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Hub to accompany IALSA 2015 workshop at Portland, OR, Feb 22-25, 2015
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Scatter plots of factors scores #99

Open andkov opened 8 years ago

andkov commented 8 years ago

The latest version of the graph that plots the scatters of factor scores obtained from the .gh5 looks as follows: elsa_female_aehplus_grip_gait-1 The graphs could be viewed grouped by process pairs for females and males

wibeasley commented 8 years ago

@andkov, I like the graphs. I have three reactions.

  1. Are panels c & d flipped from their intended position? Something doesn't seem balanced to me.
  2. Consider forcing the p-values to have ~3 digits after the decimal.

    Shooting from the hip, I recommend replacing

    paste0("R_ICIP: ", dsL$R_IPIC_est[1]," (",dsL$R_IPIC_se[1],"), p = ",dsL$R_IPIC_pval[1] )


    sprintf("R_ICIP: %f (%f), p=%0.3f", dsL$R_IPIC_est[1], dsL$R_IPIC_se[1], dsL$R_IPIC_pval[1])

    If you want to get fancier and remove the leading zero, see our recent table.

ampiccinin commented 8 years ago

Please see HRS_F_grip-pef (probably not a quick Q, so you may not want to look at it until tomorrow): Scatter and line look positive, but R_SCSP is negative. Mismatch? Also – are these the SE from Mplus? I’ve started to mistrust them, as I expect that the SE of r should not exceed 1. I’ve computed them in Excel for the manuscript, but it would be good to eventually figure out what Mplus is doing.

andkov commented 8 years ago

1) I'm sad that symmetry is not apparent. I had the following in mind: Left-right diagonal.

Right-left diagonal.

I might switch the locations of c and b, to have rows on the same metric.

2) didn't attend to cosmetics at all. I want to take a look at what you did for the tables and implement here.

3) Same as 2.

wibeasley commented 8 years ago
andkov commented 8 years ago

@wibeasley ,

  1. I agree about the labels. I was on the fence between "grip" and "grip intercept" and chose the former precisely to eliminate redundancy. But i more followed the principle than made a decision. Your reaction settles it for me: i'm ok with that redundancy if it helps improve usability.
  2. Very timely script!! I was recently trying to figure just that, out that. Serendipitously, this is exactly the topic of my today's lecture in pys532 and I am putting up an example similar to what you've shown.
  3. Good thought, it hasn't even occur to me. I'll randomize the order of id before feeding the dataframe to the plotting function. Funny about the legend. I spent about 10 minutes creating the plots and about 3 hours trying to figure out how to tuck away that legend. And this is not the first time things like these happen.