IBM-Blockchain-Archive / car-lease-demo

A demonstration using IBM Blockchain to show how the lifecycle of vehicles can be recorded on a blockchain
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infinite "Just finalizing set up. Please wait..." on the main page post-deployment #87

Open NicolasMas opened 7 years ago

NicolasMas commented 7 years ago is stuck forever.

mrshah-at-ibm commented 7 years ago

Can you post peer logs from peer 1 to get more details?

charliezhao commented 7 years ago

OUT - 04:30:57.730 [rest] processChaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> ERRO 04f Error when querying chaincode: Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction for d8c51212ebfd9ee99a277112160ab30f415b753cd1b07181406f6316f364aadb8a08e1a16ad1a18fac7ed530501776efc464def9f6bb95b2cbac9f2c5fa0dab0 - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found) OUT - 04:30:57.730 [rest] ProcessChaincode -> INFO 050 REST successfully query chaincode: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32003,"message":"Query failure","data":"Error when querying chaincode: Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction for d8c51212ebfd9ee99a277112160ab30f415b753cd1b07181406f6316f364aadb8a08e1a16ad1a18fac7ed530501776efc464def9f6bb95b2cbac9f2c5fa0dab0 - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found)"},"id":1484109057048} OUT - 04:30:57.730 [crypto] InitClient -> INFO 051 Initializing client [dashboarduser_type1_2]... OUT - 04:30:57.819 [crypto] InitClient -> INFO 052 Initializing client [dashboarduser_type1_2]...done! OUT - 04:30:57.819 [crypto] closeClientInternal -> INFO 053 Closing client [dashboarduser_type1_2]... OUT - 04:30:57.825 [rest] processChaincodeInvokeOrQuery -> ERRO 054 Error when querying chaincode: Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction for dfc74e1d2544612828ec99295946a9e352ce689668b0f5c9a4eb587b4858ca2812c0bddd171004b09acf9ea0c1d0f55ddd410ad5856a5189c291cc9cc957f018 - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found) OUT - 04:30:57.825 [rest] ProcessChaincode -> INFO 055 REST successfully query chaincode: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32003,"message":"Query failure","data":"Error when querying chaincode: Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction for dfc74e1d2544612828ec99295946a9e352ce689668b0f5c9a4eb587b4858ca2812c0bddd171004b09acf9ea0c1d0f55ddd410ad5856a5189c291cc9cc957f018 - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found)"},"id":1484109057044}

charliezhao commented 7 years ago

same problem as NicolasMas reported. See logs above.

