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Practical Action not updated on D-Portal #658

Closed IsabelBirds closed 5 months ago

IsabelBirds commented 5 months ago

Practical Actions activity file was updated on the registry on 3/1/24, with 909 activities (https://iatiregistry.org/dataset/pa-activity).

The file:

This update has not appeared on D-portal, which still has 896 activities https://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?&publisher=GB-COH-871954#view=main

I can see a 403 error in the logs (https://d-portal.org/ctrack.html?#view=dash_sluglog&slug=pa-activity) but I'm not sure of the cause as the other tools have been able to access the data. Could you help me troubleshoot this please? :)

xriss commented 5 months ago

Your server is intentionally blocking dportal when it goes to get the file, you need to talk to whoever is running the server and tell them not to do that.

Nothing to do with the data, this is a server configuration problem.

I can download the data from other machines but not from dportal, this is what happens when I try.

wget "https://infohub.practicalaction.org/bitstream/handle/11283/623010/pa-activity.xml?sequence=1&isAllowed=y"
--2024-01-10 13:49:23--  https://infohub.practicalaction.org/bitstream/handle/11283/623010/pa-activity.xml?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Resolving infohub.practicalaction.org (infohub.practicalaction.org)...
Connecting to infohub.practicalaction.org (infohub.practicalaction.org)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2024-01-10 13:49:24 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
IsabelBirds commented 5 months ago

Thanks @xriss! I'll feedback to the publisher.

practicalaction commented 5 months ago

Hi @xriss Kal from Practical Action here. Could you confirm the IP address(es) for your server, so that I can ensure they are whitelisted? I will also speak to our provider to make sure that dportal as a service isn't blocked. Thanks

IsabelBirds commented 5 months ago

Hi Kal (@practicalaction),

Generally we don't recommend the whitelisting approach as we have a large number of tools which need to access the data, and third party tools may also be blocked by the server. I believe an IATI Connect post is upcoming to discuss this issue with the wider IATI Community - I can direct you to this once it has been uploaded?


practicalaction commented 5 months ago

Hi Isabel @IsabelBirds Thanks for coming back to me. I have moved our data onto a public GitHub repo, and can see that the import was successful. Based on that, I will keep using the public repo and run some internal training on its use. Thanks for your help! Kal

notshi commented 5 months ago

Many thanks all - if the data is updating as expected, shall we close this issue?

practical-action-iati commented 5 months ago

Hi @notshi Yes - suitable for closure. Thanks