IATI / IATI-Schemas

Schema development for the International Aid Transparency Initiative.
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link to Org guidance #97

Open stevieflow opened 10 years ago

stevieflow commented 10 years ago

These schema descriptions need to link to Org ID guidance:





In ''transaction``:


caprenter commented 10 years ago

I think we need to think about this.

One option might be to include the link in Extra Documentation rather than in the schema definition.

There is talk about removing some URLs from the schema.

I don't think this is necessary for the 1.04 milestone, but should be resolved soon afterwards, so bumping to After 1.04 milestone.

bill-anderson commented 10 years ago

I would stick to validation / rule set descriptions in the schema and link to Extra Documentation for a full explanation and guidance

stevieflow commented 10 years ago

@Bjwebb in 1.04 - did this get resolved via all URLs for this being changed to http://iatistandard.org/org-ref ?

Bjwebb commented 10 years ago

No, I only removed the URLs suggesting codes should be on the organisation identifiers "codelist"