IBM-Blockchain / blockchain-vscode-extension

IBM Blockchain Platform extension for Visual Studio Code (this project is no longer active)
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fabric_runtime does not start due to a docker container going down #1210

Closed ashishchandr70 closed 5 years ago

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

fabric_runtime does not start due to a docker container going down almost as soon as it starts.


The fabric_runtime does not start and I think the issue is with the fabric-peer container going down almost as soon as it is launched.

We have a very locked down environment and our Linux VM has no access to the internet. So, I had to manually copy all of the docker images over. So, this could be a source of the problem. However, I have successfully run the fabric-samples script provided by the HLF Github page. Furthermore, I can manually launch the fabric-peer:1.4.1 container.

Here is a list of the images on the VM:

REPOSITORY                     TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE

hyperledger/fabric-orderer     latest              362021998003        2 weeks ago         173MB

hyperledger/fabric-peer        latest              d79f2f4f3257        2 weeks ago         178MB

hyperledger/fabric-ca          1.4.1               3a1799cda5d7        3 months ago        252MB

hyperledger/fabric-tools       1.4.1               432c24764fbb        3 months ago        1.55GB

hyperledger/fabric-tools       latest              432c24764fbb        3 months ago        1.55GB

hyperledger/fabric-ccenv       1.4.1               d7433c4b2a1c        3 months ago        1.43GB

hyperledger/fabric-ccenv       latest              d7433c4b2a1c        3 months ago        1.43GB

hyperledger/fabric-orderer     1.4.1               ec4ca236d3d4        3 months ago        173MB

hyperledger/fabric-peer        1.4.1               a1e3874f338b        3 months ago        178MB

hyperledger/fabric-javaenv     1.4.1               b8c9d7ff6243        3 months ago        1.74GB

hyperledger/fabric-javaenv     latest              b8c9d7ff6243        3 months ago        1.74GB

hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper   0.4.15              20c6045930c8        4 months ago        1.43GB

hyperledger/fabric-zookeeper   latest              20c6045930c8        4 months ago        1.43GB

hyperledger/fabric-kafka       0.4.15              b4ab82bbaf2f        4 months ago        1.44GB

hyperledger/fabric-kafka       latest              b4ab82bbaf2f        4 months ago        1.44GB

hyperledger/fabric-couchdb     0.4.15              8de128a55539        4 months ago        1.5GB

hyperledger/fabric-couchdb     latest              8de128a55539        4 months ago        1.5GB

hyperledger/fabric-baseos      amd64-0.4.15        9d6ec11c60ff        4 months ago        145MB

hello-world                    latest              fce289e99eb9        7 months ago        1.84kB

gliderlabs/logspout            latest              f9666b7e6ce0        10 months ago       24.4MB

Here is what makes me suspect the peer container (see status column):

$ docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                                         NAMES

51541c14f311        hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.4.1       "peer node start"        5 minutes ago       Exited (2) 5 minutes ago                                        

e3d9bfcbca4b        hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:0.4.15   "tini -- /docker-ent…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes                4369/tcp, 9100/tcp,>5984/tcp   fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb

a6d4162143cb        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.4.1    "orderer"                5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes                7050/tcp,>17051/tcp  

11f78e27d05a        gliderlabs/logspout                 "/bin/logspout"          5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes      >80/tcp                         fabricvscodelocalfabric_logspout

dfcaa15b101b        hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4.1         "sh -c 'fabric-ca-se…"   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes                7054/tcp,>17058/tcp  

Expected Behavior

fabric_runtime should start

Actual Behavior

It does not start - see log file

Possible Fix

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click on start fabric_runtime from within VS Code.

Existing issues



Log File

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] startFabricRuntime

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] # don't rewrite paths for Windows Git Bash users

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] CHANNEL_NAME=mychannel

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] # teardown any existing network

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] ./

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] # Shut down the Docker containers for the system tests.

[8/1/2019 7:23:47 PM] [INFO] docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml kill && docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml down -v

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Removing network fabricvscodelocalfabric_basic

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Network fabricvscodelocalfabric_basic not found.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Removing volume

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Volume not found.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Removing volume

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Volume not found.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Removing volume

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Volume not found.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Removing volume fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Volume fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb not found.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] # remove chaincode docker images

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] (docker ps -aq --filter "name=fabricvscodelocalfabric-*" | xargs docker rm -f) || true

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] "docker rm" requires at least 1 argument.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] See 'docker rm --help'.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Usage:  docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Remove one or more containers

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] (docker images -aq "fabricvscodelocalfabric-*" | xargs docker rmi -f) || true

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] "docker rmi" requires at least 1 argument.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] See 'docker rmi --help'.

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Usage:  docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] Remove one or more images

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] # remove previous crypto material and config transactions

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] rm -fr admin-msp/* configtx/* crypto-config/* wallets/local_fabric_wallet/*

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] # Your system is now clean

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] rm -f generate.complete

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] fix_permissions () {

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO]   docker run --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.4.1 chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) ./configtx ./crypto-config ./admin-msp

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] }

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] # generate crypto material

[8/1/2019 7:23:49 PM] [INFO] docker run --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.4.1 cryptogen generate --config=./crypto-config.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:23:50 PM] [INFO]

[8/1/2019 7:23:50 PM] [INFO] fix_permissions

[8/1/2019 7:23:51 PM] [INFO] # rename the certificate authority private key

[8/1/2019 7:23:51 PM] [INFO] mv ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/*_sk ./crypto-config/peerOrganizations/

[8/1/2019 7:23:51 PM] [INFO] # start the certificate authority

[8/1/2019 7:23:51 PM] [INFO] docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating network "fabricvscodelocalfabric_basic" with the default driver

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating volume "" with default driver

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating volume "" with default driver

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating volume "" with default driver

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating volume "fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb" with default driver

[8/1/2019 7:23:52 PM] [INFO] Creating ...

[8/1/2019 7:23:53 PM] [INFO] Creating ... done

[8/1/2019 7:23:54 PM] [INFO] # enroll the admin identity

[8/1/2019 7:23:54 PM] [INFO] docker run --network fabricvscodelocalfabric_basic --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4.1 fabric-ca-client enroll -u -M /etc/hyperledger/fabric/admin-msp

[8/1/2019 7:23:54 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:54 [INFO] Created a default configuration file at /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-client-config.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:23:54 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:54 [INFO] generating key: &{A:ecdsa S:256}

[8/1/2019 7:23:54 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:54 [INFO] encoded CSR

[8/1/2019 7:23:55 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:55 [INFO] Stored client certificate at /etc/hyperledger/fabric/admin-msp/signcerts/cert.pem

[8/1/2019 7:23:55 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:55 [INFO] Stored root CA certificate at /etc/hyperledger/fabric/admin-msp/cacerts/ca-org1-example-com-17058.pem

[8/1/2019 7:23:55 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:55 [INFO] Stored Issuer public key at /etc/hyperledger/fabric/admin-msp/IssuerPublicKey

[8/1/2019 7:23:55 PM] [INFO] 2019/08/01 23:23:55 [INFO] Stored Issuer revocation public key at /etc/hyperledger/fabric/admin-msp/IssuerRevocationPublicKey

[8/1/2019 7:23:55 PM] [INFO] fix_permissions

[8/1/2019 7:23:56 PM] [INFO] cp -f admin-msp/signcerts/cert.pem crypto-config/peerOrganizations/

[8/1/2019 7:23:56 PM] [INFO] cp -f admin-msp/signcerts/cert.pem crypto-config/peerOrganizations/

[8/1/2019 7:23:56 PM] [INFO] # stop the certificate authority

[8/1/2019 7:23:56 PM] [INFO] docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml stop

[8/1/2019 7:23:57 PM] [INFO] Stopping ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:07 PM] [INFO] Stopping ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:07 PM] [INFO] # generate genesis block for orderer

[8/1/2019 7:24:07 PM] [INFO] docker run --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.4.1 configtxgen -profile OneOrgOrdererGenesis -outputBlock ./configtx/genesis.block

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.638 UTC [] main -> WARN 001 Omitting the channel ID for configtxgen for output operations is deprecated.  Explicitly passing the channel ID will be required in the future, defaulting to 'testchainid'.

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.638 UTC [] main -> INFO 002 Loading configuration

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.644 UTC [] completeInitialization -> INFO 003 orderer type: solo

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.644 UTC [] Load -> INFO 004 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.653 UTC [] completeInitialization -> INFO 005 orderer type: solo

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.653 UTC [] LoadTopLevel -> INFO 006 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.653 UTC [] NewChannelGroup -> WARN 007 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the channel group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.653 UTC [] NewOrdererGroup -> WARN 008 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the orderer group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.653 UTC [] NewOrdererOrgGroup -> WARN 009 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the orderer org group OrdererOrg in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.654 UTC [] NewOrdererOrgGroup -> WARN 00a Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the orderer org group Org1MSP in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.654 UTC [] doOutputBlock -> INFO 00b Generating genesis block

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:08.654 UTC [] doOutputBlock -> INFO 00c Writing genesis block

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] # generate channel configuration transaction

[8/1/2019 7:24:08 PM] [INFO] docker run --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.4.1 configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputCreateChannelTx ./configtx/channel.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.704 UTC [] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.713 UTC [] Load -> INFO 002 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.717 UTC [] completeInitialization -> INFO 003 orderer type: solo

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.717 UTC [] LoadTopLevel -> INFO 004 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.717 UTC [] doOutputChannelCreateTx -> INFO 005 Generating new channel configtx

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.717 UTC [] NewChannelGroup -> WARN 006 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the channel group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.717 UTC [] NewApplicationGroup -> WARN 007 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the application group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.718 UTC [] NewApplicationOrgGroup -> WARN 008 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the application org group Org1MSP in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.718 UTC [] NewChannelGroup -> WARN 009 Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the channel group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.718 UTC [] NewApplicationGroup -> WARN 00a Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the application group in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.719 UTC [] NewApplicationOrgGroup -> WARN 00b Default policy emission is deprecated, please include policy specifications for the application org group Org1MSP in configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:09 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:09.719 UTC [] doOutputChannelCreateTx -> INFO 00c Writing new channel tx

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] # generate anchor peer transaction

