As per end of June 2022, the Ontology 2.0 is endorsed and adopted to it, added also support for House-to-1R support.
If one uses the example XFZB file from and converts it, then there is a mapping uncertainty about two relevant fields from the House, which are mandatory to transmit in FHL or XFZB for some customs requirements
Unclear where to put <IncludedHouseConsignment><TotalPrepaidChargeAmount>
Unclear where to put <IncludedHouseConsignment><TotalCollectChargeAmount>
Is there a field to put these values or do we need to add new fields for next Ontolgy?
As per end of June 2022, the Ontology 2.0 is endorsed and adopted to it, added also support for House-to-1R support.
If one uses the example XFZB file from and converts it, then there is a mapping uncertainty about two relevant fields from the House, which are mandatory to transmit in FHL or XFZB for some customs requirements
Is there a field to put these values or do we need to add new fields for next Ontolgy?