Closed HonzaMac closed 3 years ago
FYI: There could be similar approach for custom swiftLint rule:
included: ".*.swift"
name: "Prefer Dynamic fonts"
message: "Please use dynamic preferred font styles instead of static system fonts"
regex: '\.(italic|bold|monospaced|monospacedDigit)?[sS]ystemFont\('
severity: warning
I don't need it anymore.
In our code base, we would like to encourage developers to use Dynamic Fonts (change size based on user preference).
This can be found in xib file as node:
<fontDescription key="fontDescription" type="system" pointSize="15"/>
can be replace by<fontDescription key="fontDescription" style="UICTFontTextStyleSubhead"/>
Basically, when xib contains
we should encourage to use Defined dynamic font size instead.Does it make sense for IBLinter?