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] docker run --rm -v $PWD:/etc/hyperledger/fabric -w /etc/hyperledger/fabric hyperledger/fabric-tools:1.4.1 configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./configtx/Org1MSPanchors.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME -asOrg Org1MSP

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.684 UTC [] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.698 UTC [] Load -> INFO 002 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.702 UTC [] completeInitialization -> INFO 003 orderer type: solo

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.702 UTC [] LoadTopLevel -> INFO 004 Loaded configuration: /etc/hyperledger/fabric/configtx.yaml

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.702 UTC [] doOutputAnchorPeersUpdate -> INFO 005 Generating anchor peer update

[8/1/2019 7:24:10 PM] [INFO] 2019-08-01 23:24:10.703 UTC [] doOutputAnchorPeersUpdate -> INFO 006 Writing anchor peer update

[8/1/2019 7:24:11 PM] [INFO] # fix the ownership of all of the generated configuration

[8/1/2019 7:24:11 PM] [INFO] fix_permissions

[8/1/2019 7:24:11 PM] [INFO] # generate gateways, nodes, and wallets

[8/1/2019 7:24:11 PM] [INFO] node generate.js

[8/1/2019 7:24:12 PM] [INFO] # mark the process as complete

[8/1/2019 7:24:12 PM] [INFO] touch generate.complete

[8/1/2019 7:24:12 PM] [INFO] # don't rewrite paths for Windows Git Bash users

[8/1/2019 7:24:12 PM] [INFO] export MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1

[8/1/2019 7:24:12 PM] [INFO] docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

[8/1/2019 7:24:13 PM] [INFO] Creating fabricvscodelocalfabric_logspout ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:13 PM] [INFO] Starting ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:13 PM] [INFO] Creating ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:13 PM] [INFO] Creating fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb             ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:15 PM] [INFO] Starting ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:15 PM] [INFO] Creating fabricvscodelocalfabric_logspout            ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:15 PM] [INFO] Creating ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:16 PM] [INFO] Creating fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb             ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:16 PM] [INFO] Creating ...

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] Creating ... done

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] # wait for Hyperledger Fabric to start

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] # incase of errors when running later commands, issue export FABRIC_START_TIMEOUT=<larger number>

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] export FABRIC_START_TIMEOUT=30

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] for i in $(seq 1 ${FABRIC_START_TIMEOUT})

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] do

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]     # This command only works if the peer is up and running

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]     if docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/" peer channel list > /dev/null 2>&1

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]     then

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]         # Peer now available

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]         break

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]     else

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]         # Sleep and try again

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]         sleep 1

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO]     fi

[8/1/2019 7:24:17 PM] [INFO] done

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] echo Hyperledger Fabric started in $i seconds

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] # Check to see if the channel already exists

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] if ! docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/" peer channel getinfo -c mychannel

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] then

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     # Create the channel

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/" peer channel create -o -c mychannel -f /etc/hyperledger/configtx/channel.tx

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     # Update the channel with the anchor peers

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/" peer channel update -o -c mychannel -f /etc/hyperledger/configtx/Org1MSPanchors.tx

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     # Join to the channel.

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO]     docker exec -e "CORE_PEER_LOCALMSPID=Org1MSP" -e "CORE_PEER_MSPCONFIGPATH=/etc/hyperledger/msp/users/" peer channel join -b mychannel.block

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] fi

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] Hyperledger Fabric started in 30 seconds

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] Error response from daemon: Container 51541c14f31165cec28bc066376e0effd3c5253aef528a442a7dba2cdead8ded is not running

[8/1/2019 7:24:52 PM] [INFO] Error response from daemon: Container 51541c14f31165cec28bc066376e0effd3c5253aef528a442a7dba2cdead8ded is not running

[8/1/2019 7:24:53 PM] [ERROR] Failed to start local_fabric: Error: Failed to execute command "/bin/sh" with  arguments "" return code 1

Your Environment

cazfletch commented 5 years ago

Hi @ashishchandr70 can you run docker logs <peer container id> and see why the peer stopped please

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Hi @cazfletch here you go:

$ docker logs 840caadf0e16

2019-08-01 22:59:03.060 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.1

Commit SHA: 87074a7

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-01 22:59:03.060 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-01 22:59:03.061 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-01 22:59:03.106 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-01 22:59:03.137 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 005 ledger mgmt initialized

2019-08-01 22:59:03.138 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 006 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.138 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 007 Host is , falling back to auto-detected address:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.138 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 008 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.138 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 009 Host is , falling back to auto-detected address:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.141 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00a Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.141 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00b Exit with ccEndpoint:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.141 UTC [nodeCmd] createChaincodeServer -> WARN 00c peer.chaincodeListenAddress is not set, using

2019-08-01 22:59:03.142 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00d system chaincode lscc( registered

2019-08-01 22:59:03.143 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode cscc( registered

2019-08-01 22:59:03.143 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00f system chaincode qscc( registered

2019-08-01 22:59:03.143 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 010 system chaincode (+lifecycle,,true) disabled

2019-08-01 22:59:03.146 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 011 Initialize gossip with endpoint and bootstrap set []

2019-08-01 22:59:03.149 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> INFO 012 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint: , InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 0d46737a45894d123895671221dbaddf8480fb0364f404be3aed491df442945f, Metadata:

2019-08-01 22:59:03.151 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> WARN 013 External endpoint is empty, peer will not be accessible outside of its organization

2019-08-01 22:59:03.152 UTC [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 014 Gossip instance started

2019-08-01 22:59:03.152 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 015 system chaincode lscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 22:59:03.153 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 016 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 22:59:03.153 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 017 system chaincode cscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 22:59:03.153 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 018 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 22:59:03.153 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 019 system chaincode qscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 22:59:03.154 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 01a system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 22:59:03.154 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01b Deployed system chaincodes

2019-08-01 22:59:03.154 UTC [discovery] NewService -> INFO 01c Created with config TLS: false, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000

2019-08-01 22:59:03.154 UTC [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01d Discovery service activated

2019-08-01 22:59:03.155 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01e Starting peer with ID=[name:"jdoe" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 22:59:03.155 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01f Started peer with ID=[name:"jdoe" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [nodeCmd] handleSignals -> INFO 020 Received signal: 2 (interrupt)

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [gossip.gossip] Stop -> INFO 021 Stopping gossip

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [gossip.discovery] Stop -> INFO 022 Stopping

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [gossip.discovery] Stop -> INFO 023 Stopped

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [gossip.comm] Stop -> INFO 024 Stopping

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [gossip.comm] Stop -> INFO 025 Stopped
cazfletch commented 5 years ago

Is that all the logs? it doesn't seem to contain a reason for stopping

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Caroline - it just has this:

2019-08-01 23:04:51.727 UTC [nodeCmd] handleSignals -> INFO 020 Received signal: 2 (interrupt)

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

I can pull any other logs you need.

cazfletch commented 5 years ago

can you get the logs for the other containers as well then please

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Here you go

bash-4.2$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                                  COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                      NAMES

92fb9be8729d   "chaincode -peer.add…"   15 hours ago        Up 15 hours                          

c72e87af9104   "chaincode -peer.add…"   15 hours ago        Up 15 hours                          

f81de15848c1   "chaincode -peer.add…"   15 hours ago        Up 15 hours                          

0cebe7d21274        hyperledger/fabric-tools:latest                                                                        "/bin/bash"              15 hours ago        Up 15 hours                                    cli

0875a695f81c        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest                                                                         "peer node start"        15 hours ago        Up 15 hours>8051/tcp

437339ee83d3        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest                                                                         "peer node start"        15 hours ago        Up 15 hours>10051/tcp

c9da0e416654        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest                                                                      "orderer"                15 hours ago        Up 15 hours>7050/tcp

a8c95502496b        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest                                                                         "peer node start"        15 hours ago        Up 15 hours>7051/tcp

2fed9c1f6dc4        hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest                                                                         "peer node start"        15 hours ago        Up 15 hours>9051/tcp

bash-4.2$ for cont in `docker ps|grep -v CONTAINER|awk '{print $1}'`; do echo "===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID $cont ==========================="; docker logs $cont; echo "======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID $cont ===================="; done

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID 92fb9be8729d ===========================

ex02 Invoke

Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"90"}

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID 92fb9be8729d ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID c72e87af9104 ===========================

ex02 Invoke

Query Response:{"Name":"a","Amount":"100"}

ex02 Invoke

Aval = 90, Bval = 210

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID c72e87af9104 ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID f81de15848c1 ===========================

ex02 Init

Aval = 100, Bval = 200

ex02 Invoke

Aval = 90, Bval = 210

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID f81de15848c1 ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID 0cebe7d21274 ===========================

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID 0cebe7d21274 ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID 0875a695f81c ===========================

2019-08-01 23:48:16.322 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.2

Commit SHA: c6cc550

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-01 23:48:16.322 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-01 23:48:16.322 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-01 23:48:16.381 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.465 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 005 ledger mgmt initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.465 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 006 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.466 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 007 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.466 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 008 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.466 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 009 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.467 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 00a Starting peer with TLS enabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.468 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00b Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.468 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00c Exit with ccEndpoint:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.470 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00d system chaincode lscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.470 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode cscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.470 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00f system chaincode qscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.470 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 010 system chaincode (+lifecycle,,true) disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.474 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 011 Initialize gossip with endpoint and bootstrap set []

2019-08-01 23:48:16.484 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> INFO 012 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: b2d8cf1a3d011624e7c3acbf25d3ade3c436d366f87c58e59208f811943e3033, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.494 UTC [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 013 Gossip instance started

2019-08-01 23:48:16.497 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 014 system chaincode lscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 015 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 016 system chaincode cscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 017 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 018 system chaincode qscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 019 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.498 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01a Deployed system chaincodes

2019-08-01 23:48:16.499 UTC [discovery] NewService -> INFO 01b Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000

2019-08-01 23:48:16.499 UTC [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01c Discovery service activated

2019-08-01 23:48:16.499 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01d Starting peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.499 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01e Started peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.500 UTC [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01f Loading prereset height from path [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.500 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 020 Loading Pre-reset heights

2019-08-01 23:48:16.500 UTC [fsblkstorage] preRestHtFiles -> INFO 021 Dir [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains/chains] missing... exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:16.500 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 022 Pre-reset heights loaded

