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Error: Terraform DESTROY error: Terraform DESTROY errorexit status 1 #3446

Open kyunghoryu opened 2 years ago

kyunghoryu commented 2 years ago

Terraform CLI and Terraform IBM Provider Version


Affected Resource(s)


Terraform Configuration Files

Please include all Terraform configurations required to reproduce the bug. Bug reports without a functional reproduction may be closed without investigation.

This issues happened at a Schematics workspace
Job ID: 9e987ad581d8ddf6665a9733593b42be
Workspace name: kh-cloudpak-test
Workspace ID:
Location: North America

Repository URL: (

Debug Output

2021/12/15 17:30:17 ----- New Workspace Action ----- 2021/12/15 17:30:17 Request: activitId=9e987ad581d8ddf6665a9733593b42be, account=93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b,, requestID=d1162452-a835-4325-b3df-ab7ff435a072 2021/12/15 17:30:19 Related Activity: action=DESTROY,, processedBy=orchestrator-747cf8bd66-zkwxj 2021/12/15 17:30:19 Related Workspace: name=kh-cloudpak-test, sourcerelease=(not specified), sourceurl= 2021/12/15 17:30:22 --- Ready to execute the command --- 2021/12/15 17:30:24 workspace.template.StateFile: 938587c1-9061-40ba-b8fc-02591a4ec1fa 2021/12/15 17:30:25 workspace.template.SecFile: 04d25d8e-92fd-44f9-a1ff-e8eb434bb6bf 2021/12/15 17:30:23 ----- New Action ----- 2021/12/15 17:30:23 Request: requestID=d1162452-a835-4325-b3df-ab7ff435a072 2021/12/15 17:30:25 Related Activity: action=Destroy,, processedByOrchestrator=d1162452-a835-4325-b3df-ab7ff435a072_9e987ad581d8ddf6665a9733593b42be, processedByJob=job12-756484b69f-jf8vq, actionType=Terraform

2021/12/15 17:30:30 ----- Terraform INIT -----

2021/12/15 17:30:31 Starting command: terraform1.0 init -input=false -no-color 2021/12/15 17:30:31 Starting command: terraform1.0 init -input=false -no-color 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | Initializing the backend... 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | Initializing provider plugins... 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | - Finding latest version of hashicorp/null... 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | - Finding latest version of hashicorp/tls... 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | - Finding ibm-cloud/ibm versions matching ">= 1.31.0"... 2021/12/15 17:30:32 Terraform init | - Installing hashicorp/null v3.1.0... 2021/12/15 17:30:33 Terraform init | - Installed hashicorp/null v3.1.0 (signed by HashiCorp) 2021/12/15 17:30:33 Terraform init | - Installing hashicorp/tls v3.1.0... 2021/12/15 17:30:34 Terraform init | - Installed hashicorp/tls v3.1.0 (signed by HashiCorp) 2021/12/15 17:30:34 Terraform init | - Installing ibm-cloud/ibm v1.37.1... 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | - Installed ibm-cloud/ibm v1.37.1 (self-signed, key ID AAD3B791C49CC253) 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | Partner and community providers are signed by their developers. 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | If you'd like to know more about provider signing, you can read about it here: 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | you run "terraform init" in the future. 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Terraform init | Terraform has been successfully initialized! 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Command finished successfully.