NicolasMas commented 7 years ago

Here you go, @mrshah-at-ibm

OUT - Enrollment secret is not passed calculating the default
OUT - 2017-01-06 15:38:55,780 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file)
OUT - 2017-01-06 15:38:55,782 INFO supervisord started with pid 14
OUT - 2017-01-06 15:38:56,784 INFO spawned: 'start_peer' with pid 17
OUT - 15:38:56.826 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Security enabled status: true
OUT - 15:38:56.827 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 002 Privacy enabled status: false
OUT - 15:38:56.827 [db] open -> INFO 003 Setting rocksdb maxLogFileSize to 10485760
OUT - 15:38:56.827 [db] open -> INFO 004 Setting rocksdb keepLogFileNum to 10
OUT - 15:38:56.833 [eventhub_producer] start -> INFO 005 event processor started
OUT - 15:38:56.833 [crypto] RegisterValidator -> INFO 006 Registering validator [peer0] with name [peer0]...
OUT - 15:38:57.048 [crypto] RegisterValidator -> INFO 007 Registering validator [peer0] with name [peer0]...done!
OUT - 15:38:57.048 [crypto] InitValidator -> INFO 008 Initializing validator [peer0]...
OUT - 15:38:57.052 [crypto] InitValidator -> INFO 009 Initializing validator [peer0]...done!
OUT - 15:38:57.052 [chaincode] NewChaincodeSupport -> INFO 00a Chaincode support using peerAddress:
OUT - 15:38:57.052 [sysccapi] RegisterSysCC -> WARN 00b Currently system chaincode does support security(noop,
OUT - 15:38:57.052 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 00c Loading configurations...
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 00d Configurations loaded. stateImplName=[buckettree], stateImplConfigs=map[numBuckets:%!s(int=1000003) maxGroupingAtEachLevel:%!s(int=5) bucketCacheSize:%!s(int=100)], deltaHistorySize=[500]
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [state] NewState -> INFO 00e Initializing state implementation [buckettree]
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 00f configs passed during initialization = map[string]interface {}{"numBuckets":1000003, "maxGroupingAtEachLevel":5, "bucketCacheSize":100}
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 010 Initializing bucket tree state implemetation with configurations &{maxGroupingAtEachLevel:5 lowestLevel:9 levelToNumBucketsMap:map[0:1 8:200001 6:8001 5:1601 3:65 1:3 2:13 4:321 7:40001 9:1000003] hashFunc:0xab4dc0}
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [buckettree] newBucketCache -> INFO 011 Constructing bucket-cache with max bucket cache size = [100] MBs
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [buckettree] loadAllBucketNodesFromDB -> INFO 012 Loaded buckets data in cache. Total buckets in DB = [0]. Total cache size:=0
OUT - 15:38:57.053 [genesis] func1 -> INFO 013 Creating genesis block.
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/controller] NewConsenter -> INFO 014 Creating consensus plugin pbft
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 015 PBFT type = *pbft.obcBatch
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 016 PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = 4
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 017 PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = 1
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 018 PBFT byzantine flag = false
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 019 PBFT request timeout = 30s
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01a PBFT view change timeout = 30s
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01b PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = 10
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01c PBFT broadcast timeout = 1s
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01d PBFT Log multiplier = 4
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01e PBFT log size (L) = 40
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01f PBFT null requests disabled
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 020 PBFT automatic view change disabled
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] restoreLastSeqNo -> INFO 021 Replica 0 restored lastExec: 0
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] restoreState -> INFO 022 Replica 0 restored state: view: 0, seqNo: 0, pset: 0, qset: 0, reqBatches: 0, chkpts: 1 h: 0
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newObcBatch -> INFO 023 PBFT Batch size = 1000
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/pbft] newObcBatch -> INFO 024 PBFT Batch timeout = 1s
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 025 Starting peer with ID=name:"vp0" , network ID=fd0e204705fc44608136693d1379a733,,,,, validator=true
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/statetransfer] blockThread -> INFO 026 Validated blockchain to the genesis block
OUT - 15:38:57.054 [consensus/statetransfer] SyncToTarget -> INFO 027 Syncing to target 46b9dd2b0ba88d13233b3feb743eeb243fcd52ea62b81b82b50c27646ed5762fd75dc4ddd8c0f200cb05019d67b592f6fc821c49479ab48640292eacb3b7c4be for block number 0 with peers []
OUT - 15:38:57.055 [consensus/statetransfer] blockThread -> INFO 028 Validated blockchain to the genesis block
OUT - 15:38:57.055 [consensus/pbft] ProcessEvent -> INFO 029 Replica 0 application caught up via state transfer, lastExec now 0
OUT - 15:38:57.055 [rest] StartOpenchainRESTServer -> INFO 02a Initializing the REST service on, TLS is enabled.
OUT - 15:38:57.135 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 02b Error during Chat, stopping handler: rpc error: code = 9 desc = transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"
OUT - 15:38:57.135 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 02c Ending Chat with peer address due to error: Error during Chat, stopping handler: rpc error: code = 9 desc = transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"
OUT - 15:38:58.363 [peer] handleChat -> ERRO 02d Error during Chat, stopping handler: rpc error: code = 9 desc = transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"
OUT - 15:38:58.363 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 02e Ending Chat with peer address due to error: Error during Chat, stopping handler: rpc error: code = 9 desc = transport: received the unexpected content-type "text/html"
OUT - 15:39:00.056 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 02f Error creating connection to peer address grpc: timed out when dialing
OUT - 2017-01-06 15:39:12,069 INFO success: start_peer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 15 seconds (startsecs)
OUT - 2017/01/06 15:42:02 transport: http2Client.notifyError got notified that the client transport was broken read tcp> read: connection reset by peer.
OUT - 2017/01/06 15:42:03 transport: http2Client.notifyError got notified that the client transport was broken read tcp> read: connection reset by peer.
OUT - 19:42:47.041 [consensus/pbft] ProcessEvent -> INFO 030 Replica 0 batch timer expired
OUT - 19:42:47.041 [consensus/pbft] sendBatch -> INFO 031 Creating batch with 1 requests
OUT - 19:42:47.245 [consensus/pbft] executeOne -> INFO 032 Replica 0 executing/committing request batch for view=0/seqNo=1 and digest M8VB05WI0H0ccynrfOWOQRtGpXHc1MRzfSBk+nm4wnMeuZSz0g9wmtt4VMPnZTNKH6j6ACEIQraHCrcGkpKwyQ==
OUT - 19:42:58.419 [consensus/pbft] execDoneSync -> INFO 033 Replica 0 finished execution 1, trying next```
NicolasMas commented 7 years ago