2019-08-01 23:48:16.500 UTC [nodeCmd] func7 -> INFO 023 Starting profiling server with listenAddress =

2019-08-01 23:48:17.354 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 024 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:19.354Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=107.494µs

2019-08-01 23:48:17.359 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 025 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:27.355Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.095727ms

2019-08-01 23:48:17.361 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 026 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:19.361Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=66.836µs

2019-08-01 23:48:20.475 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 027 [][ec8b7f8d] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:20.476 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 028 Creating ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:20.479 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 029 Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:20.493 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 02a [mychannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 11ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=6ms state_commit=2ms) commitHash=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:20.495 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 02b Created ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:20.500 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 02c Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:20.500 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02d No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:20.500 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02e No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:20.512 UTC [gossip.state] NewGossipStateProvider -> INFO 02f Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1

2019-08-01 23:48:20.513 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 030 system chaincode lscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:20.513 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 031 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:20.513 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 032 system chaincode cscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:20.514 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 033 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:20.514 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 034 system chaincode qscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:20.514 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 035 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:20.514 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 036 [][ec8b7f8d] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc"  (39ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:20.514 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 037 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=39.803678ms

2019-08-01 23:48:23.401 UTC [gossip.election] leaderElection -> INFO 038 b2d8cf1a3d011624e7c3acbf25d3ade3c436d366f87c58e59208f811943e3033 : Some peer is already a leader

2019-08-01 23:48:25.501 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 039 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[]] , current view:  [[]]

2019-08-01 23:48:29.889 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 03a [mychannel] Received block [1] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:29.896 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 03b Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:29.896 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03c Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:29.904 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03d No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:29.904 UTC [gossip.service] updateEndpoints -> WARN 03e Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with mychannel id was not found

2019-08-01 23:48:29.906 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 03f [mychannel] Validated block [1] in 16ms

2019-08-01 23:48:29.910 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 040 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error=EOF grpc.code=Unknown grpc.call_duration=12.547941274s

2019-08-01 23:48:29.930 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 041 [mychannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 23ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=20ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[47dc540c94ceb704a23875c11273e16bb0b8a87aed84de911f2133568115f254]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.033 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 042 [mychannel] Received block [2] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:33.076 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 043 Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:33.076 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 044 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.076 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 045 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 9051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.076 UTC [gossip.service] updateEndpoints -> WARN 046 Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with mychannel id was not found

2019-08-01 23:48:33.079 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 047 [mychannel] Validated block [2] in 46ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.103 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 048 [mychannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 23ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=19ms state_commit=2ms) commitHash=[5f88b61407b149a48413433f4670c46531e5c4a8febdc339a9536ff8716a559e]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.386 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 049 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.386Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=75.46µs

2019-08-01 23:48:40.501 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 04a Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:45.501 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 04b Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[] [ ] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.127 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 04c [mychannel] Received block [3] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:57.129 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 04d [mychannel] Validated block [3] in 2ms

2019-08-01 23:48:57.129 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleStateUpdates -> INFO 04e Channel [mychannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [mycc]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.129 UTC [ccprovider] ExtractStatedbArtifactsForChaincode -> INFO 04f Error while loading installation package for ccname=mycc, ccversion=1.0. Err=open /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/mycc.1.0: no such file or directory

2019-08-01 23:48:57.129 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleChaincodeDeploy -> INFO 050 Channel [mychannel]: Chaincode [Name=mycc, Version=1.0, Hash=[]byte{0x33, 0x3a, 0x19, 0xb1, 0x10, 0x63, 0xd0, 0xad, 0xe7, 0xbe, 0x69, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x22, 0xc0, 0x4a, 0xd3, 0x69, 0xba, 0xba, 0x15, 0x66, 0xf, 0x7a, 0xe9, 0x51, 0x1f, 0xd1, 0xa6, 0x48, 0x82, 0x9}] is not installed hence no need to create chaincode artifacts for endorsement

2019-08-01 23:48:57.146 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 051 [mychannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 17ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=6ms state_commit=7ms) commitHash=[c1d6b0e6705a64b75d9bbe151fbc35716d8bef9b59dd33d8f9ca074ce9b40eb1]

2019-08-01 23:49:17.965 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 052 [mychannel] Received block [4] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:49:17.966 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 053 [mychannel] Validated block [4] in 0ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.977 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 054 [mychannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 10ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=8ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[5ece67958c230c055a29324b797d3b0866a56334208fbb19e1d747013e9aa254]

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID 0875a695f81c ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID 437339ee83d3 ===========================

2019-08-01 23:48:15.919 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.2

Commit SHA: c6cc550

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-01 23:48:15.927 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-01 23:48:15.927 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-01 23:48:15.964 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.068 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 005 ledger mgmt initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.072 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 006 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.072 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 007 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.072 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 008 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.072 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 009 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.073 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 00a Starting peer with TLS enabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.075 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00b Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.075 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00c Exit with ccEndpoint:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.080 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00d system chaincode lscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.080 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode cscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.080 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00f system chaincode qscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.080 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 010 system chaincode (+lifecycle,,true) disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.092 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 011 Initialize gossip with endpoint and bootstrap set []

2019-08-01 23:48:16.096 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> INFO 012 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 0cf022963a9cd6e20e448d917725e61944f2f0b2c65a1b2ff593c377f09e13a9, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.097 UTC [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 013 Gossip instance started

2019-08-01 23:48:16.100 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 014 system chaincode lscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.100 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 015 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.100 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 016 system chaincode cscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.101 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 017 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.101 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 018 system chaincode qscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.101 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 019 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.101 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01a Deployed system chaincodes

2019-08-01 23:48:16.102 UTC [discovery] NewService -> INFO 01b Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000

2019-08-01 23:48:16.102 UTC [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01c Discovery service activated

2019-08-01 23:48:16.102 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01d Starting peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01e Started peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01f Loading prereset height from path [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 020 Loading Pre-reset heights

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [fsblkstorage] preRestHtFiles -> INFO 021 Dir [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains/chains] missing... exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 022 Pre-reset heights loaded

2019-08-01 23:48:16.103 UTC [nodeCmd] func7 -> INFO 023 Starting profiling server with listenAddress =

2019-08-01 23:48:16.476 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 024 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:18.476Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=80.952µs

2019-08-01 23:48:16.482 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 025 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:26.477Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.278728ms

2019-08-01 23:48:16.488 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 026 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:18.487Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=57.741µs

2019-08-01 23:48:17.109 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 027 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error=EOF grpc.code=Unknown grpc.call_duration=620.812143ms

2019-08-01 23:48:26.728 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 028 [][c862e8c4] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:26.729 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 029 Creating ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:26.731 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 02a Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:26.756 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 02b [mychannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=16ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:26.757 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 02c Created ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:26.762 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 02d Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:26.762 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02e No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:26.762 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02f No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:26.773 UTC [gossip.state] NewGossipStateProvider -> INFO 030 Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1

2019-08-01 23:48:26.774 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 031 system chaincode lscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:26.774 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 032 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:26.774 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 033 system chaincode cscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:26.774 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 034 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:26.774 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 035 system chaincode qscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:26.775 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 036 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:26.775 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 037 [][c862e8c4] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc"  (47ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:26.775 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 038 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=48.399485ms

2019-08-01 23:48:31.762 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 039 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[]] , current view:  [[]]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.775 UTC [gossip.election] beLeader -> INFO 03a 0cf022963a9cd6e20e448d917725e61944f2f0b2c65a1b2ff593c377f09e13a9 : Becoming a leader

2019-08-01 23:48:32.775 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 03b Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel mychannel

2019-08-01 23:48:32.783 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 03c [mychannel] Received block [1] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:32.790 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 03d Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:32.790 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03e No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:32.790 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03f Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.803 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 040 [mychannel] Validated block [1] in 20ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.823 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 041 [mychannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 19ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=16ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[47dc540c94ceb704a23875c11273e16bb0b8a87aed84de911f2133568115f254]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.999 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 042 [mychannel] Received block [2] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:33.026 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 043 Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:33.026 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 044 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.026 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 045 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 9051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.028 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 046 [mychannel] Validated block [2] in 28ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.054 UTC [gossip.comm] func1 -> WARN 047, PKIid:49810b3a7648cf7dbd4f1b40793922e8be01c1380f6c6ddb19ad9dbdd57b4135 isn't responsive: EOF

2019-08-01 23:48:33.055 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 048 Entering [49810b3a7648cf7dbd4f1b40793922e8be01c1380f6c6ddb19ad9dbdd57b4135]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.055 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 049 Closing connection to Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 49810b3a7648cf7dbd4f1b40793922e8be01c1380f6c6ddb19ad9dbdd57b4135, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:33.055 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04a Exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:33.075 UTC [gossip.comm] func1 -> WARN 04b, PKIid:2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4 isn't responsive: EOF

2019-08-01 23:48:33.083 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04c Entering [2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.083 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04d Closing connection to Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:33.083 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04e Exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:33.096 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 04f [mychannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 57ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=48ms state_commit=7ms) commitHash=[5f88b61407b149a48413433f4670c46531e5c4a8febdc339a9536ff8716a559e]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.386 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 050 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.386Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=75.158µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.390 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 051 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.39Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=50.176µs

2019-08-01 23:48:36.762 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 052 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[ ] []]

2019-08-01 23:48:41.129 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 053 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.129Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=91.109µs

2019-08-01 23:48:46.763 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 054 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[ ] [] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.119 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 055 [mychannel] Received block [3] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:57.121 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 056 [mychannel] Validated block [3] in 2ms

2019-08-01 23:48:57.121 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleStateUpdates -> INFO 057 Channel [mychannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [mycc]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.122 UTC [ccprovider] ExtractStatedbArtifactsForChaincode -> INFO 058 Error while loading installation package for ccname=mycc, ccversion=1.0. Err=open /var/hyperledger/production/chaincodes/mycc.1.0: no such file or directory

2019-08-01 23:48:57.122 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleChaincodeDeploy -> INFO 059 Channel [mychannel]: Chaincode [Name=mycc, Version=1.0, Hash=[]byte{0x33, 0x3a, 0x19, 0xb1, 0x10, 0x63, 0xd0, 0xad, 0xe7, 0xbe, 0x69, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x22, 0xc0, 0x4a, 0xd3, 0x69, 0xba, 0xba, 0x15, 0x66, 0xf, 0x7a, 0xe9, 0x51, 0x1f, 0xd1, 0xa6, 0x48, 0x82, 0x9}] is not installed hence no need to create chaincode artifacts for endorsement

