ADES implementation based on a master XML file
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Converting xml to obs80 -- roving observer coordinates #39

Closed margaret-pan closed 7 months ago

margaret-pan commented 7 months ago

I was using xmltompc80col.py to convert ADES xml to what becomes 2-line observations in the 80-col format, and it looks like there's an issue when the xml has observatory coordinates with extra precision. It seems these are not truncated during the conversion to 80-col, so that for example

<optical> <trkSub>MYDESIG</trkSub> <mode>CMO</mode> <stn>246</stn> <sys>ICRF_AU</sys> <ctr>10</ctr> <pos1>-0.6341405090</pos1> <pos2>0.6812469710</pos2> <pos3>0.2952090970</pos3> <obsTime>2024-01-31T12:48:41.616Z</obsTime> <ra>21.63341</ra> <dec>-30.11656</dec> <rmsRA>0.6361</rmsRA> <rmsDec>0.5936</rmsDec> <rmsCorr>-0.0836</rmsCorr> <astCat>Gaia3</astCat> <remarks>this is a test</remarks> </optical>


MYDESIG S2024 01 31.53381501 26 32.018-30 06 59.62 W 246 MYDESIG s2024 01 31.5338152 -0.6341405090 +0.6812469710 +0.2952090970 246

with an extra long 2nd line.

I've attached a sample xml with the above, and the obs80 output from xmltompc80col.py (Github forced me to add .txt as extension).

testxml.obs.txt test.xml.txt

stevechesley commented 7 months ago

This should be fixed. See notes on PR #40.

margaret-pan commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the clarification and the change!