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transaction/provider-org/@ref | receiver-org/@ref #675

Open stevieflow opened 5 months ago

stevieflow commented 5 months ago

@xriss @notshi - this is more of an initial check / query atm, but thought it better to start here

We now have pages such as this, which are really useful:


We also know that an organisation can be cited in the transaction element via

I think that view is possible through:

Just checking if that is so, first of all :)

cc/ @isabelbirds @robredpath

xriss commented 5 months ago

That should work, although the problem might be considered bad data?

Any organisations referenced in transactions also belong in participating-org.

And we could possibly fix it by pulling any references in transactions up and into participating at import time, but again this is fixing published data.

stevieflow commented 5 months ago

Thanks @xriss

We would expect an organisation cited as a participating-org would then likely be in a transaction and vice versa.

I think there's an (unwritten) assumption in the standard that if there's only one implementing participating-org then there would be no need to include them in each and every transaction

Perhaps what we might be looking for here is:

That might catch instances where an org is only cited in transactions (and not in participating-org)

Appreciate that this might be a lot of extra effort for not much reward

xriss commented 5 months ago

Perhaps the question is are you interested specifically in participating-org as published data or are you interested in activities that are related to an organisation in some way?

If related then, for example, it might also make sense that any explicit activity references to other activities would also imply a direct relationship to the organisations participating in that related activity?

Also the question becomes, do we start looking all the way up and down relationship trees of organisations and activities to find all related data.

We could create a degree of separation graph ( eg if this activity was Kevin then what would be the Bacon Number of all other activities ) between activities / organisations.

This relationship data is something we can build/use, but we might want to stop thinking of it as using participating-org since that would only be one source of the data.

stevieflow commented 5 months ago

Thanks @xriss

That's really helpful, and a great way to explain it (the seven degrees of IATI data!). I'm going to use that ;)

I think we're two principles:

I don't know where that takes us on this specific issue - maybe we get the current participating-org developments up first of all, and then plan more deeply / widely thereafter

Thanks again