IATI / D-Portal

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Clarify labels for projects in Completion & Post-Completion stages #436

Open YohannaLoucheur opened 6 years ago

YohannaLoucheur commented 6 years ago

Testing the D-Portal after the resolution of #401, I came across a problem with some of GAC's projects in "Completion" status. http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?search&publisher=CA-3&status=3#view=main

We have a total of 322 projects in Completion:

I did the same exercize with Post-Completion projects and got similar results (projects missing an end date were listed as Active).

When scrolling down to look at the results, the Active Project box says there are data issues, but if the user insists by clicking on "View All", the 20 projects are displayed and that's one sees that dates are missing.

I understand that the absence of an end date is indeed a problem (that we'll fix). But how the D-Portal handles it is confusing for users.

stevieflow commented 6 months ago

@YohannaLoucheur sorry to be very late to this issue!

I just spent a while trying to find a Connect (or even Discuss) post on this, as I'm sure we all once discussed it.... alas, I couldn't find anything (doesn't mean it's not somewhere though!)

It's clear that :

  1. d-portal takes an opinion in terms of the status of an activity, based on the dates, regardless of the 'activity-status'
  2. d-portal also aims to simplify the various statuses that are possible through the IATI standard, in the headline views
  3. d-portal does also ensure the activity status values can be searched (via filters) and seen (on activity pages) too

As mitigation for [1] we should also accept that there is no definitive data use guidance from IATI, in terms of prescribing how to use certain fields (or how not to use them). So - using dates to determine a status isn't illegal (in terms of the standard) --> it's just not documented by the standard (as far as I know)

If we are to proceed with https://github.com/IATI/D-Portal/issues/660 then I think [1] above may continue to cause confusion.

Therefore, if d-portal could follow a logic of:

This would then directly use the single element in the standard that is dedicated to status. In addition, it could be very helpful if the IATI community were to agree on such conventions, to further support this

Of course, we may then receive counter claims that d-portal has suddenly declared lots activities as active/closed when their dates suggest otherwise!

However, we then have a more simpler data quality issue to resolve, as this will centre on the fact that the 'activity-status' is misleading

Here's an extreme example of an activity from a bilateral donor

Firefox_Screenshot_2024-03-06T18-55-52 263Z

Right now, this would be declared as closed by d-portal, which is "correct".

But, this hides the fact that the publisher hasn't kept their dates and status in synch, and is something they must, ultimately , fix

Fixing this would benefit many use cases. If d-portal can assist in this process by making this adjustment, I think that will be for the betterment of all
