IATA-Cargo / ONE-Record

This repository contains the documentation & specs for the ONE Record standard.
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[Data Model] How to modelize a Booking scenario with several TransportSegments? #89

Closed grichka closed 2 years ago

grichka commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am using the Data Model released in November and relationships specified in the Ontology and logical data model.

I do not understand how to use the Data Model for the following scenario :

How can I properly create instances of BookingRequest, BookingOption and TransportSegment for this case? Thanks for your help!

lambertciata commented 3 years ago

This issue shall be rediscussed with the data model taskforce

lambertciata commented 2 years ago

Outcome of the workshop in 2021:

lambertciata commented 2 years ago

Current proposal: image

grichka commented 2 years ago

I am not sure I understand this proposal. Can you give more details on the changes made and on how to model a booking with several legs according to this proposal?

lambertciata commented 2 years ago


With this proposal the scheduledLegs object (here shown as embedded in Routing) allows to identify several legs. This is inspired by the design of XFFM message. For each leg you would have: a sequence identifier, an ID (= flight number), departure and arrival location/time.

Is that clearer?

grichka commented 2 years ago

So scheduledLegs is supposed to be an RDF sequence ? (an ordered list) Then I don't understand the purpose of the class BookingSegment because BookingOption can have only one BookingSegment if I remember well.

lambertciata commented 2 years ago

scheduledLegs is not necessarily ordered if there is a sequence identifier, however if an RDF sequence simplifies we can have a look at how it can be transcribed in the ontology.

secheduledLegs is used to identify the intended scheduled legs at the time of booking, they can differ from actual flight legs and from my understanding they are not legally binding. BookingSegment is used to record Departure and Arrival locations that are legally binding at AWB level. That means that BookingSegment is mandatory while scheduledLegs are optional.

grichka commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this explanation! The purpose of BookingSegment and scheduledLegs make much more sense to me now.

However I have some remarks/improvement proposals:

lambertciata commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your comments: