IBBM / Cascaded-FCN

Source code for the MICCAI 2016 Paper "Automatic Liver and Lesion Segmentation in CT Using Cascaded Fully Convolutional NeuralNetworks and 3D Conditional Random Fields"
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Pretrained TensorFlow Models #25

Closed zakizhou closed 6 years ago

zakizhou commented 6 years ago

Can you provide the pre-trained tensorflow model(including graph and ckpt) for us? Training from scratch really takes a lot of time and need gpus with big memory. Thank you very much!

alizeshana commented 6 years ago

Do let me know if you get it.

zakizhou commented 6 years ago

@alizeshana I forked that tensorflow-implementation branch and successfully started the training but then I got memory error because I only have one gtx 1060 6G card. If you have more powerful gpus maybe you can train it yourself

alizeshana commented 6 years ago

@zakizhou I am facing the same issue on my gtx 740M 2GB. :p

Do let me know if you find the trained model.

mohamed-ezz commented 6 years ago

I think it's not very hard to convert the .caffeweights provided in this repo to a Keras .hdf5.

This is roughly how I would do it :

  1. Define the same network in Keras (this may be the most time consuming). Make sure there are no implementation differences for any of the layers between Caffe and Keras.
  2. A script Loads the .caffeweights and prototxt using caffe python library
  3. Compile the keras architecture
  4. Use keras's model.layers[i].set_weights(caffeweights), while figuring out any reshaping needed. Do this for every layer.
  5. Save Keras's model as .hdf5 model.save_weights(...)
mohamed-ezz commented 6 years ago

If you manage to do this, I would appreciate sharing your work with others by submitting a PR with the Tensorflow/Keras weights.