IBM-Blockchain-Archive / car-lease-demo

A demonstration using IBM Blockchain to show how the lifecycle of vehicles can be recorded on a blockchain
170 stars 304 forks source link issue - calls apt-get on RHEL #98

Closed xuqingsz closed 7 years ago

xuqingsz commented 7 years ago


I installed all the dependencies on RHEL 6.8 made sure everything runs just fine. Could not get to finish, hence executed it line by line. While it was executing % docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build it runs % apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install netcat

I had netcat installed (yum install nc) but docker-compose went ahead and tried to install anyways. Looks like it doesn't know its on a RHEL, and went ahead and called apt-get.

Am i missing some setup somewhere, to tell docker-compose, or the yml file that I am in RHEL?


mrshah-at-ibm commented 7 years ago

it looks like the apt get is running inside an intermediate ubuntu or debian container. So, it should be okay!

xuqingsz commented 7 years ago

Thanks. You are right. The problem ended up being not having set proxy http in the Dockerfile correctly.

xuqingsz commented 7 years ago

Hi @mrshah-at-ibm,

Could you please point to me the piece of code/settings that defines Linux Distro of intermediate container? I happen to have the need now to run an intermediate RHEL container on an Debian system.

Also to expand from here, would the underlying architecture (x86, ppc, etc) be visible for that container, or apps in that container?


mrshah-at-ibm commented 7 years ago

if you look at the Dockerfile, it says FROM debian:latests or FROM ubuntu:latest. This defines the base image on which your image is built.

yes, the underlying architecture will be visible. You will have to use the ppc, etc base images instead of generic x86 ubuntu images if you are using a different architecture.

Hope it helps.

xuqingsz commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot.