IATA-Cargo / ONE-Record

This repository contains the documentation & specs for the ONE Record standard.
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[json-ld] contactOther is just a type #156

Closed LauraWeissgerber closed 1 year ago

LauraWeissgerber commented 1 year ago

contactOther is just a type there are no fields / no content

{ "@context": { "iata": "https://onerecord.iata.org/" }, "@type": "iata:ContactOther" }

ddoeppner commented 1 year ago

The class ContactOther (IRI=https://onerecord.iata.org/ContactOther) should not be used any longer as it is already marked as deprecated. see https://github.com/IATA-Cargo/ONE-Record/blob/master/working_draft/ontology/IATA-1R-DM-Ontology.ttl#L677

###  https://onerecord.iata.org/Contact#other
contact:other rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ;
              rdfs:domain :Contact ;
              rdfs:range :ContactOther ;
              rdfs:comment "Other contact options e.g. Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Fax etc"@en ;
              rdfs:label "contact:other"@en ;
              owl:deprecated "true"@en .