IBM-Blockchain-Starter-Kit / chaincode-bootstrap
Apache License 2.0
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As a developer my scaffolding code should leverage a common library that can be used across multiple chaincode directories #2

Open sanjayravindraibm opened 6 years ago

sanjayravindraibm commented 6 years ago

Create the capability to share a common library that can be used across multiple chaincodes defined under the source directory (each directory under source is a separate chaincode that will be deployed). This includes conventions for folders that should be considered a chaincode component as a opposed to a folder that should be considered a common lib/asset leveraged by the chaincode components.

sanjayravindraibm commented 6 years ago

Comment originally posted by Ricardo: @jorgedr Just fyi, @Yorke-Rhodes-IV and I had short discussion on this issue and discussed [at a high level] conventions we could use to facilitate this. This includes conventions for folders that should be considered a chaincode component as a opposed to a folder that should be considered a common lib/asset leveraged by the chaincode components.