2021/12/15 17:30:38 ----- Terraform Refresh -----

2021/12/15 17:30:38 Starting command: terraform1.0 refresh -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -no-color 2021/12/15 17:30:38 Starting command: terraform1.0 refresh -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -no-color 2021/12/15 17:31:02 Terraform refresh | tls_private_key.ssh_key_keypair: Refreshing state... [id=8367d989a8f64987595be126b57e9ba7241d70f4] 2021/12/15 17:31:04 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_volume.iac_app_volume[0]: Refreshing state... [id=r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671] 2021/12/15 17:31:04 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_ssh_key.public_key: Refreshing state... [id=r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93] 2021/12/15 17:31:04 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_vpc.iac_test_vpc: Refreshing state... [id=r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3] 2021/12/15 17:31:08 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_subnet.iac_test_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43] 2021/12/15 17:31:08 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_security_group.iac_test_security_group: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a] 2021/12/15 17:31:09 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4] 2021/12/15 17:31:09 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d] 2021/12/15 17:31:09 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_instance.iac_test_instance: Refreshing state... [id=0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76] 2021/12/15 17:31:11 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip: Refreshing state... [id=r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6] 2021/12/15 17:31:11 Terraform refresh | ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment.iac_attach_app_volume[0]: Refreshing state... [id=0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76/0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a] 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | Refreshing state... [id=4468988574882081765] 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | Outputs: 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | ip_address = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Terraform refresh | ssh_private_key = 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Command finished successfully.

