) - The Goddess and the Snake:
  >--> The sentence 'The copper-scaled snake is a reptile in the Temple Plaza' (source
    text, line 2138) appears to say two things are the same - I am reading
    'copper-scaled snake' and 'reptile in the Temple Plaza' as two different
    things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it
    would be like saying that 'Laurel is Hardy'. It would be all right if the
    second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance
    'Blue-Ridge Mountains is a lighted room' says that something called
    Blue-Ridge Mountains exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know
    about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
 In Section W (e) - The Garret and the Archivist:
  >--> The sentence 'The archivist is a priest in the Dim Garret' (source text, line 2207)
    appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'archivist' and
    'priest in the Dim Garret' as two different things, and therefore it makes
    no sense to say that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'Laurel
    is Hardy'. It would be all right if the second thing were the name of a
    kind, perhaps with properties: for instance 'Blue-Ridge Mountains is a
    lighted room' says that something called Blue-Ridge Mountains exists and
    that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know about, combined with a property
    called 'lighted' which I also know about.
 In Chapter N - Northern Quarter, Section N (a) - That Was Old School:
  >--> The sentence 'The other side of the trap-door is the Archive Chamber' (source
    text, line 2360) appears to say two things are the same - I am reading
    'other side of the trap-door' and 'Archive Chamber' as two different
    things, and therefore it makes no sense to say that one is the other: it
    would be like saying that 'Laurel is Hardy'. It would be all right if the
    second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps with properties: for instance
    'Blue-Ridge Mountains is a lighted room' says that something called
    Blue-Ridge Mountains exists and that it is a 'room', which is a kind I know
    about, combined with a property called 'lighted' which I also know about.
 In Section N (b) - Rescued !:
  >--> The sentence 'Glog the Troll is a cave troll' (source text, line 2410)
    appears to say two things are the same - I am reading 'Glog the Troll' and
    'cave troll' as two different things, and therefore it makes no sense to
    say that one is the other: it would be like saying that 'Laurel is Hardy'.
    It would be all right if the second thing were the name of a kind, perhaps
    with properties: for instance 'Blue-Ridge Mountains is a lighted room' says
    that something called Blue-Ridge Mountains exists and that it is a 'room',
    which is a kind I know about, combined with a property called 'lighted'
    which I also know about.
Inform 7 has finished.

Compiler finished with code 1
AlexProudfoot commented 1 year ago

Due to a known bug in Inform 7 10.1 (I7-2242) this example can't be compiled.