2019-08-01 23:48:57.136 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 05a [mychannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 14ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=10ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[c1d6b0e6705a64b75d9bbe151fbc35716d8bef9b59dd33d8f9ca074ce9b40eb1]

2019-08-01 23:49:16.263 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05b [][3a289fb6] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"

2019-08-01 23:49:16.264 UTC [lscc] executeInstall -> INFO 05c Installed Chaincode [mycc] Version [1.0] to peer

2019-08-01 23:49:16.264 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05d [][3a289fb6] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc"  (1ms)

2019-08-01 23:49:16.264 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 05e unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.625991ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.959 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 05f [mychannel] Received block [4] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:49:17.959 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 060 [mychannel] Validated block [4] in 0ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.970 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 061 [mychannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 10ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=5ms state_commit=3ms) commitHash=[5ece67958c230c055a29324b797d3b0866a56334208fbb19e1d747013e9aa254]

2019-08-01 23:49:19.355 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 062 [mychannel][e6056757] Entry chaincode: name:"mycc"

2019-08-01 23:49:19.364 UTC [chaincode.platform.golang] GenerateDockerBuild -> INFO 063 building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'

2019-08-01 23:49:36.765 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 064 [mychannel][e6056757] Exit chaincode: name:"mycc"  (17410ms)

2019-08-01 23:49:36.766 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 065 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=17.411074411s

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID 437339ee83d3 ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID c9da0e416654 ===========================

2019-08-01 23:48:16.096 UTC [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version unset, setting to

2019-08-01 23:48:16.111 UTC [orderer.common.server] prettyPrintStruct -> INFO 002 Orderer config values:

                General.LedgerType = "file"

                General.ListenAddress = ""

                General.ListenPort = 7050

                General.TLS.Enabled = true

                General.TLS.PrivateKey = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.key"

                General.TLS.Certificate = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.crt"

                General.TLS.RootCAs = [/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/ca.crt]

                General.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                General.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                General.Cluster.ListenAddress = ""

                General.Cluster.ListenPort = 0

                General.Cluster.ServerCertificate = ""

                General.Cluster.ServerPrivateKey = ""

                General.Cluster.ClientCertificate = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.crt"

                General.Cluster.ClientPrivateKey = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/server.key"

                General.Cluster.RootCAs = [/var/hyperledger/orderer/tls/ca.crt]

                General.Cluster.DialTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.RPCTimeout = 7s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationBufferSize = 20971520

                General.Cluster.ReplicationPullTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationRetryTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationBackgroundRefreshInterval = 5m0s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationMaxRetries = 12

                General.Cluster.SendBufferSize = 10

                General.Cluster.CertExpirationWarningThreshold = 168h0m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerMinInterval = 1m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerInterval = 2h0m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerTimeout = 20s

                General.ConnectionTimeout = 0s

                General.GenesisMethod = "file"

                General.GenesisProfile = "SampleInsecureSolo"

                General.SystemChannel = "test-system-channel-name"

                General.GenesisFile = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/orderer.genesis.block"

                General.Profile.Enabled = false

                General.Profile.Address = ""

                General.LocalMSPDir = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp"

                General.LocalMSPID = "OrdererMSP"

                General.BCCSP.ProviderName = "SW"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.SecLevel = 256

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.HashFamily = "SHA2"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.Ephemeral = false

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.FileKeystore.KeyStorePath = "/var/hyperledger/orderer/msp/keystore"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.DummyKeystore =

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.InmemKeystore =

                General.BCCSP.PluginOpts =

                General.Authentication.TimeWindow = 15m0s

                FileLedger.Location = "/var/hyperledger/production/orderer"

                FileLedger.Prefix = "hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger"

                RAMLedger.HistorySize = 1000

                Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval = 5s

                Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal = 10m0s

                Kafka.Retry.LongInterval = 5m0s

                Kafka.Retry.LongTotal = 12h0m0s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.DialTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.ReadTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.WriteTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryMax = 3

                Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryBackoff = 250ms

                Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryMax = 3

                Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryBackoff = 100ms

                Kafka.Retry.Consumer.RetryBackoff = 2s

                Kafka.Verbose = true

                Kafka.Version =

                Kafka.TLS.Enabled = false

                Kafka.TLS.PrivateKey = ""

                Kafka.TLS.Certificate = ""

                Kafka.TLS.RootCAs = []

                Kafka.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                Kafka.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                Kafka.SASLPlain.Enabled = false

                Kafka.SASLPlain.User = ""

                Kafka.SASLPlain.Password = ""

                Kafka.Topic.ReplicationFactor = 1

                Debug.BroadcastTraceDir = ""

                Debug.DeliverTraceDir = ""

                Consensus = map[WALDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/wal SnapDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/snapshot]

                Operations.ListenAddress = ""

                Operations.TLS.Enabled = false

                Operations.TLS.PrivateKey = ""

                Operations.TLS.Certificate = ""

                Operations.TLS.RootCAs = []

                Operations.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                Operations.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                Metrics.Provider = "disabled"

                Metrics.Statsd.Network = "udp"

                Metrics.Statsd.Address = ""

                Metrics.Statsd.WriteInterval = 30s

                Metrics.Statsd.Prefix = ""

2019-08-01 23:48:16.221 UTC [orderer.common.server] extractSysChanLastConfig -> INFO 003 Bootstrapping because no existing channels

2019-08-01 23:48:16.224 UTC [orderer.common.server] initializeServerConfig -> INFO 004 Starting orderer with TLS enabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.226 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 005 Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:16.285 UTC [orderer.commmon.multichannel] Initialize -> INFO 006 Starting system channel 'byfn-sys-channel' with genesis block hash b92bf100ff0273133d3c1b6525b65f467b1c70bbe8bcd092c4cc9fde3a6a2fd7 and orderer type solo

2019-08-01 23:48:16.285 UTC [orderer.common.server] Start -> INFO 007 Starting orderer:

Version: 1.4.2

Commit SHA: c6cc550

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64

2019-08-01 23:48:16.285 UTC [orderer.common.server] Start -> INFO 008 Beginning to serve requests

2019-08-01 23:48:17.251 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 009 Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:17.254 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 00a streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=33.07098ms

2019-08-01 23:48:17.258 UTC [orderer.commmon.multichannel] newChain -> INFO 00b Created and starting new chain mychannel

2019-08-01 23:48:17.266 UTC [common.deliver] Handle -> WARN 00c Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:17.266 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 00d streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Deliver grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=56.890764ms

2019-08-01 23:48:29.880 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 00e Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:29.880 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 00f streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=18.07913ms

2019-08-01 23:48:29.880 UTC [common.deliver] Handle -> WARN 010 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:29.880 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 011 streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Deliver grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=21.651087ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.991 UTC [common.deliver] Handle -> WARN 012 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:32.992 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 013 streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Deliver grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=19.788871ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.992 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 014 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:32.992 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 015 streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=16.496035ms

2019-08-01 23:48:55.117 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 016 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:48:55.117 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 017 streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=18.160524644s

2019-08-01 23:49:15.957 UTC [orderer.common.broadcast] Handle -> WARN 018 Error reading from rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled

2019-08-01 23:49:15.957 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 019 streaming call completed grpc.service=orderer.AtomicBroadcast grpc.method=Broadcast grpc.peer_address= error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=11.261826ms

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID c9da0e416654 ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID a8c95502496b ===========================

2019-08-01 23:48:16.058 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.2

Commit SHA: c6cc550

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-01 23:48:16.059 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-01 23:48:16.059 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-01 23:48:16.182 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.332 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 005 ledger mgmt initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.333 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 006 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.333 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 007 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.333 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 008 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.333 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 009 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.334 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 00a Starting peer with TLS enabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.336 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00b Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.336 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00c Exit with ccEndpoint:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.337 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00d system chaincode lscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.337 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode cscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.338 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00f system chaincode qscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.338 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 010 system chaincode (+lifecycle,,true) disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.345 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 011 Initialize gossip with endpoint and bootstrap set []

2019-08-01 23:48:16.348 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> INFO 012 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.349 UTC [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 013 Gossip instance started

2019-08-01 23:48:16.351 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 014 system chaincode lscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 015 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 016 system chaincode cscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 017 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 018 system chaincode qscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 019 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.352 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01a Deployed system chaincodes

2019-08-01 23:48:16.354 UTC [discovery] NewService -> INFO 01b Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000

2019-08-01 23:48:16.354 UTC [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01c Discovery service activated

2019-08-01 23:48:16.354 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01d Starting peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01e Started peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01f Loading prereset height from path [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 020 Loading Pre-reset heights

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [fsblkstorage] preRestHtFiles -> INFO 021 Dir [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains/chains] missing... exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 022 Pre-reset heights loaded

2019-08-01 23:48:16.355 UTC [nodeCmd] func7 -> INFO 023 Starting profiling server with listenAddress =

2019-08-01 23:48:16.506 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 024 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:18.506Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=77.229µs

2019-08-01 23:48:16.512 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 025 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:26.507Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.678086ms

2019-08-01 23:48:16.515 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 026 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:18.515Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=66.765µs

2019-08-01 23:48:17.353 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 027 [][27952f31] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:17.354 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 028 Creating ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:17.356 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 029 Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:17.356 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 02a streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=840.608204ms

2019-08-01 23:48:17.372 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 02b [mychannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 11ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=8ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:17.374 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 02c Created ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:17.379 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 02d Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:17.379 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02e No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:17.379 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02f No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:17.390 UTC [gossip.state] NewGossipStateProvider -> INFO 030 Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 031 system chaincode lscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 032 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 033 system chaincode cscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 034 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 035 system chaincode qscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 036 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 037 [][27952f31] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc"  (38ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:17.391 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 038 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=39.441845ms

2019-08-01 23:48:22.379 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 039 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[]] , current view:  [[]]

2019-08-01 23:48:23.391 UTC [gossip.election] beLeader -> INFO 03a 2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4 : Becoming a leader

