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SAVi documentation #633

Open notshi opened 2 years ago

notshi commented 2 years ago

Raised here - https://github.com/devinit/ddw-analyst-ui/issues/574 Example - http://d-portal.org/q.html?aid=US-EIN-941655673-43304

This could be misunderstood as a bug in d-portal displaying multiple (15) recipient regions when we are just displaying data as it is published in SAVi.

As such, we should add this to the footer for SAVi views and probably the FAQ.

What is SAVi SAVi is a Simple Activity Viewer that displays IATI XML data in the browser. XML is not designed to be human readable so we translate that into something that is, whilst keeping all the information the same.

As such, data on this page is as published and should be identical to the original XML.

Here are some of the common issues this might cause: Percentages may not add up to 100% Graphs will only display on this page for financial data that have the same currencies. Information may be repeated in different languages if that is what has been published.

They have also published a wrong sector vocab. <sector code="151" percentage="100" vocabulary="DAC-3"/>

This then is displayed on SAVi as

OECD DAC CRS 5 digit ( 1 )

SAVi should adjust for when that happens as this is an issue that keeps cropping up.