IBM-Blockchain-Archive / SDK-Demo

Sample Node.js program to demonstrate the HFC SDK APIs interacting with Starter and High Security Bluemix networks
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Unable to retrieve TCert from Bluemix #4

Open techteamkyck opened 8 years ago

techteamkyck commented 8 years ago


  1. We ran our code with hfc@0.6.0 as Bluemix recommendations. We have enabled the TLS services via the membership.yml, we include this:

tls: certfile: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.cert" keyfile: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.priv"

and in core.yml we include this:

pki: eca: paddr: localhost:50051 tca: paddr: localhost:50051 tlsca: paddr: localhost:50051 tls: enabled: true rootcert: file: "/var/hyperledger/production/.membersrvc/tlsca.cert"

  1. We deployed the code onto bluemix.
  1. We then ran a query operation but we are getting these errors:

    hfc shouldGetTCerts: yes, we have no tcerts +1ms E1102 20:46:27.858910000 123145370996736 handshake.c:128] Security handshake failed: {"created":"@1478090787.858892000","description":"Handshake read failed","file":"../src/core/lib/security/transport/handshake.c","file_line":237,"referenced_errors":[{"created":"@1478090787.858890000","description":"EOF","file":"../src/core/lib/iomgr/tcp_posix.c","file_line":235}]} hfc Failed getting a new TCert [Error] +598ms error: [SDK] error on query: {"error":{"code":14,"metadata":{"_internal_repr":{}}},"msg":"Error"} error: { error: { code: 14, metadata: { _internal_repr: {} } },

  2. We are not sure why we are not getting tcerts. Where should the tcerts be coming from.

masterDev1985 commented 8 years ago

TCerts come from the membership service. However, I don't understand why membersrvc.yml and core.yml are being deployed "onto Bluemix". The Bluemix service gives you a set of 4 peers and a membership service that are already configured. You can't upload new configurations to these peers. I don't think I understand the environment you're describing.

techteamkyck commented 8 years ago

Hi we had issues with handshaking initially. So we read the bluemix sdk help and it told us to change the membership and core ymls to enable tls.

We then deployed the yml files as part of the chaincode deployment to Bluemix blockchain services. But we are still getting the error above.

ratnakar-asara commented 8 years ago

@techteamkyck can you please try again with latest changes from this repository. main differences are :

kumar-b5 commented 7 years ago

I am trying to run this locally using docker with 4 peers. How can I generate ServiceCredentials.json for my local peers ? and what would be the file contents when running locally ?