2019-08-01 23:48:23.391 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 03b Elected as a leader, starting delivery service for channel mychannel

2019-08-01 23:48:29.886 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 03c [mychannel] Received block [1] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:29.895 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 03d Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:29.895 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03e Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:29.895 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03f Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself

2019-08-01 23:48:29.895 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 040 No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:29.896 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 041 [mychannel] Validated block [1] in 9ms

2019-08-01 23:48:29.907 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 042 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:31.907Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=91.202µs

2019-08-01 23:48:29.912 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 043 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:39.908Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.413894ms

2019-08-01 23:48:29.917 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 044 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:31.916Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=75.214µs

2019-08-01 23:48:29.921 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 045 [mychannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 25ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=12ms state_commit=6ms) commitHash=[47dc540c94ceb704a23875c11273e16bb0b8a87aed84de911f2133568115f254]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.795 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 046 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:34.795Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=67.974µs

2019-08-01 23:48:32.801 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 047 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:42.795Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=5.284388ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.804 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 048 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:34.804Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=59.349µs

2019-08-01 23:48:32.806 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 049 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:34.806Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=88.94µs

2019-08-01 23:48:32.812 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 04a streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:42.807Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.922538ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.814 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 04b unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:34.814Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=53.714µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.001 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 04c [mychannel] Received block [2] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:33.041 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 04d Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:33.041 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 04e Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 9051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.042 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 04f Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.042 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 050 Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself

2019-08-01 23:48:33.045 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 051 [mychannel] Validated block [2] in 43ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.048 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 052 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.048Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=71.501µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.060 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 053 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=245.061463ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.060 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 054 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.05Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=10.0747ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.070 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 055 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.069Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=54.184µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.072 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 056 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=266.788038ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.072 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 057 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.07Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=2.079889ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.086 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 058 [mychannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 41ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=34ms state_commit=2ms) commitHash=[5f88b61407b149a48413433f4670c46531e5c4a8febdc339a9536ff8716a559e]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.091 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 059 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.091Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=58.237µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.097 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 05a streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=3.179669095s

2019-08-01 23:48:33.097 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 05b streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.096Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=727.661µs

2019-08-01 23:48:36.588 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05c [][6ad22bac] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:36.589 UTC [lscc] executeInstall -> INFO 05d Installed Chaincode [mycc] Version [1.0] to peer

2019-08-01 23:48:36.589 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05e [][6ad22bac] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc"  (1ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:36.589 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 05f unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.485579ms

2019-08-01 23:48:37.380 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 060 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ] [ ]] , current view:  [[] [ ] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.118 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 061 [mychannel] Received block [3] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:57.121 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 062 [mychannel] Validated block [3] in 2ms

2019-08-01 23:48:57.121 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleStateUpdates -> INFO 063 Channel [mychannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [mycc]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.136 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 064 [mychannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 14ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=10ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[c1d6b0e6705a64b75d9bbe151fbc35716d8bef9b59dd33d8f9ca074ce9b40eb1]

2019-08-01 23:48:58.203 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 065 [mychannel][0182fe24] Entry chaincode: name:"mycc"

2019-08-01 23:48:58.213 UTC [chaincode.platform.golang] GenerateDockerBuild -> INFO 066 building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'

2019-08-01 23:49:15.836 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 067 [mychannel][0182fe24] Exit chaincode: name:"mycc"  (17633ms)

2019-08-01 23:49:15.836 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 068 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=17.634153915s

2019-08-01 23:49:15.948 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 069 [mychannel][6735edc9] Entry chaincode: name:"mycc"

2019-08-01 23:49:15.950 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 06a [mychannel][6735edc9] Exit chaincode: name:"mycc"  (2ms)

2019-08-01 23:49:15.950 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 06b unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=4.112639ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.959 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 06c [mychannel] Received block [4] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:49:17.960 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 06d [mychannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.972 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 06e [mychannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 12ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=8ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[5ece67958c230c055a29324b797d3b0866a56334208fbb19e1d747013e9aa254]

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID a8c95502496b ====================

===================== LOGS for CONTAINER ID 2fed9c1f6dc4 ===========================

2019-08-01 23:48:16.310 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.2

Commit SHA: c6cc550

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-01 23:48:16.311 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-01 23:48:16.311 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-01 23:48:16.369 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.443 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 005 ledger mgmt initialized

2019-08-01 23:48:16.443 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 006 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.443 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 007 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.443 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 008 Auto-detected peer address:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.443 UTC [peer] func1 -> INFO 009 Returning

2019-08-01 23:48:16.445 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 00a Starting peer with TLS enabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.446 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00b Entering computeChaincodeEndpoint with peerHostname:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.446 UTC [nodeCmd] computeChaincodeEndpoint -> INFO 00c Exit with ccEndpoint:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.447 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00d system chaincode lscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.447 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00e system chaincode cscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.447 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 00f system chaincode qscc( registered

2019-08-01 23:48:16.447 UTC [sccapi] registerSysCC -> INFO 010 system chaincode (+lifecycle,,true) disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.450 UTC [gossip.service] func1 -> INFO 011 Initialize gossip with endpoint and bootstrap set []

2019-08-01 23:48:16.454 UTC [gossip.gossip] NewGossipService -> INFO 012 Creating gossip service with self membership of Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint:, PKI-ID: 49810b3a7648cf7dbd4f1b40793922e8be01c1380f6c6ddb19ad9dbdd57b4135, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:16.458 UTC [gossip.gossip] start -> INFO 013 Gossip instance started

2019-08-01 23:48:16.461 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 014 system chaincode lscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.461 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 015 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.461 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 016 system chaincode cscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.462 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 017 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:16.462 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 018 system chaincode qscc/( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:16.462 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 019 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:16.462 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01a Deployed system chaincodes

2019-08-01 23:48:16.463 UTC [discovery] NewService -> INFO 01b Created with config TLS: true, authCacheMaxSize: 1000, authCachePurgeRatio: 0.750000

2019-08-01 23:48:16.463 UTC [nodeCmd] registerDiscoveryService -> INFO 01c Discovery service activated

2019-08-01 23:48:16.463 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01d Starting peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.463 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 01e Started peer with ID=[name:"" ], network ID=[dev], address=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.464 UTC [kvledger] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 01f Loading prereset height from path [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains]

2019-08-01 23:48:16.464 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 020 Loading Pre-reset heights

2019-08-01 23:48:16.464 UTC [fsblkstorage] preRestHtFiles -> INFO 021 Dir [/var/hyperledger/production/ledgersData/chains/chains] missing... exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:16.464 UTC [fsblkstorage] LoadPreResetHeight -> INFO 022 Pre-reset heights loaded

2019-08-01 23:48:16.464 UTC [nodeCmd] func7 -> INFO 023 Starting profiling server with listenAddress =

2019-08-01 23:48:17.102 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 024 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:19.102Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=121.619µs

2019-08-01 23:48:17.111 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 025 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:27.107Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=4.203711ms

2019-08-01 23:48:17.116 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 026 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:19.116Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=73.529µs

2019-08-01 23:48:23.594 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 027 [][dac799d9] Entry chaincode: name:"cscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:23.595 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 028 Creating ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:23.597 UTC [fsblkstorage] newBlockfileMgr -> INFO 029 Getting block information from block storage

2019-08-01 23:48:23.609 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 02a [mychannel] Committed block [0] with 1 transaction(s) in 9ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=5ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[]

2019-08-01 23:48:23.611 UTC [ledgermgmt] CreateLedger -> INFO 02b Created ledger [mychannel] with genesis block

2019-08-01 23:48:23.616 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 02c Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:23.616 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02d No configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:23.616 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 02e No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:23.627 UTC [gossip.state] NewGossipStateProvider -> INFO 02f Updating metadata information, current ledger sequence is at = 0, next expected block is = 1

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 030 system chaincode lscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [cscc] Init -> INFO 031 Init CSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 032 system chaincode cscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [qscc] Init -> INFO 033 Init QSCC

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 034 system chaincode qscc/mychannel( deployed

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [sccapi] deploySysCC -> INFO 035 system chaincode (+lifecycle, disabled

2019-08-01 23:48:23.628 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 036 [][dac799d9] Exit chaincode: name:"cscc"  (34ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:23.629 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 037 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=35.796935ms

2019-08-01 23:48:28.616 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 038 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[]] , current view:  [[]]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.792 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 039 [mychannel] Received block [1] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:32.799 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 03a Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:32.799 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03b No configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel to learn about

2019-08-01 23:48:32.799 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 03c Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:32.799 UTC [gossip.service] updateEndpoints -> WARN 03d Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with mychannel id was not found

2019-08-01 23:48:32.800 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 03e [mychannel] Validated block [1] in 8ms

2019-08-01 23:48:32.822 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 03f [mychannel] Committed block [1] with 1 transaction(s) in 21ms (state_validation=1ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=16ms state_commit=2ms) commitHash=[47dc540c94ceb704a23875c11273e16bb0b8a87aed84de911f2133568115f254]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.005 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 040 [mychannel] Received block [2] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:33.012 UTC [gossip.gossip] JoinChan -> INFO 041 Joining gossip network of channel mychannel with 2 organizations

2019-08-01 23:48:33.012 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 042 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org1MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 7051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.012 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 043 Learning about the configured anchor peers of Org2MSP for channel mychannel : [{ 9051}]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.012 UTC [gossip.gossip] learnAnchorPeers -> INFO 044 Anchor peer with same endpoint, skipping connecting to myself

2019-08-01 23:48:33.012 UTC [gossip.service] updateEndpoints -> WARN 045 Failed to update ordering service endpoints, due to Channel with mychannel id was not found

2019-08-01 23:48:33.029 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 046 [mychannel] Validated block [2] in 23ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.047 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 047 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.047Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=72.437µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.053 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 048 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=15.936149584s

2019-08-01 23:48:33.053 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 049 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.048Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=5.043283ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.063 UTC [gossip.comm] func1 -> WARN 04a, PKIid:2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4 isn't responsive: EOF

2019-08-01 23:48:33.064 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04b Entering [2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.064 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04c Closing connection to Endpoint:, InternalEndpoint: , PKI-ID: 2dbf57fb909ca6335bb4b7a79273aaa3f6bf99329f2f3398f634279b50a3eee4, Metadata:

