IATI / D-Portal

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Call activities activities #664

Closed stevieflow closed 2 months ago

stevieflow commented 4 months ago

When I filter on the homepage I'm helpfully informed that so many activities have met my criteria

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This is very useful, especially as d-portal uses IATI data, and the IATI standard has activities as it's main unit

However, on accessing that search I get told about projects:

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Are projects the same as activities? This confuses me - and I know it confuses others, especially those that have been working hard to publish.... activities!

Therefore - let's not make people think, but call activities activities throughout. Thanks!

notshi commented 4 months ago

Also raised here https://github.com/IATI/D-Portal/issues/645

notshi commented 3 months ago

All instances of Projects are now Activities.

If any are missed, do list them here.

stevieflow commented 3 months ago

Found one other on the project, sorry - I mean activity page:

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notshi commented 3 months ago

Thanks, @stevieflow - that is now fixed.