IACR / latex-submit

Web server to receive uploaded LaTeX and execute it in a docker container.
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How to handle final negotiation on copy editing #50

Closed kmccurley closed 11 months ago

kmccurley commented 11 months ago

At present the workflow moves like:

  1. author submits their candidate version
  2. copy editor reviews it and sends suggestions for fixes.
  3. author responds to each item and uploads their revised version.
  4. copy editor views responses changes to see if they are satisfied.
  5. copy editor approves for final publication. The question is: what happens if the copy editor isn't satisfied with the changes? Should it be escalated to email? Will the copy editor be notified when a new version is uploaded in step 3 above?
kmccurley commented 11 months ago

The solution is now described in the README. If the copy editor is not satisfied in step 4, then they can send it through another round of copy editing. In this case what happens is the final version is converted to the candidate version, it is recompiled for copy editing, and the copy editor can now add new requests for changes. The previous Discussion items are marked as archived.