2019-08-01 23:48:33.064 UTC [gossip.discovery] expireDeadMembers -> WARN 04d Exiting

2019-08-01 23:48:33.065 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 04e unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.065Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=57.553µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.069 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 04f streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.066Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=3.493083ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.080 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 050 [mychannel] Committed block [2] with 1 transaction(s) in 51ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=47ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[5f88b61407b149a48413433f4670c46531e5c4a8febdc339a9536ff8716a559e]

2019-08-01 23:48:33.085 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 051 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.084Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=100.013µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.091 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 052 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.091Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=51.024µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.096 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 053 streaming call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=GossipStream grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:43.092Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" error="rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled" grpc.code=Canceled grpc.call_duration=3.903549ms

2019-08-01 23:48:33.100 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 054 unary call completed grpc.service=gossip.Gossip grpc.method=Ping grpc.request_deadline=2019-08-01T23:48:35.1Z grpc.peer_address= grpc.peer_subject=",L=San Francisco,ST=California,C=US" grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=56.002µs

2019-08-01 23:48:33.616 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 055 Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:36.872 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 056 [][d8daeabd] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:36.873 UTC [lscc] executeInstall -> INFO 057 Installed Chaincode [mycc] Version [1.0] to peer

2019-08-01 23:48:36.873 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 058 [][d8daeabd] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc"  (1ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:36.873 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 059 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=1.520528ms

2019-08-01 23:48:36.957 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05a [mychannel][e894592d] Entry chaincode: name:"lscc"

2019-08-01 23:48:36.969 UTC [chaincode.platform.golang] GenerateDockerBuild -> INFO 05b building chaincode with ldflagsOpt: '-ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-static'"'

2019-08-01 23:48:38.618 UTC [] reportMembershipChanges -> INFO 05c Membership view has changed. peers went online:  [[ ]] , current view:  [[] [ ] [ ]]

2019-08-01 23:48:55.108 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 05d [mychannel][e894592d] Exit chaincode: name:"lscc"  (18150ms)

2019-08-01 23:48:55.108 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 05e unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=18.151571886s

2019-08-01 23:48:57.126 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 05f [mychannel] Received block [3] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:48:57.128 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 060 [mychannel] Validated block [3] in 1ms

2019-08-01 23:48:57.128 UTC [cceventmgmt] HandleStateUpdates -> INFO 061 Channel [mychannel]: Handling deploy or update of chaincode [mycc]

2019-08-01 23:48:57.149 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 062 [mychannel] Committed block [3] with 1 transaction(s) in 20ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=6ms state_commit=7ms) commitHash=[c1d6b0e6705a64b75d9bbe151fbc35716d8bef9b59dd33d8f9ca074ce9b40eb1]

2019-08-01 23:49:15.951 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 063 [mychannel][6735edc9] Entry chaincode: name:"mycc"

2019-08-01 23:49:15.953 UTC [endorser] callChaincode -> INFO 064 [mychannel][6735edc9] Exit chaincode: name:"mycc"  (2ms)

2019-08-01 23:49:15.953 UTC [comm.grpc.server] 1 -> INFO 065 unary call completed grpc.service=protos.Endorser grpc.method=ProcessProposal grpc.peer_address= grpc.code=OK grpc.call_duration=2.581927ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.966 UTC [gossip.privdata] StoreBlock -> INFO 066 [mychannel] Received block [4] from buffer

2019-08-01 23:49:17.967 UTC [committer.txvalidator] Validate -> INFO 067 [mychannel] Validated block [4] in 1ms

2019-08-01 23:49:17.981 UTC [kvledger] CommitWithPvtData -> INFO 068 [mychannel] Committed block [4] with 1 transaction(s) in 13ms (state_validation=0ms block_and_pvtdata_commit=10ms state_commit=1ms) commitHash=[5ece67958c230c055a29324b797d3b0866a56334208fbb19e1d747013e9aa254]

======================END OF LOG for CONTAINER ID 2fed9c1f6dc4 ====================
ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Btw, the fabric-peer containers that are up are because of my running the script with "up" option. I will bring them down now.

cazfletch commented 5 years ago

none of those logs are for the fabric that is created by vscode, can you try starting the fabric inside vscode again then getting all the logs for the containers it creates including the peer that stops please

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

yes I realized that...sorry about that. I saw that they were all started by the script. Sorry...sending you new logs now now.

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago
bash-4.2$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                                         NAMES

8a4114ff68ad        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.4.1    "orderer"                About a minute ago   Up About a minute   7050/tcp,>17050/tcp  

14af1e008cbf        hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:0.4.15   "tini -- /docker-ent…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   4369/tcp, 9100/tcp,>5984/tcp   fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb

8e51728656ff        hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4.1         "sh -c 'fabric-ca-se…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute   7054/tcp,>17054/tcp  

eec35e2a6ba5        gliderlabs/logspout                 "/bin/logspout"          About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp                         fabricvscodelocalfabric_logspout

bash-4.2$ for cont in `docker ps|grep -v CONTAINER|awk '{print $1}'`

> do

> echo $cont

> done





bash-4.2$ for cont in `docker ps|grep -v CONTAINER|awk '{print $1}'`; do

> echo "================================================================================================ LOG for CONTAINER $cont ================================================================================================================="

> docker logs $cont

> echo "================================================================================================ END of LOG for CONTAINER $cont =========================================================================================================="

> done

================================================================================================ LOG for CONTAINER 8a4114ff68ad =================================================================================================================

2019-08-02 15:10:20.114 UTC [localconfig] completeInitialization -> INFO 001 Kafka.Version unset, setting to

2019-08-02 15:10:20.160 UTC [orderer.common.server] prettyPrintStruct -> INFO 002 Orderer config values:

                General.LedgerType = "file"

                General.ListenAddress = ""

                General.ListenPort = 17050

                General.TLS.Enabled = false

                General.TLS.PrivateKey = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/server.key"

                General.TLS.Certificate = "/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/server.crt"

                General.TLS.RootCAs = [/etc/hyperledger/fabric/tls/ca.crt]

                General.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                General.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                General.Cluster.ListenAddress = ""

                General.Cluster.ListenPort = 0

                General.Cluster.ServerCertificate = ""

                General.Cluster.ServerPrivateKey = ""

                General.Cluster.ClientCertificate = ""

                General.Cluster.ClientPrivateKey = ""

                General.Cluster.RootCAs = []

                General.Cluster.DialTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.RPCTimeout = 7s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationBufferSize = 20971520

                General.Cluster.ReplicationPullTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationRetryTimeout = 5s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationBackgroundRefreshInterval = 5m0s

                General.Cluster.ReplicationMaxRetries = 12

                General.Cluster.SendBufferSize = 10

                General.Cluster.CertExpirationWarningThreshold = 168h0m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerMinInterval = 1m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerInterval = 2h0m0s

                General.Keepalive.ServerTimeout = 20s

                General.GenesisMethod = "file"

                General.GenesisProfile = "SampleInsecureSolo"

                General.SystemChannel = "test-system-channel-name"

                General.GenesisFile = "/etc/hyperledger/configtx/genesis.block"

                General.Profile.Enabled = false

                General.Profile.Address = ""

                General.LocalMSPDir = "/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer/msp"

                General.LocalMSPID = "OrdererMSP"

                General.BCCSP.ProviderName = "SW"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.SecLevel = 256

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.HashFamily = "SHA2"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.Ephemeral = false

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.FileKeystore.KeyStorePath = "/etc/hyperledger/msp/orderer/msp/keystore"

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.DummyKeystore =

                General.BCCSP.SwOpts.InmemKeystore =

                General.BCCSP.PluginOpts =

                General.Authentication.TimeWindow = 15m0s

                FileLedger.Location = "/var/hyperledger/production/orderer"

                FileLedger.Prefix = "hyperledger-fabric-ordererledger"

                RAMLedger.HistorySize = 1000

                Kafka.Retry.ShortInterval = 5s

                Kafka.Retry.ShortTotal = 10m0s

                Kafka.Retry.LongInterval = 5m0s

                Kafka.Retry.LongTotal = 12h0m0s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.DialTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.ReadTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.NetworkTimeouts.WriteTimeout = 10s

                Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryMax = 3

                Kafka.Retry.Metadata.RetryBackoff = 250ms

                Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryMax = 3

                Kafka.Retry.Producer.RetryBackoff = 100ms

                Kafka.Retry.Consumer.RetryBackoff = 2s

                Kafka.Verbose = false

                Kafka.Version =

                Kafka.TLS.Enabled = false

                Kafka.TLS.PrivateKey = ""

                Kafka.TLS.Certificate = ""

                Kafka.TLS.RootCAs = []

                Kafka.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                Kafka.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                Kafka.SASLPlain.Enabled = false

                Kafka.SASLPlain.User = ""

                Kafka.SASLPlain.Password = ""

                Kafka.Topic.ReplicationFactor = 3

                Debug.BroadcastTraceDir = ""

                Debug.DeliverTraceDir = ""

                Consensus = map[WALDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/wal SnapDir:/var/hyperledger/production/orderer/etcdraft/snapshot]

                Operations.ListenAddress = ""

                Operations.TLS.Enabled = false

                Operations.TLS.PrivateKey = ""

                Operations.TLS.Certificate = ""

                Operations.TLS.RootCAs = []

                Operations.TLS.ClientAuthRequired = false

                Operations.TLS.ClientRootCAs = []

                Metrics.Provider = "disabled"

                Metrics.Statsd.Network = "udp"

                Metrics.Statsd.Address = ""

                Metrics.Statsd.WriteInterval = 30s

                Metrics.Statsd.Prefix = ""

2019-08-02 15:10:20.281 UTC [orderer.common.cluster] loadVerifier -> INFO 003 Loaded verifier for channel testchainid from config block at index 0

2019-08-02 15:10:20.282 UTC [orderer.common.server] initializeMultichannelRegistrar -> INFO 004 Not bootstrapping because of existing chains

2019-08-02 15:10:20.292 UTC [orderer.commmon.multichannel] Initialize -> INFO 005 Starting system channel 'testchainid' with genesis block hash c689fe0c12d274c0fc19deec52e85d7597b4fa9cfb85f8a43b8eeaad689b28d5 and orderer type solo

2019-08-02 15:10:20.292 UTC [orderer.common.server] Start -> INFO 006 Starting orderer:

Version: 1.4.1

Commit SHA: 87074a7

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64

2019-08-02 15:10:20.292 UTC [orderer.common.server] Start -> INFO 007 Beginning to serve requests

================================================================================================ END of LOG for CONTAINER 8a4114ff68ad ==========================================================================================================

================================================================================================ LOG for CONTAINER 14af1e008cbf =================================================================================================================


WARNING: CouchDB is running in Admin Party mode.

         This will allow anyone with access to the

         CouchDB port to access your database. In

         Docker's default configuration, this is

         effectively any other container on the same


         Use "-e COUCHDB_USER=admin -e COUCHDB_PASSWORD=password"

         to set it in "docker run".


[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:24.391452Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_log started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:24.482372Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application folsom started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:24.960464Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_stats started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:24.960632Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application khash started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.120964Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_event started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.121151Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application hyper started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.192909Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application ibrowse started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.261709Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application ioq started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.261874Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application mochiweb started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.346267Z nonode@nohost <0.195.0> -------- Apache CouchDB 2.2.0 is starting.

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.346373Z nonode@nohost <0.196.0> -------- Starting couch_sup

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.581800Z nonode@nohost <0.82.0> -------- config: [features] pluggable-storage-engines set to true for reason nil

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.678522Z nonode@nohost <0.47.0> -------- alarm_handler: {set,{{disk_almost_full,"/"},[]}}

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:25.678564Z nonode@nohost <0.47.0> -------- alarm_handler: {set,{{disk_almost_full,"/etc/hosts"},[]}}

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:26.196926Z nonode@nohost <0.47.0> -------- alarm_handler: {set,{system_memory_high_watermark,[]}}

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.441807Z nonode@nohost <0.195.0> -------- Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.441981Z nonode@nohost <0.195.0> -------- Apache CouchDB has started on http://any:5986/

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.443596Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.443776Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application ets_lru started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.514278Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application rexi started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.569468Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application mem3 started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.569629Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application fabric started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.616540Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application chttpd started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.651538Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_index started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.651777Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_mrview started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.651925Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_plugins started on node nonode@nohost

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.825615Z nonode@nohost <0.82.0> -------- config: [features] scheduler set to true for reason nil

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.889691Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_replicator started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.911891Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application couch_peruser started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:27.948629Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application ddoc_cache started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:28.007249Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application global_changes started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:28.007415Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application jiffy started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:28.027482Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application mango started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:28.054063Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application setup started on node nonode@nohost

[info] 2019-08-02T15:10:28.054248Z nonode@nohost <0.7.0> -------- Application snappy started on node nonode@nohost

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:32.702743Z nonode@nohost <0.338.0> -------- couch_replicator_clustering : cluster stable

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:32.720894Z nonode@nohost <0.390.0> -------- Started replicator db changes listener <0.491.0>

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:42.515255Z nonode@nohost <0.265.0> -------- rexi_buffer : cluster stable

[notice] 2019-08-02T15:10:42.515321Z nonode@nohost <0.262.0> -------- rexi_server : cluster stable

================================================================================================ END of LOG for CONTAINER 14af1e008cbf ==========================================================================================================

================================================================================================ LOG for CONTAINER 8e51728656ff =================================================================================================================

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Configuration file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Starting server in home directory: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Server Version: 1.4.1

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Server Levels: &{Identity:2 Affiliation:1 Certificate:1 Credential:1 RAInfo:1 Nonce:1}

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] The CA key and certificate files already exist

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Certificate file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server-config/

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] Initialized sqlite3 database at /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/fabric-ca-server.db

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO] The Idemix issuer public and secret key files already exist

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO]    secret key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/msp/keystore/IssuerSecretKey

2019/08/02 15:10:19 [INFO]    public key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/IssuerPublicKey

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO] The Idemix issuer revocation public and secret key files already exist

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO]    private key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/msp/keystore/IssuerRevocationPrivateKey

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO]    public key file location: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server/IssuerRevocationPublicKey

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO] Home directory for default CA: /etc/hyperledger/fabric-ca-server

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO] Operation Server Listening on

2019/08/02 15:10:20 [INFO] Listening on

================================================================================================ END of LOG for CONTAINER 8e51728656ff ==========================================================================================================

================================================================================================ LOG for CONTAINER eec35e2a6ba5 =================================================================================================================

# logspout v3.2.6 by gliderlabs

# adapters: tcp udp tls raw syslog multiline

# options : persist:/mnt/routes

# jobs    : http[health,logs,routes]:80 pump routes

# routes  : none

================================================================================================ END of LOG for CONTAINER eec35e2a6ba5 ==========================================================================================================
ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Thank you in advance for your help on this. Please let me know if you need anything else from our environment.

davidkel commented 5 years ago

@ashishchandr70 Sorry found the log, but it looks a bit strange was that the log of the peer that you started rather than the log of the peer that was started by vscode. If you could start the local fabric using vscode and then get the logs of the exited peer and attach them here please. Also in this environment what language are you writing your chaincode in ?

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

We are going to develop using Node.js. Have not started any chaincode development yet as I am just setting up the environment.

You are probably right - it looks like I gave you the incorrect log for fabric-peer that went down. Caroline also pointed this out so I am now executing the docker ps -a and making sure I only pick up the fabric related named containers. Please see below.

docker ps -a|grep fabric

b3893f397de1        hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.4.1       "peer node start"        About an hour ago   Exited (2) About an hour ago             

8a4114ff68ad        hyperledger/fabric-orderer:1.4.1    "orderer"                About an hour ago   Exited (0) 18 minutes ago                

14af1e008cbf        hyperledger/fabric-couchdb:0.4.15   "tini -- /docker-ent…"   About an hour ago   Exited (143) 18 minutes ago                        fabricvscodelocalfabric_couchdb

8e51728656ff        hyperledger/fabric-ca:1.4.1         "sh -c 'fabric-ca-se…"   About an hour ago   Exited (137) 18 minutes ago              

eec35e2a6ba5        gliderlabs/logspout                 "/bin/logspout"          About an hour ago   Exited (2) 18 minutes ago                          fabricvscodelocalfabric_logspout

840caadf0e16        hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.4.1       "peer node start"        17 hours ago        Exited (0) 17 hours ago                            affectionate_pasteur

994907f09e15        hyperledger/fabric-peer:1.4.1       "peer node start"        17 hours ago        Exited (0) 17 hours ago                            friendly_austin

[root@sd-b562-b25f log]# docker logs b3893f397de1

2019-08-02 15:10:21.481 UTC [nodeCmd] serve -> INFO 001 Starting peer:

Version: 1.4.1

Commit SHA: 87074a7

Go version: go1.11.5

OS/Arch: linux/amd64


  Base Image Version: 0.4.15

  Base Docker Namespace: hyperledger

  Base Docker Label: org.hyperledger.fabric

  Docker Namespace: hyperledger

2019-08-02 15:10:21.481 UTC [ledgermgmt] initialize -> INFO 002 Initializing ledger mgmt

2019-08-02 15:10:21.481 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 003 Initializing ledger provider

2019-08-02 15:10:21.808 UTC [kvledger] NewProvider -> INFO 004 ledger provider Initialized

2019-08-02 15:10:21.930 UTC [couchdb] handleRequest -> WARN 005 Retrying couchdb request in 125ms. Attempt:1  Error:Get http://couchdb:5984/: dial tcp connect: connection refused

fatal error: unexpected signal during runtime execution

[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x63 pc=0x7f3fe824a259]

runtime stack:

runtime.throw(0x1272c18, 0x2a)

                /opt/go/src/runtime/panic.go:608 +0x72


                /opt/go/src/runtime/signal_unix.go:374 +0x2f2

goroutine 33 [syscall]:

runtime.cgocall(0xe455e0, 0xc000333e00, 0x29)

                /opt/go/src/runtime/cgocall.go:128 +0x5e fp=0xc000333dc8 sp=0xc000333d90 pc=0x4039ee

net._C2func_getaddrinfo(0xc0000b4720, 0x0, 0xc0004164b0, 0xc0000b6258, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                _cgo_gotypes.go:91 +0x55 fp=0xc000333e00 sp=0xc000333dc8 pc=0x616c85

net.cgoLookupIPCNAME.func1(0xc0000b4720, 0x0, 0xc0004164b0, 0xc0000b6258, 0x8, 0x8, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:149 +0x131 fp=0xc000333e48 sp=0xc000333e00 pc=0x61c3b1

net.cgoLookupIPCNAME(0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:149 +0x153 fp=0xc000333f38 sp=0xc000333e48 pc=0x618243

net.cgoIPLookup(0xc0000879e0, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7)

                /opt/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:201 +0x4d fp=0xc000333fc8 sp=0xc000333f38 pc=0x6188fd


                /opt/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:1333 +0x1 fp=0xc000333fd0 sp=0xc000333fc8 pc=0x45de51

created by net.cgoLookupIP

                /opt/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:211 +0xad

goroutine 1 [select]:

net/http.(*Transport).getConn(0xc00037bd40, 0xc000416390, 0x0, 0xc0002340a0, 0x4, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0001cf320)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:1004 +0x58e

net/http.(*Transport).roundTrip(0xc00037bd40, 0xc0000de000, 0xc000416360, 0xc0000b46e8, 0xc0000b46f0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:451 +0x690

net/http.(*Transport).RoundTrip(0xc00037bd40, 0xc0000de000, 0xc00037bd40, 0xbf493280437a9019, 0x858b15e50)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/roundtrip.go:17 +0x35

net/http.send(0xc0001f9e00, 0x139e6e0, 0xc00037bd40, 0xbf493280437a9019, 0x858b15e50, 0x1fa1740, 0xc0000b6248, 0xbf493280437a9019, 0xc0003deb48, 0x1)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/client.go:250 +0x14b

net/http.(*Client).send(0xc0003774a0, 0xc0001f9e00, 0xbf493280437a9019, 0x858b15e50, 0x1fa1740, 0xc0000b6248, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/client.go:174 +0xfa

net/http.(*Client).do(0xc0003774a0, 0xc0001f9e00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/client.go:641 +0x2a8

net/http.(*Client).Do(0xc0003774a0, 0xc0001f9e00, 0x10, 0xc0003dee40, 0x1)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/client.go:509 +0x35*CouchInstance).handleRequest(0xc0000f99e0, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x123cf31, 0x3, 0x0, 0x0, 0x124c88f, 0x11, 0xc000450300, ...)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x64e*CouchInstance).VerifyCouchConfig(0xc0000f99e0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x345, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3, 0xc, 0x826299e00, 0xc000044000, ...)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x29e, 0x1fc5e60, 0xb972cb, 0x10d80c0, 0xc00000e248)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xe4, 0xc00000e248, 0x13b0260, 0x1fc5e60, 0x139cac0, 0xc00043e300, 0x2, 0x4, 0x0, 0xc0001e8000)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x48*Provider).Initialize(0xc0001e8000, 0xc0001ca300, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x25e

