IBDecodable / IBLinter

A linter tool for Interface Builder
MIT License
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add reporting in XML checkstyle format #90

Closed nysander closed 5 years ago

nysander commented 5 years ago

as this project is inspired by Swiftlint - it could be easily integrated into Jenkins CI with Warnings NG Plugin when using checkstyle XML report export.

Is it possible to add this to IBLinter?

kateinoigakukun commented 5 years ago

@nysander Yes, it's possible! I don't know warning ng plugin well. So if you have a time, would you implement CheckstyleReporter in IBLinterKit? It just to implement like JSONReporter.swift and add swich case in https://github.com/IBDecodable/IBLinter/blob/master/Sources/IBLinterKit/Reporters/Reporter.swift#L16-L26

Please ask me anything!

nysander commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit newbe in swift world so I am not sure if I manage to do it. I will look at swiftlint sources if this can be aplied some way here

nysander commented 5 years ago


nysander commented 5 years ago

@kateinoigakukun just little report. 2 days ago new version of Jenkins' Warnings NG plugin was released and today I've made first test ... result below :)

Happy to have your linter in my setup
