IATI / D-Portal

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View all donors per year per country #620

Open benparkergit opened 3 years ago

benparkergit commented 3 years ago

I am tracking donations from a Bermuda-based foundation for programmes in Yemen.

UNHCR's transaction data shows this:

25885887 Annual contribution summary Private donors in Bermuda 25885887

Issue: However this donation does not appeal on the donors for Yemen page:


Is there another way to see all donors?


notshi commented 3 years ago

Hi @benparkergit, thanks for your question.

This is a list of all projects by UNHCR for Yemen. http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?country_code=YE&reporting_ref=XM-DAC-41121#view=list_activities

If we take this project as an example, the 'Private donors in Bermuda' are as listed.

We don't have any more information about these private donors as they are not published explicitly by name or reference numbers by UNHCR, who is the entity that have reported this activity.

Furthermore, that is just a text field so it has no references attached to it.

Hope this explains some things - do let me know if I misunderstood.

benparkergit commented 3 years ago

Sorry my formatting and explanation were poor.

Incoming commitments -- eg this $25 million -- do not appear on the page about sources of funding (perhaps because it's a "commitment"?):


Is there somewhere on d-portal where incoming commitments are aggregated?

Thanks again.

notshi commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately, the only transaction types we currently use are budgets, outgoing commitments and disbursements.

d-portal was created over 7 years ago and haven't been allocated development time to include newer transaction types like incoming commitments.

However, we have developed our own internal query tool which might help if you are ok working with csv and query interfaces.

This query will list you all the transaction information for the 6 UNHCR projects for Yemen. Click on Download XSON as csv under Download XSON to download the data as csv.

I'm also attaching an excel sheet of the data (converted via Google Sheets) if it's easier. UNHCR Incoming Commitments in Yemen.xlsx

The query is quite simple; you can add more IATI project identifiers to the list or replace them to get information from a specific IATI standard element.