From the Client App logs:

APP/0ERROR  Startup OUTPUT: "Failed to enroll registrar with WebAppAdmin 34840e66db"Jan 11, 2017 3:39:17 PM
APP/0{ Error: Identity or token does not match.Jan 11, 2017 3:39:17 PM
APP/0 at /home/vcap/app/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:417:17 code: 2, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }Jan 11, 2017 3:39:17 PM
APP/0ERROR  Startup OUTPUT: {"code":2,"metadata":{"_internal_repr":{}}}Jan 11, 2017 3:39:17 PM```
charliezhao commented 7 years ago

For once, I was able to click a button on car-lease demo page. But after that, "Just finalizing set up. Please wait..." showed up again and for ever.

charliezhao commented 7 years ago

FYI, if it matters, the memory was set to this demo app is 1024 MB.

charliezhao commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-01-11 at 3 19 52 pm
mrshah-at-ibm commented 7 years ago

From the peer logs, I see that the peer couldn't connect to another peer for sometime, but that was recovered.

I see that there are no transactions on the peer. So the deploy transaction didn't make it. Maybe this is not the complete log. If it is the complete log, no transactions made it to the peeer.

charliezhao commented 7 years ago

There was no transactions or any activities because the demo page cannot be accessed at all which is due to the infinite wait on the web page.

tonykambo commented 7 years ago

How long is the "Just finalizing set up.." supposed to last for? I've been sitting on that screen for 10 minutes. I restarted the application and get the same thing. I deployed this to Bluemix following the instructions in this lab.

Here is my Peer 1 log:

