IBM-Blockchain-Starter-Kit / build-lib

Common scripts for use in Blockchain build pipelines
Apache License 2.0
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Automatically attach script tar files to releases #36

Closed jt-nti closed 6 years ago

jt-nti commented 6 years ago

As a maintainer, I do not want to manually add script tars to releases

The script tars were added to the v0.1-preview1 test release but this is an error prone process and should be automated as part of the travis builds

jt-nti commented 6 years ago

Command to create blockchain-build-lib.tgz file:

tar --exclude prepare*.sh -C src -cvzf blockchain-build-lib.tgz .

For now, command to create sample-blockchain-build-lib.tgz file (only required until 'sample' platform has been added to new scripts):

tar --exclude --exclude chaincode-pipeline -C scripts -cvzf sample-blockchain-build-lib.tgz .