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sort references on cic.iacr.org by last name of author #62

Closed kmccurley closed 3 months ago

kmccurley commented 8 months ago

the bibtex references are currently sorted in the order they appear in the bibtex file, but should really be sorted according to what urlalpha does.

kmccurley commented 8 months ago

It's not clear if this belongs in this repository or in the IACR/cicjournal repository. The bibtex from a paper comes straight from running bibexport, which simply makes a copy of the entries without sorting them. The way it does this is peculiar, because it runs bibtex using a specific style export.bst which simply writes the entry to output. By contrast, sorting is done in the alphaurl style within the bst file. We could try to create a special .bst file that merges the sorting feature from alphaurl with the simply writing done by export.bst, and maybe that is simplist (and most reliable). The way the bibtex entries are marked up is within the IACR/cicjournal repository, where the raw bibtex field is parsed by pybtex and rewritten as html. We could theoretically make a key like what alphaurl generates and sort by that before writing out to the web page. Both approaches are somewhat complicated.

kmccurley commented 6 months ago

Since we store the raw bibtex and convert to HTML on the fly, we can use the code in pybtex.style.labels.alpha.py to generate the labels and sort on that before we show the references in HTML. I just haven't investigated how to use it.

kmccurley commented 3 months ago

The sort order is now the same as in the PDF. The solution was in bibparse.py:get_citation_map() where it looks in either the main.aux file (for bibtex) or the main.bbl file (for biblatex). This returns an ordered dictionary for the correct ordering.