IAmSuyogJadhav / 3d-mri-brain-tumor-segmentation-using-autoencoder-regularization

Keras implementation of the paper "3D MRI brain tumor segmentation using autoencoder regularization" by Myronenko A. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11654).
MIT License
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VAE should have one layer less #60

Open alexrakowski opened 3 years ago

alexrakowski commented 3 years ago

The Dense layers Dec_VAE_VDraw_Mean and Dec_VAE_VDraw_Var should just be Identity layers taking the first and last 128 outputs of Dec_VAE_VD_Dense, as per section 3.3 of the paper:

"Starting from the encoder endpoint output, we first reduce the input to a low dimensional space of 256 (128 to represent mean, and 128 to represent std). Then, a sample is drawn from the Gaussian distribution with the given mean and std (...)".

Right now there is an additional linear 256x128 mapping between the low-dim. space and both mu and sigma.