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Add COVID-19 sector code to quick search #626

Closed notshi closed 1 month ago

notshi commented 3 years ago

Raised here - https://github.com/OCHA-DAP/covid19-data/issues/2

There is now a specific OECD DAC 5-digit sector code for COVID-19 (12264) as listed on https://iatistandard.org/en/iati-standard/203/codelists/sector/

There are currently 1055 projects and 14 publishers using that sector code: http://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?sector_code=12264#view=main

Should we be adding this to the quick search on d-portal? @amy-silcock

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

Hi @notshi,

I'll check with Petya and Sarah when they're back from leave. Sounds sensible to me and also means we should update our Covid publishing/use guidance. Thank you for highlighting.

notshi commented 2 years ago

Hi @amy-silcock just wondering if there are any updates on this, thanks!

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

Hi @notshi, next week we should be releasing the mini consultation on updating the Covid 19 guidance update. Hoping to get these implemented end of October. I'll post here once it's out.

Our view is that d-portal should follow the IATI data use guidance on finding Covid related activities.

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

The COVID-19 guidance consultation is live here: https://iaticonnect.org/Discussion-COVID-19-Guidance

Please do add your views.

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

The COVID-19 guidance consultation closes on Mon 25th. So far, there is agreement to include the covid sector code in IATI's data use guidance. I will update here then to give the (hopeful) go ahead to get this added into the d-portal quick search.

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

We can now add the sector code 12664 into the d-portal Covid quick search.

After consultation with the community, IATI is updating it's covid publishing and data access guidance to include this code: https://iaticonnect.org/Discussion-COVID-19-Guidance

notshi commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @amy-silcock - this is now live on d-portal.

Will the guidance page (currently linked to from the Glossary) also be updated to include this new guideline? Or should we be linking to a different guidance page?

amy-silcock commented 2 years ago

Thanks Shi. We will update the guidance page shortly, I'll let you know if this ends up being a new link rather than the existing page.

notshi commented 1 month ago

Link updated to https://iatistandard.org/en/guidance/standard-guidance/covid-19/