OUT - /scripts/ -network_id a5b99d36f81d4c95b133ce9641ba9249 -peer_id vp1 -chaincode_host -chaincode_port 3381 -network_name -port_discovery 30004 -port_rest 5004 -port_event 31004 -peer_enrollid peer1 -chaincode_tls true -peer_tls true -num_peers 4 OUT - Enrollment secret is not passed calculating the default OUT - CORE_PEER_ID="vp1",CORE_PEER_NETWORKID="a5b99d36f81d4c95b133ce9641ba9249",CORE_PEER_ADDRESSAUTODETECT="false",CORE_PEER_LISTENADDRESS="",CORE_REST_ADDRESS="",CORE_CLI_ADDRESS="",CORE_PEER_VALIDATOR_EVENTS_ADDRESS="",CORE_PEER_ADDRESS="",CORE_LOGGING_PEER="warning",CORE_LOGGING_CRYPTO="warning",CORE_LOGGING_STATUS="warning",CORE_LOGGING_STOP="warning",CORE_LOGGING_LOGIN="warning",CORE_LOGGING_VM="debug",CORE_LOGGING_CHAINCODE="debug",CORE_PEER_LOGGING_LEVEL="warning",CORE_VM_ENDPOINT="tcp://",CORE_VM_DOCKER_TLS_ENABLED="true",CORE_VM_DOCKER_TLS_CERT_FILE="/certs/chaincode_host/cert.pem",CORE_VM_DOCKER_TLS_KEY_FILE="/certs/chaincode_host/key.pem",CORE_VM_DOCKER_TLS_CA_FILE="/certs/chaincode_host/ca.pem",CORE_VM_DOCKER_HOSTCONFIG_NETWORKMODE="",CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED="true",CORE_PEER_TLS_CERT_FILE="/certs/peer/cert.pem",CORE_PEER_TLS_KEY_FILE="/certs/peer/key.pem",CORE_PEER_TLS_SERVERHOSTOVERRIDE="",CORE_PEER_PKI_TLS_ENABLED="true",CORE_PEER_PKI_TLS_ROOTCERT_FILE="/certs/peer/cert.pem",CORE_PEER_PKI_TLS_SERVERHOSTOVERRIDE="",CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_PERIOD="60s",CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_TOUCHPERIOD="60s",CORE_CHAINCODE_DEPLOYTIMEOUT="180000",CORE_CHAINCODE_STARTUPTIMEOUT="30000",CORE_PEER_VALIDATOR_CONSENSUS_PLUGIN="pbft",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_MODE="batch",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_BATCHSIZE="1000",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_TIMEOUT_BATCH="1s",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_TIMEOUT_REQUEST="30s",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_TIMEOUT_VIEWCHANGE="30s",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_TIMEOUT_RESENDVIEWCHANGE="30s",CORE_PBFT_GENERAL_TIMEOUT_NULLREQUEST="0s",CORE_STATETRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SINGLEBLOCK="600s",CORE_STATETRANSFER_TIMEOUT_SINGLESTATEDELTA="600s",CORE_STATETRANSFER_TIMEOUT_FULLSTATE="600s",CORE_PEER_DISCOVERY_ROOTNODE=",,",CORE_SECURITY_ENABLED="true",CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLID="peer1",CORE_SECURITY_ENROLLSECRET="6a216f116c",CORE_PEER_PKI_ECA_PADDR="",CORE_PEER_PKI_TCA_PADDR="",CORE_PEER_PKI_TLSCA_PADDR="" OUT - 2017-01-18 13:42:03,085 CRIT Supervisor running as root (no user in config file) OUT - 2017-01-18 13:42:03,089 INFO supervisord started with pid 14 OUT - 2017-01-18 13:42:04,091 INFO spawned: 'start_peer' with pid 17 OUT - 13:42:04.136 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Security enabled status: true OUT - 13:42:04.136 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 002 Privacy enabled status: false OUT - 13:42:04.136 [eventhub_producer] start -> INFO 003 event processor started OUT - 13:42:04.136 [db] open -> INFO 004 Setting rocksdb maxLogFileSize to 10485760 OUT - 13:42:04.136 [db] open -> INFO 005 Setting rocksdb keepLogFileNum to 10 OUT - 13:42:04.143 [crypto] RegisterValidator -> INFO 006 Registering validator [peer1] with name [peer1]... OUT - 13:42:04.378 [crypto] RegisterValidator -> INFO 007 Registering validator [peer1] with name [peer1]...done! OUT - 13:42:04.378 [crypto] InitValidator -> INFO 008 Initializing validator [peer1]... OUT - 13:42:04.384 [crypto] InitValidator -> INFO 009 Initializing validator [peer1]...done! OUT - 13:42:04.384 [chaincode] NewChaincodeSupport -> INFO 00a Chaincode support using peerAddress: OUT - 13:42:04.384 [sysccapi] RegisterSysCC -> WARN 00b Currently system chaincode does support security(noop, OUT - 13:42:04.384 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 00c Loading configurations... OUT - 13:42:04.384 [state] loadConfig -> INFO 00d Configurations loaded. stateImplName=[buckettree], stateImplConfigs=map[maxGroupingAtEachLevel:%!s(int=5) bucketCacheSize:%!s(int=100) numBuckets:%!s(int=1000003)], deltaHistorySize=[500] OUT - 13:42:04.384 [state] NewState -> INFO 00e Initializing state implementation [buckettree] OUT - 13:42:04.384 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 00f configs passed during initialization = map[string]interface {}{"numBuckets":1000003, "maxGroupingAtEachLevel":5, "bucketCacheSize":100} OUT - 13:42:04.384 [buckettree] initConfig -> INFO 010 Initializing bucket tree state implemetation with configurations &{maxGroupingAtEachLevel:5 lowestLevel:9 levelToNumBucketsMap:map[6:8001 0:1 9:1000003 8:200001 5:1601 7:40001 3:65 4:321 2:13 1:3] hashFunc:0xab4dc0} OUT - 13:42:04.384 [buckettree] newBucketCache -> INFO 011 Constructing bucket-cache with max bucket cache size = [100] MBs OUT - 13:42:04.384 [buckettree] loadAllBucketNodesFromDB -> INFO 012 Loaded buckets data in cache. Total buckets in DB = [0]. Total cache size:=0 OUT - 13:42:04.384 [genesis] func1 -> INFO 013 Creating genesis block. OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/controller] NewConsenter -> INFO 014 Creating consensus plugin pbft OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 015 PBFT type = *pbft.obcBatch OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 016 PBFT Max number of validating peers (N) = 4 OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 017 PBFT Max number of failing peers (f) = 1 OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 018 PBFT byzantine flag = false OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 019 PBFT request timeout = 30s OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01a PBFT view change timeout = 30s OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01b PBFT Checkpoint period (K) = 10 OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01c PBFT broadcast timeout = 1s OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01d PBFT Log multiplier = 4 OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01e PBFT log size (L) = 40 OUT - 13:42:04.385 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 01f PBFT null requests disabled OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] newPbftCore -> INFO 020 PBFT automatic view change disabled OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] restoreLastSeqNo -> INFO 021 Replica 1 restored lastExec: 0 OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] restoreState -> INFO 022 Replica 1 restored state: view: 0, seqNo: 0, pset: 0, qset: 0, reqBatches: 0, chkpts: 1 h: 0 OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] newObcBatch -> INFO 023 PBFT Batch size = 1000 OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] newObcBatch -> INFO 024 PBFT Batch timeout = 1s OUT - 13:42:04.386 [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 025 Starting peer with ID=name:"vp1" , network ID=a5b99d36f81d4c95b133ce9641ba9249,,,,, validator=true OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/statetransfer] blockThread -> INFO 026 Validated blockchain to the genesis block OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/statetransfer] SyncToTarget -> INFO 027 Syncing to target 46b9dd2b0ba88d13233b3feb743eeb243fcd52ea62b81b82b50c27646ed5762fd75dc4ddd8c0f200cb05019d67b592f6fc821c49479ab48640292eacb3b7c4be for block number 0 with peers [] OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/statetransfer] blockThread -> INFO 028 Validated blockchain to the genesis block OUT - 13:42:04.386 [consensus/pbft] ProcessEvent -> INFO 029 Replica 1 application caught up via state transfer, lastExec now 0 OUT - 13:42:04.390 [rest] StartOpenchainRESTServer -> INFO 02a Initializing the REST service on, TLS is enabled. OUT - 13:42:07.387 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 02b Error creating connection to peer address grpc: timed out when dialing OUT - 13:42:07.389 [peer] chatWithPeer -> ERRO 02c Error creating connection to peer address grpc: timed out when dialing OUT - 2017-01-18 13:42:19,400 INFO success: start_peer entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 15 seconds (startsecs)