2021/12/15 17:31:13 ----- Terraform DESTROY -----

2021/12/15 17:31:13 Starting command: terraform1.0 destroy -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color 2021/12/15 17:31:13 Starting command: terraform1.0 destroy -state=terraform.tfstate -var-file=schematics.tfvars -auto-approve -no-color 2021/12/15 17:31:32 Terraform destroy | tls_private_key.ssh_key_keypair: Refreshing state... [id=8367d989a8f64987595be126b57e9ba7241d70f4] 2021/12/15 17:31:34 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_volume.iac_app_volume[0]: Refreshing state... [id=r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671] 2021/12/15 17:31:34 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_ssh_key.public_key: Refreshing state... [id=r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93] 2021/12/15 17:31:34 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_vpc.iac_test_vpc: Refreshing state... [id=r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3] 2021/12/15 17:31:38 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_subnet.iac_test_subnet: Refreshing state... [id=0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43] 2021/12/15 17:31:38 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group.iac_test_security_group: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a] 2021/12/15 17:31:39 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d] 2021/12/15 17:31:39 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh: Refreshing state... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4] 2021/12/15 17:31:39 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_instance.iac_test_instance: Refreshing state... [id=0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76] 2021/12/15 17:31:41 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip: Refreshing state... [id=r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6] 2021/12/15 17:31:41 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment.iac_attach_app_volume[0]: Refreshing state... [id=0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76/0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a] 2021/12/15 17:31:42 Terraform destroy | Refreshing state... [id=4468988574882081765] 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols: 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - destroy 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | Terraform will perform the following actions: 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_floating_ip" "iac_test_floating_ip" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - address = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::floating-ip:r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-ip" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::floating-ip:r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-ip" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - target = "0717-e65eaf8d-f1b4-4749-8338-6854da933e02" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone = "us-south-1" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_instance.iac_test_instance will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_instance" "iac_test_instance" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - bandwidth = 4000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::instance:0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - disks = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - force_action = false -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - gpu = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - image = "r006-13938c0a-89e4-4370-b59b-55cd1402562d" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - keys = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - memory = 4 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-instance" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - placement_target = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - profile = "cx2-2x4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::instance:0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-instance" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_status = "running" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "running" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status_reasons = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "iac-vpc-storage-demo", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - total_network_bandwidth = 3000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - total_volume_bandwidth = 1000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - user_data = <<-EOT 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | #!/bin/sh 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # wait for disk to be mounted TODO - add better logic 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | sleep 90 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # at this point if an extra disk is ready, use it for /home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # some partitioning and mounting magick 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | if [[ -b "/dev/vdd" ]] 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | then 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /sbin/sfdisk /dev/vdd << EOF 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 1,; 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOF 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /sbin/mkfs -t ext4 /dev/vdd1 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/mkdir -p /mnt/home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/mount /dev/vdd1 /mnt/home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/cp -ap /home/* /mnt/home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/umount /mnt/home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/mount /dev/vdd1 /home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /usr/sbin/restorecon -RFv /home 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | /bin/echo "/dev/vdd1 /home ext4 defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | fi 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # apply latest 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | dnf update -y 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # fix sshd_config that IBM Cloud breaks 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | sed -i 's/^AllowTcpForwarding no/AllowTcpForwarding yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | systemctl restart sshd 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # code to set up the end-user (run in terraform) 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | useradd -m crcuser 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | mkdir -p ~crcuser/.ssh 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | cp /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ~crcuser/.ssh 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | chown -R crcuser.crcuser ~crcuser/.ssh 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | chmod -R g-rx,o-rx ~crcuser/.ssh 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | cat > /etc/sudoers.d/crcuser <<-EOF 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ## let crcuser do whatever 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | crcuser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOF 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # TODO - move to playbook?.. as this won't work b/c vnc is not yet installed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # mkdir -p ~crcuser/.vnc 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # echo "Vncp8ss#" | vncpasswd -f > ~crcuser/.vnc/passwd 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # chmod 600 ~crcuser/.vnc/passwd 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # chown -R crcuser.crcuser ~crcuser/.vnc 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # touch done file in /root 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | touch /root/cloudinit.done 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy |
