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Links to @ref pages (when the @ref is not a publisher) #602

Closed stevieflow closed 5 months ago

stevieflow commented 3 years ago

When an organisation has a ''ref'' value populated (either in ''participating-org'' or ''transaction/provider /receiver-org'') d-portal will construct a URL based on


When this ref is to an existing publisher, this obviously works fine. However - not all organisations publish IATI data (yet)!

(we kind of discussed this liklihood in #506 )

Hence - in this (random) example: http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?text_search=hats#view=act&aid=XM-OCHA-CBPF-NGA-20%2FNIG_ERF%2FSA1%2FP%2FUN%2F16492 a ref is given to an organisation, but this is not a publisher:

http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?publisher=XM-OCHA-CBPF-NGA75#view=main - and so the user is sent to a blank/empty page.

I can certainly understand why these URLs are auto minted. However, I wondered if something other could be provided. Just thinking out loud:

(constructed with dquery ^ )

The last idea would be interesting, but perhaps places lots more overhead on both the site, server and the user.

Any thoughts welcome @notshi @xriss ( @andylolz ?) - I think the first idea ^ would be a helpful move...

notshi commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @stevieflow for raising this.

We might go for option 2 as probably the most useful way of handling this 'unknown' data. Or rather, the page will display what we know of that @ref with links to dquery and probably the registry.

For instance, from the example you provided, we can get this basic information from dquery so we can display such things on this new page.


    result: [
            reference: "XM-OCHA-CBPF-NGA75",
            narrative: "Nigeria Humanitarian Fund",
            publisher: "XM-OCHA-CBPF",
            count: "305"
    duration: 4.71

stevieflow commented 3 years ago

Thanks @notshi

Yes, that would be interesting - as at least the user would not be left in limbo. Of course, this will be a conceptual shift within d-portal, as all pages based on organisations are tied to the reporting-org, at present. Hence, there'd need to be some onscreen support to let users know this data isn't published by the @ref - happy to advise

notshi commented 5 months ago

Links to org@ref should now link to a generic participating-org@ref search results page if they are not a publisher; ie. registered on the registry as a publisher.

This will also apply to provider and receiver organisations in transactions, as well as in org files on main publisher pages.

Would this suffice?

stevieflow commented 5 months ago

Perfect, thanks

Feel free to close this @notshi