IACR / latex-submit

Web server to receive uploaded LaTeX and execute it in a docker container.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Emails policy needs review #33

Open kmccurley opened 1 year ago

kmccurley commented 1 year ago

Part of this is policy, but here's my guess on the behavior regarding emails:

kmccurley commented 11 months ago

Perhaps the notifications should be tied to an account on the site rather than to an email in the config like EDITOR_EMAILS. Then individual accounts can have their own notification preferences, perhaps in a table that links to User. This is related to how we should build role-based permissions, since right now an admin account has access to everything. This needs further thought.

kmccurley commented 9 months ago

How long should we give the author to review copy edits? Investigate other practices. Joppe suggests 3-5 days?