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Doing something about recipient-region pages/filters #682

Open stevieflow opened 4 months ago

stevieflow commented 4 months ago

Follow on from https://github.com/IATI/D-Portal/issues/239 (which is nearly 10 years old!)

(we know that some other publishers use https://codelists.codeforiati.org/RegionM49/ but that can be out of scope on this, right now)

As an addition to d-portal I'd suggest one of the two

The important function is to enable people to find and see activities that have a recipient-region value. Right now, that is not possible


cc/ @IsabelBirds

xriss commented 4 months ago

A slight spanner in the works is when transactions/budgets are split over countries it is exclusive. This is also true of regions, however is is not true of a mix of countries and regions. This was the main problem we originally raised and why it did not happen.

So if you ask for region A and country B it is possible for a single activity to allocate all of its money to region A and country B creating an obvious double accounting problem.

xriss commented 4 months ago

Ahh, looks like I might be out of date and it is now intended for region+country to add up to 100%

The simplest "hack" would be to add regions to the country code list, and maybe stop referring to it as countries.

stevieflow commented 4 months ago

Thanks @xriss

The IATI schema changed in 2.0x ( I think - can double check --> but I think that's metioned in https://github.com/IATI/D-Portal/issues/239_ so that recipient-country+region in any activity should add to 100%

Of course, that's not always followed - but can be filed with all other validation issues

@isabelbirds - I think there are specific rules where recipient-country+region do not sum to 100%, which are then surfaced in the validator?

xriss commented 4 months ago

I think we are good at assuming country+region add up to 100% but this is going to involve changing how non explicit transactions are split and I'm not sure its easy to do in a way that can be previewed since it is a major change to how the database is built. I will have to redo the transaction splitting code at import time and probably clean up the logic as it is currently rather overly complex.

So this will be a change ( to the calculated numbers ) when we push it live with no easy way to preview. Obviously I will keep it to a minimum and try not to break old country code but it will involve a slightly scary backend change.

@notshi suggestion is to rename countries to recipients which can then also include regions. Shall we go ahead and make that UI change behind the test flag?

stevieflow commented 4 months ago

Thanks @xriss @notshi - understood

suggestion is to rename countries to recipients which can then also include regions.

There's a risk then that people might think this is actual recipients, as in organisations / receiver-org --> if needs, then rename to "Country/Region"?


IsabelBirds commented 4 months ago

At the activity level- "Percentage values for recipient countries or regions, must add up to 100%." https://github.com/IATI/validator-rule-tracker/blob/e49edd0b4d78446581918595c90ecb3348925ca4/rulesets.csv

At the transaction level - both region and country say "This element must occur no more than once (within each parent element)." But this is not in the validator. https://iatistandard.org/en/iati-standard/203/activity-standard/iati-activities/iati-activity/transaction/recipient-region/