IBM-Blockchain-Archive / fabric-boilerplate

Get up and running quickly with your own blockchain application!
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npm run deploy-bluemix fails #14

Closed KennethNagin closed 7 years ago

KennethNagin commented 7 years ago

After successfully launching the boilerplate locally I attempting deploying the blockcode on bluemix. First I launched a new blockchain service on bluemix. I copied its credential's to the credential.json and updated the manifest.yml. I then ran "npm run deploy-bluemix" but it failed:

error: Error registering and enrolling user john1 error: Error: proto: can't skip unknown wire type 7 for protos.Attribute at /home/nagin/work/src/ error: Error registering and enrolling user jane1 error: Error: proto: can't skip unknown wire type 7 for protos.Attribute at /home/nagin/work/src/ error: uncaughtException: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'logs/logs.log' { date: 'Sun Dec 11 2016 16:00:29 GMT+0200 (IST)', process: { pid: 15347, uid: 1001, gid: 1001, cwd: '/home/nagin/work/src/', execPath: '/usr/local/bin/node', version: 'v6.9.2', argv: [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/home/nagin/work/src/' ], memoryUsage: { rss: 138272768, heapTotal: 88236032, heapUsed: 63126288 } }, os: { loadavg: [ 1.0830078125, 1.052734375, 1.05078125 ], uptime: 14656718 }, trace: [ { column: null, file: null, function: 'Error', line: null, method: null, native: true } ], stack: [ 'Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open \'logs/logs.log\'', ' at Error (native)' ] } info: Deploy results: {"uuid":"54daf459f017d20fc7462163295c5efde3f16e8d1e209150adca084468b455e3","chaincodeID":"54daf459f017d20fc7462163295c5efde3f16e8d1e209150adca084468b455e3","result":"TODO: get actual results; waited 20 seconds and assumed deploy was successful"} info: Saving latest chaincodeID to file

Few a very short time the blockchain was deployed but stopped. But then it disappeared.

czar0 commented 7 years ago

@KennethNagin That should be related to missing certificate (or wrong path). I had a similar one before. Moreover, I think that procedure of deploying is deprecated. In few days a new update should be available on master with some great new features (included a simplified process to deploy on Bluemix and fabric v0.6.1 running). If you want to try it already, you can checkout branch ng1 (it may be unstable).

czar0 commented 7 years ago

Fixed in #13