Contains an implementation (sklearn API) of the algorithm proposed in "GENDIS: GEnetic DIscovery of Shapelets" and code to reproduce all experiments.
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Data inputs for univariate time series #18

Closed aron-alarik closed 2 years ago

aron-alarik commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have a univariate time series with time stamps as a starting point and a target variable array. Not sure how you are processing the data input in the example provided, what are you expecting as Data input into GENDIS. Thanks !!

GillesVandewiele commented 2 years ago


A N x M data matrix and label vector of size N, with N the number of time series and M the time series length.

aron-alarik commented 2 years ago

ahaa !! so if I have 2 time series of length 500 each, the input np array becomes (2, 500), and the target label is just 2. let me try this and get back !! thanks a zillion