IALSA / ialsa-2015-portland-stencil

Applying lessons from the Feb 2015 Portland workshop to a newer architecture
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2016-06-01 Writing Session I. #52

Open andkov opened 8 years ago

andkov commented 8 years ago

involved: @wibeasley , @Maleeha


andkov commented 8 years ago

Writing during the session

Writing session for CAR poster

PCS is REDCap survey that interacts with the driver to obtain relevant description of the study 's dataset and characteristics.

Creator Script run on server. After the responses to PCS are entered, the Creator populates (values of the variables in) Part I of the Catalog.


Translator. Script run on server. Using Part I it Mplus model syntax, which is uploaded to Part II.


Transcriber. Script run on each driver's local machine. Downloads model syntax from Part II of the catalog, and saves it as an .inp file on the driver's local machine.

Cruncher. Script run on each driver's local machine. Reads the catalog and determines which models still needs to be estimated. {After verifying that the .inp file (and .dat) exists locally...} It programmatically calls a local installation of Mplus, which uses the local .dat and .inp files. It returns an .out file containing the model solution.

Horseman. Script run on each driver's local machine. Uploads the contents of the .out files to Part III.


Parser. Script run on server. Extracts the critical characteristics of the model solution from the Mplus output (such as parameter estimates, fit indices, and the convergence status). For each model, the resulting individual scalar values are saved as separate columns in a single row of Part IV.


Prometheus. Script run on server. Copies the entire catalog as a CSV on the driver's local machine. This disconnected CSV allows the participants to later run reports and meta-analyses with more independence.


see a stand-along document with the above notes at https://github.com/IALSA/ialsa-2015-portland-stencil/blob/master/documentation/2016-06-01.md

Random notes during meeting

andkov commented 8 years ago

The above verbalizations will be used to populate poster text #51