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x4b4

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x2a

sync.(*Once).Do(0x1fc5f38, 0xc0001094e0)

                /opt/go/src/sync/once.go:44 +0xb3

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x55, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5bd, 0x1fc5e60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x9c*Command).execute(0x1eb3b00, 0x1fc5e60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1eb3b00, 0x1fc5e60)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x473*Command).ExecuteC(0x1eb4220, 0x8, 0x0, 0x1eb33e0)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x2fd*Command).Execute(0x1eb4220, 0xc000109f40, 0x1)

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x2b


                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x2f7

goroutine 4 [syscall]:


                /opt/go/src/runtime/sigqueue.go:139 +0x9c


                /opt/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:23 +0x22

created by os/signal.init.0

                /opt/go/src/os/signal/signal_unix.go:29 +0x41

goroutine 24 [IO wait]:

internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x7f3fe9621f00, 0x72, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/runtime/netpoll.go:173 +0x66

internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc0001e9f18, 0x72, 0xc0000bbb00, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:85 +0x9a

internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc0001e9f18, 0xffffffffffffff00, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/internal/poll/fd_poll_runtime.go:90 +0x3d

internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0xc0001e9f00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/internal/poll/fd_unix.go:384 +0x1a0

net.(*netFD).accept(0xc0001e9f00, 0x7f3fed891000, 0x0, 0xc00005e6b0)

                /opt/go/src/net/fd_unix.go:238 +0x42

net.(*TCPListener).accept(0xc00000e6b8, 0xc00005e6b8, 0x40d1d8, 0x30)

                /opt/go/src/net/tcpsock_posix.go:139 +0x2e

net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0xc00000e6b8, 0x1174aa0, 0xc000199830, 0x1074180, 0x1ea5270)

                /opt/go/src/net/tcpsock.go:260 +0x47

net/http.(*Server).Serve(0xc0003f9110, 0x13b6a20, 0xc00000e6b8, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/server.go:2826 +0x22f

created by*System).Start

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x1a3

goroutine 25 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc0004108c0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 7 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dcb60)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 8 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dcb60)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 9 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dcb60)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 10 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dcb60)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 11 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc0004100e0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 12 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dc000)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 13 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dc000)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 14 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dc000)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 15 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dc000)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 16 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc000410540)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 34 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dc1a0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 35 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dc1a0)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 36 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dc1a0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 37 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dc1a0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 38 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc0004101c0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 39 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dcd00)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 40 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dcd00)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 41 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dcd00)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 42 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dcd00)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 43 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc000410700)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 44 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dcea0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 45 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dcea0)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 46 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dcea0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 47 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dcea0)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 48 [select]:*BufferPool).drain(0xc000410c40)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12a

created by

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x177

goroutine 49 [select]:*DB).compactionError(0xc0001dd040)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0xd3

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x40c

goroutine 50 [select]:*DB).mpoolDrain(0xc0001dd040)

            /opt/gopath/src/ +0xe7

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x42e

goroutine 51 [select]:*DB).tCompaction(0xc0001dd040)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x331

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x58c

goroutine 52 [select]:*DB).mCompaction(0xc0001dd040)

/opt/gopath/src/ +0x12e

created by

                /opt/gopath/src/ +0x5ae

goroutine 32 [select]:

net.cgoLookupIP(0x13b79e0, 0xc0000bbec0, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0x0, 0xffffffff, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/cgo_unix.go:212 +0x17b

net.(*Resolver).lookupIP(0x1fa0d00, 0x13b79e0, 0xc0000bbec0, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0x92ffee9fec54e8, 0xc00030c480, 0xc0000ba4c0, 0x8e559b2a, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/lookup_unix.go:95 +0x166

net.(*Resolver).lookupIP-fm(0x13b79e0, 0xc0000bbec0, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0x42be22, 0x8, 0xc0000ba4c0, 0x0, 0xc000333ea0)

                /opt/go/src/net/lookup.go:207 +0x56

net.glob..func1(0x13b79e0, 0xc0000bbec0, 0xc0001c6560, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0xede336303b9f8b, 0x92ffee9fec54e8, 0x13c1c063c55f79, 0xa12f2eac0123fa, 0x8e559b2a)

                /opt/go/src/net/hook.go:19 +0x52

net.(*Resolver).LookupIPAddr.func1(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/lookup.go:221 +0xd8

internal/singleflight.(*Group).doCall(0x1fa0d10, 0xc0003e0190, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0xc000416450)

                /opt/go/src/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go:95 +0x2e

created by internal/singleflight.(*Group).DoChan

                /opt/go/src/internal/singleflight/singleflight.go:88 +0x2a0

goroutine 31 [select]:

net.(*Resolver).LookupIPAddr(0x1fa0d00, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0xc0000b4700, 0x7, 0xc0000b4708, 0x4, 0x1760, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/net/lookup.go:227 +0x55f

net.(*Resolver).internetAddrList(0x1fa0d00, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x123d330, 0x3, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)

                /opt/go/src/net/ipsock.go:279 +0x614

net.(*Resolver).resolveAddrList(0x1fa0d00, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x123da6a, 0x4, 0x123d330, 0x3, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0x0, ...)

                /opt/go/src/net/dial.go:202 +0x4fb

net.(*Dialer).DialContext(0x1fa18c0, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x123d330, 0x3, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)

                /opt/go/src/net/dial.go:384 +0x201

net/http.(*Transport).dial(0xc00037bd40, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x123d330, 0x3, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0xc0000b9e00, 0xc0003a1db8, 0xc0003a1c00, ...)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:925 +0x17f

net/http.(*Transport).dialConn(0xc00037bd40, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0x0, 0xc0002340a0, 0x4, 0xc0000b4700, 0xc, 0x0, 0x9665e210d8e222, ...)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:1240 +0x313

net/http.(*Transport).getConn.func4(0xc00037bd40, 0x13b7a20, 0xc0000b4038, 0xc0004163c0, 0xc00019a4e0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:999 +0x6e

created by net/http.(*Transport).getConn

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:998 +0x3d7

goroutine 30 [runnable]:

net/http.setRequestCancel.func3(0x0, 0xc000416360, 0xc0003e0140, 0xc0000b46e8, 0xc00019a480)


created by net/http.setRequestCancel

                /opt/go/src/net/http/client.go:320 +0x24e

goroutine 29 [runnable]:

io.(*pipe).Write(0xc0003e0000, 0xc0001f3000, 0x78, 0x1000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/io/pipe.go:89 +0x1fe

io.(*PipeWriter).Write(0xc0000b61a8, 0xc0001f3000, 0x78, 0x1000, 0x78, 0x0, 0x0)

                /opt/go/src/io/pipe.go:153 +0x4c

io.(*multiWriter).Write(0xc0001cef00, 0xc0001f3000, 0x78, 0x1000, 0xc0001a6d20, 0x0, 0xc0000b46a0)

                /opt/go/src/io/multi.go:60 +0x87

net/http.persistConnWriter.Write(0xc0003e6120, 0xc0001f3000, 0x78, 0x1000, 0x123cf31, 0x3, 0x10137a0)

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:1354 +0x52

bufio.(*Writer).Flush(0xc0000bbd40, 0x139bb20, 0xc0000bbd40)

                /opt/go/src/bufio/bufio.go:575 +0x7b


                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:1901 +0x35a

created by net/http.(*Transport).dialConn

                /opt/go/src/net/http/transport.go:1339 +0x966
ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Also, I wanted to add that this is not the first time I have come across the issue of fabric containers going down. I had encountered this when installing the-samples from hyperledger/fabric Github repo. The thing that fixed it at that time (literally 2 weeks ago) was this:

Look at the accepted answer. That is what fixed this issue two weeks ago using fabric-samples.

Not sure if this is a related issue.

davidkel commented 5 years ago

@ashishchandr70 unfortunately you are hitting the DNS issue with the local fabric runtime. There is an issue for it here Would need to look into which file you would need to patch to get around the problem. But there is another issue you are going to encounter. As you are developing node.js chaincode whereever you instantiate that chaincode, that machine must have access to the internet as it will need to contact the npm registry and also Hyperledger fabric doesn't support fabrics in a non internet connected environment for node.js chaincode. There are ways around it but it's not trivial, requiring you to setup your own internal servers.

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

Hi David,

Thanks for the update and the critical info. I will need to discuss with my management as to how they want to proceed.

I am fairly optimistic that we will deploy to an environment that does have internet access i.e. using IBM Hyperledger network or using AWS but I am not sure of this - this is not my decision and is up to my management.

I will look at issue 1201 as well. I think the key is to get development going in a restricted environment (for now). So would it be possible to get a fix?

Thank you and I will begin reviewing #1201

davidkel commented 5 years ago

So the file to patch is


(replace the 1.0.6 with whatever version is currently installed on your machine) and add the line

      - GODEBUG=netdns=go

to your peer environment.

Unfortunately there is no fix for getting instantiation to work in a non internet connected environment for node.js chaincode. There is some info in this jira that may help.

ashishchandr70 commented 5 years ago

@cazfletch @davidkel I can confirm that the fix from #1201 works perfectly and we now have a running local_fabric runtime. Thank you both!!

I am sorry I am making you guys do so much work due to our environmental constraints - it should give anyone a reason to pause and re-evaluate our deployment strategy - because this installation has certainly been very painful and taken far too long. Compare to my personal Ubuntu laptop where (apart from some docker issues), I was up and running in 2 days. This is my Week 4 with getting hyperledger going with installing all dependencies (Node.js etc) from scratch without access to internet.