IATI / IATI-Codelists-NonEmbedded

IATI Codelists that are 'non-functional' and usually provide lookup information.
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Codes to be added for Austria #389

Closed DaveEade49 closed 1 year ago

DaveEade49 commented 1 year ago

For some reason the codes for Austria as defined by Org-Id are not present in the code list. We need to add in the two below:

Austrian Central Register of Associations (AT-ZVR) The central register of associations contains information about associations that have been established and formed under Austrian law 1. They are identified by their official registration number, their ZVR-Zahl. Anyone can use the Central Register of Associations (ZVR) to search for an association, using its ZVR number, its name, or part of its name. A summary extract of the association is returned as a PDF. Additional details of an association can be requested where there is legitimate interest.

Austria Company Register (AT-FB) Available only in German. Access can be obtained by using services of special companies like http://www.advokat.at/Advokat-Online/Module/Firmenbuch.aspx that are entitled to provide it (for full list see https://www.justiz.gv.at/web2013/html/default/2c9484852308c2a601240b693e1c0860

It does look like the codelist is out of sync with download from Org-Id which is found on their webpages, I also notice that the download from the the webpage [https://iatistandard.org/en/iati-standard/203/codelists/organisationregistrationagency/] doesn't seem to work either.

Severity High

Issue Location https://iatistandard.org/en/iati-standard/203/codelists/organisationregistrationagency/

akmiller01 commented 1 year ago

@DaveEade49 we haven't updated this codelist in 4 years. Per the documentation:

As of 17 July 2017 this list is maintained by the org-id.guide project.
IATI periodically replicates the codelist of identifier sources from org-id.guide, to assist those accessing IATI documentation. However, it is advised that the most up-to-date source is the [org-id.guide project](http://org-id.guide/).

If we want to update it now, we can. But it's not really a priority.

DaveEade49 commented 1 year ago

@akmiller01 ah, ok - the downside of this is the IATI Publisher uses the codelists for populating the dropdowns within the tool.

What I will do is get the YI team to use the Org-Id downloads for this field rather than the IATI Standard codelist.

DaveEade49 commented 1 year ago

close off as we have added all codes to IATI PUblisher tool.