IALSA / ialsa-2016-amsterdam

Multi-study and multivariate evaluation of healthy life expectancy (HLE): An IALSA workshop on multistate modeling using R
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Preliminary overview of variables #10

Open andkov opened 8 years ago

andkov commented 8 years ago

Paraphrasing and slightly editing the outline provided by @GracielaMuniz :

Details were requested about the following items (including the availability of treatment for each) :

  1. N at each wave
  2. Cognitive outcomes
  3. Dementia diagnosis
  4. Education
  5. Social class
  6. BMI (self reported/ measured?)
  7. Smoking habits
  8. Alcohol consumption
  9. Social engagement
  10. Physical activitiy
  11. APOE status
  12. Physical capability measures ( ex: grip strength)
  13. Social engagement
  14. Cardiovascular disease
  15. Hypertension
  16. Stroke
  17. Diabetes

    General comments

    • for all variables conditions, please state whether they are
    • self reported or diagnosed
    • time variant or invariant (study entry only)
    • treatment or management of the conditions is available
    • provide levels and labels for items with categorical responses
    • specific description of measurement encoding

      Specific comments

    • education: years or degree? if years, please add mean and st.dev.
    • alcohol consumption: self reported? is it coded as units per week?
    • smoking: self reported ? how was it coded? cigarettes per week? or ever vs never? or current, never, ex-smoker?
    • social engagement: this is a tough cookie! some studies collect info about participation in clubs, visits from relatives, etc
    • dementia diagnosis: plase state how and who performed the diagnosis.