IBM-Blockchain-Starter-Kit / build-lib

Common scripts for use in Blockchain build pipelines
Apache License 2.0
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CC_VERSION does not work for multi-org deploy #71

Closed jt-nti closed 6 years ago

jt-nti commented 6 years ago

From @taborda

currently the version is CC_VERSION="$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')-${BUILD_NUMBER}" and it is created for each org

The version needs to be the same across all peers but deploy_fabric_chaincode creates a new version which includes a timestamp for each organisation.

It should be possible to fix the immediate problem by creating the version once at the start of the deploy_fabric_chaincode function, however the timestamp and build number will not work in a production scenario where different devops pipelines are likely to be used to deploy the same chaincode in each organisation. That probably needs to be resolved as part of the work for #34