An adaptive and distributed-memory parallel implementation of the immersed boundary (IB) method
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Convert all gtest tests into new-style tests #569

Closed drwells closed 4 years ago

drwells commented 5 years ago

Now that the new test suite is off the ground its time to start working on this: we should convert all tests that run in a minute or less to new-style tests. We can reproduce the assertions by writing the values to plog.

A lot of gtest tests simply check that the program completes successfully. We should check that the output for those tests hasn't changed recently and then convert them into new-style tests by, e.g., changing calls to pout to calls to plog.

IBTK tests

advection-diffusion tests

advection tests

CIBFE tests

CIBFEMethod is not implemented yet: see #721.

ConstraintIB tests

As many of the examples as can be reasonably converted, though none of these presently record output.

IB tests

IBFE tests

level_set tests

Any tests that run quickly.

multiphase_flow tests

Any tests that run quickly; see #288.

navier-stokes tests

Finally, after all this is done:

drwells commented 5 years ago

Once this is done we should go back and merge ex_main.cpp and example.cpp back together.

drwells commented 5 years ago

We got close to finishing this, but its ultimately not a high priority item, so this got moved to 0.6.