Regarding @NigelSmart paper, I saw a parse error from the metadata parser:
Error: Failure to extract metadata: 3 validation errors for Meta affiliations -> 0 -> department extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra) affiliations -> 0 -> state extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra) root Paper must contain affiliations (type=value_error)
This appears to be caused by not recognizing department in It's a pydantic feature/bug that it doesn't allow extra JSON fields when it parses the metadata. It should be covered in the metadata parse tests.
Regarding @NigelSmart paper, I saw a parse error from the metadata parser: Error: Failure to extract metadata: 3 validation errors for Meta affiliations -> 0 -> department extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra) affiliations -> 0 -> state extra fields not permitted (type=value_error.extra) root Paper must contain affiliations (type=value_error)
This appears to be caused by not recognizing department in It's a pydantic feature/bug that it doesn't allow extra JSON fields when it parses the metadata. It should be covered in the metadata parse tests.