IBM-Blockchain-Archive / fabric-images

Docker images and Docker Compose files for running the Hyperledger fabric
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 50 forks source link

Incorrect User Name or Password #23

Open radhna opened 7 years ago

radhna commented 7 years ago

Hi, Am running Docker Toolbox on Windows 7. Am getting the following error while starting up the single peer on my laptop..Can anyone help ?

Radhna@ADMINIB-0AQ5PNL MINGW64 ~/blockchain/fabric-images/docker-compose (master) $ docker-compose -f single-peer-ca.yaml up -d Pulling membersrvc (ibmblockchain/fabric-membersrvc:x86_64-0.6.1-preview)... ←[31mERROR←[0m: Get unauthorized: incorrect username or password