2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOT -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - vcpu = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - architecture = "amd64" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - count = 2 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_attachments = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717-6b210cef-f29a-4531-b7fe-a0c07e345362" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "jumble-senior-caddy-reliable" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::volume:r006-77439300-4be8-4504-b189-390cc206ec24" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_id = "r006-77439300-4be8-4504-b189-390cc206ec24" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_name = "bankable-broadcast-overbite-filtrate" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01-att" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::volume:r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_id = "r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - vpc = "r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - wait_before_delete = true -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone = "us-south-1" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - boot_volume { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - iops = 3000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "bankable-broadcast-overbite-filtrate" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - profile = "general-purpose" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - size = 100 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - primary_network_interface { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - allow_ip_spoofing = false -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717-e65eaf8d-f1b4-4749-8338-6854da933e02" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "eth0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_speed = 0 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - primary_ipv4_address = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - security_groups = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - subnet = "0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment.iac_attach_app_volume[0] will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment" "iac_attach_app_volume" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - capacity = 200 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - delete_volume_on_attachment_delete = true -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - delete_volume_on_instance_delete = false -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - device = "0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a-kzjk9" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - href = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76/0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - instance = "0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - iops = 3000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01-att" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - profile = "5iops-tier" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "attached" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = "data" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume = "r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_attachment_id = "0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::volume:r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_href = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - volume_name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_security_group.iac_test_security_group will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_security_group" "iac_test_security_group" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::security-group:r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-sg-public" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::security-group:r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-sg-public" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rules = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "outbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "all" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "inbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 22 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 22 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "tcp" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - vpc = "r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "outbound" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "all" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - related_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::security-group:r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_security_group_rule" "iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "inbound" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "tcp" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - related_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::security-group:r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tcp { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 22 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 22 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_ssh_key.public_key will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_ssh_key" "public_key" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::key:r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - fingerprint = "SHA256:X6fD72enVcEglkmOfMbYieOSpUMNlhHOxW8kx1BNnGs" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - length = 2048 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-public-key" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - public_key = <<-EOT 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSpHAdtXYdL0LP8AOCEYdqkOE0ek6FH7P7pVwOLtoHBwsYKR1pfhizKo8V1Ebp6F4c7MNowQ3682Lw1reeVqP713PE9PI2RdHC9kBNgkJBqPHzkGA4gCgyk8YBCIG6K5vTJto8SvBwIFlkP4LedT+aiGDKwrK19FSAhqBpzP2H15O3OeSUAnuou6Rtoq9f4a8xNqHis5ZBoq4c5jsJbxUFrWLFtmJd67qKAJFY2s+HWEsgcCJEvFF8xS/zKRzLbTZ7LE7XorXTA1ekbgX03ROToDHoG2TLRTWnvtxez2s5Rzxhqcr6ru2YDIUk+DsdRlpzylx6hDVzVNT7AwRrw+jz 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOT -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::key:r006-605e63d3-fdce-4851-be54-342b919a6f93" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-public-key" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = "rsa" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_subnet.iac_test_subnet will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_subnet" "iac_test_subnet" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - access_tags = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - available_ipv4_address_count = 58 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::subnet:0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ipv4_cidr_block = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-subnet" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - network_acl = "r006-70d74efe-1390-48dc-913c-e87c0004ac83" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::subnet:0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-subnet" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - routing_table = "r006-fac00eb5-7916-4307-a16b-ce1d3160302d" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - total_ipv4_address_count = 64 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - vpc = "r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone = "us-south-1" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_volume.iac_app_volume[0] will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_volume" "iac_app_volume" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - bandwidth = 393 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - capacity = 200 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::volume:r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - encryption_type = "provider_managed" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - iops = 3000 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - profile = "5iops-tier" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south-1:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::volume:r006-13d23d71-2f28-4d2b-a507-316b53c12671" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-volume-01" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status_reasons = [] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone = "us-south-1" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # ibm_is_vpc.iac_test_vpc will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "ibm_is_vpc" "iac_test_vpc" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - address_prefix_management = "auto" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - classic_access = false -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::vpc:r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - cse_source_addresses = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - address = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone_name = "us-south-1" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - address = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone_name = "us-south-2" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - address = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone_name = "us-south-3" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_network_acl = "r006-70d74efe-1390-48dc-913c-e87c0004ac83" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_network_acl_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::network-acl:r006-70d74efe-1390-48dc-913c-e87c0004ac83" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_network_acl_name = "quicken-playgroup-foothill-expanded" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_routing_table = "r006-fac00eb5-7916-4307-a16b-ce1d3160302d" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_routing_table_name = "devalue-trapping-chump-impatient" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_security_group = "r006-4e090de5-aecb-4d63-ac29-edb040d04281" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_security_group_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::security-group:r006-4e090de5-aecb-4d63-ac29-edb040d04281" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - default_security_group_name = "consoling-unknowing-envelope-essence" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-vpc" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_controller_url = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_crn = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:us-south:a/93d40f24fc25232b876cdc3dfa2a445b::vpc:r006-df86a06e-e7a7-4208-a381-2714fc39f4b3" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group = "169b87345750484e9fa3233516e45cf0" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_group_name = "Default" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_name = "vpc-storage-demo-vpc" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource_status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - security_group = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group_id = "r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group_name = "vpc-storage-demo-sg-public" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rules = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "outbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "all" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "inbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 22 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 22 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "tcp" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group_id = "r006-4e090de5-aecb-4d63-ac29-edb040d04281" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - group_name = "consoling-unknowing-envelope-essence" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rules = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "outbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "all" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-c230b137-f3a7-42fd-b531-3ae5662c0a22" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - code = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - direction = "inbound" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_version = "ipv4" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_max = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - port_min = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - protocol = "all" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - remote = "r006-4e090de5-aecb-4d63-ac29-edb040d04281" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rule_id = "r006-a7d351cf-7546-4ee9-949b-b3148453d6ae" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - type = 0 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "available" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - subnets = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - available_ipv4_address_count = 58 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "0717-65cda54d-4d43-4258-8064-a5389a652b43" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - name = "vpc-storage-demo-subnet" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - status = "available" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - total_ipv4_address_count = 64 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - zone = "us-south-1" 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | }, 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - tags = [ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - "", 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ] -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "null_resource" "run-ansible-vnc" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "4468988574882081765" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | # tls_private_key.ssh_key_keypair will be destroyed 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - resource "tls_private_key" "ssh_key_keypair" { 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - algorithm = "RSA" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ecdsa_curve = "P224" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - id = "8367d989a8f64987595be126b57e9ba7241d70f4" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - private_key_pem = (sensitive value) 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - public_key_fingerprint_md5 = "de:cb:7e:f8:04:f6:98:1e:c9:3a:ec:6a:5e:b9:4e:64" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - public_key_openssh = <<-EOT 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDSpHAdtXYdL0LP8AOCEYdqkOE0ek6FH7P7pVwOLtoHBwsYKR1pfhizKo8V1Ebp6F4c7MNowQ3682Lw1reeVqP713PE9PI2RdHC9kBNgkJBqPHzkGA4gCgyk8YBCIG6K5vTJto8SvBwIFlkP4LedT+aiGDKwrK19FSAhqBpzP2H15O3OeSUAnuou6Rtoq9f4a8xNqHis5ZBoq4c5jsJbxUFrWLFtmJd67qKAJFY2s+HWEsgcCJEvFF8xS/zKRzLbTZ7LE7XorXTA1ekbgX03ROToDHoG2TLRTWnvtxez2s5Rzxhqcr6ru2YDIUk+DsdRlpzylx6hDVzVNT7AwRrw+jz 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOT -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - public_key_pem = <<-EOT 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA0qRwHbV2HS9Cz/ADghGH 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | apDhNHpOhR+z+6VcDi7aBwcLGCkdaX4YsyqPFdRG6eheHOzDaMEN+vNi8Na3nlaj 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | +9dzxPTyNkXRwvZATYJCQajx85BgOIAoMpPGAQiBuiub0ybaPErwcCBZZD+C3nU/ 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | mohgysKytfRUgIagacz9h9eTtznklAJ7qLukbaKvX+GvMTah4rOWQaKuHOY7CW8V 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | Ba1ixbZiXeu6igCRWNrPh1hLIHAiRLxRfMUv8ykcy202eyxO16K10wNXpG4F9N0T 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | k6Ax6Btky0U1p77cXs9rOUc8YanK+q7tmAyFJPg7HUZac8pceoQ1c1TU+wMEa8Po 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 8wIDAQAB 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | -----END PUBLIC KEY----- 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | EOT -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - rsa_bits = 2048 -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | } 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | Plan: 0 to add, 0 to change, 12 to destroy. 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | Changes to Outputs: 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ip_address = "" -> null 2021/12/15 17:31:47 Terraform destroy | - ssh_private_key = (sensitive value) 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | Destroying... [id=4468988574882081765] 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | Destruction complete after 0s 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh: Destroying... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-c2af58bb-500c-41c6-ad61-0e81f248b8d4] 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip: Destroying... [id=r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6] 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound: Destroying... [id=r006-4d44cf5c-8b11-438c-95f3-f86cb5355f9a.r006-4dd820bb-0109-4cf5-b0f9-4b3c8972402d] 2021/12/15 17:31:52 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment.iac_attach_app_volume[0]: Destroying... [id=0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76/0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a] 2021/12/15 17:31:53 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_tcp_ssh: Destruction complete after 1s 2021/12/15 17:31:54 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_security_group_rule.iac_test_security_group_rule_all_outbound: Destruction complete after 1s 2021/12/15 17:32:02 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip: Still destroying... [id=r006-8434dcb0-ba5a-413a-ad2c-6d792afa97c6, 10s elapsed] 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Terraform destroy | ibm_is_floating_ip.iac_test_floating_ip: Destruction complete after 10s 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Terraform destroy | Error: Error while deleting volume attachment (0717-b15ddd89-9a2c-4359-b51e-e8c96325ab8a) from instance (0717_1a3434f9-bc6c-4f2c-8c18-5e4339778a76) : "Conflicting update of instance, please retry request" 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Terraform destroy | 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Terraform DESTROY error: Terraform DESTROY errorexit status 1 2021/12/15 17:32:03 Could not execute action

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

Actual Behavior

Steps to Reproduce

1.Step one Create a Schematics workspace at

2.Step two Input "" as the value of 1. Specify template

3.Step three Apply plan to created resources with the template at Once it is created, choose Actions -> Destroy Resoruces

Important Factoids


kavya498 commented 2 years ago

@kyunghoryu ,

After looking into the template..

I suspect if ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment and ibm_is_floating_ip are getting destroyed in parallel process, and hence you are seeing a conflict..

Please add depends_on to ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment resource.?

resource "ibm_is_instance_volume_attachment" "iac_attach_app_volume" {
  depends_on = [

so that destroy on floating_ip waits until volume_attachment is destroyed completely..
