IBDecodable / IBLinter

A linter tool for Interface Builder
MIT License
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Migrate to homebrew-core #140

Closed kateinoigakukun closed 4 years ago

kateinoigakukun commented 4 years ago

Migrate IBDecodable/homebrew-tap tap to homebrew/homebrew-core for maintainability of bottle distribution.

Now, we distributed bottle through CI but it's hard to maintain that script 😢 In Homebrew/homebrew-core, there is a automated bot @BrewTestBot which distributes bottles of multiple OS versions. So I decided to move IBLinter formula into homebrew-core.

PR to add formula for homebrew-core

Migration plan

ref: https://docs.brew.sh/Migrating-A-Formula-To-A-Tap

  1. [x] Put latest stable iblinter.rb tagged by 0.4.21 into homebrew-core
  2. [x] Put tap_migrations.json in IBDecodable/homebrew-tap and archive that repo
  3. [x] Merge this PR