I notice the following entries repeating in the Bluemix application log:

APP/0EXIT GET blockchain/blocks OUTPUT: {"height":1,"currentBlockHash":"RrndKwuojRMjOz/rdD7rJD/NUupiuBuCtQwnZG7Vdi/XXcTd2MDyAMsFAZ1ntZL2/IIcSUeatIZAKS6ss7fEvg=="}Jan 19, 2017 5:40:58 PM APP/0ENTER GET blockchain/blocks INPUT: ""Jan 19, 2017 5:41:04 PM APP/0EXIT GET blockchain/blocks OUTPUT: {"height":1,"currentBlockHash":"RrndKwuojRMjOz/rdD7rJD/NUupiuBuCtQwnZG7Vdi/XXcTd2MDyAMsFAZ1ntZL2/IIcSUeatIZAKS6ss7fEvg=="}Jan 19, 2017 5:41:04 PM APP/0ENTER GET blockchain/blocks INPUT: ""Jan 19, 2017 5:41:10 PM APP/0EXIT GET blockchain/blocks OUTPUT: {"height":1,"currentBlockHash":"RrndKwuojRMjOz/rdD7rJD/NUupiuBuCtQwnZG7Vdi/XXcTd2MDyAMsFAZ1ntZL2/IIcSUeatIZAKS6ss7fEvg=="}Jan 19, 2017 5:41:10 PM APP/0ENTER GET blockchain/blocks INPUT: ""Jan 19, 2017 5:41:16 PM APP/0EXIT GET blockchain/blocks OUTPUT: {"height":1,"currentBlockHash":"RrndKwuojRMjOz/rdD7rJD/NUupiuBuCtQwnZG7Vdi/XXcTd2MDyAMsFAZ1ntZL2/IIcSUeatIZAKS6ss7fEvg=="}

liam-grace commented 7 years ago

The 'Just finalizing set up..' message should no longer appear if there is a problem with the deployment. Instead you will see a red error message