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ibm_is_instance#keys changes key results in conflict re-apply tf #3751

Closed haf-tech closed 2 years ago

haf-tech commented 2 years ago

Community Note

Terraform CLI and Terraform IBM Provider Version

Terraform: v1.1.5 (via IBM Schematics) IBM-Cloud/ibm v1.40.1

Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

Please include all Terraform configurations required to reproduce the bug. Bug reports without a functional reproduction may be closed without investigation.

variable "sshKeyMap" {
  description = "Map of public key owners and the path (relative to the terraform script) to their public key file, used for SSH into the VSIs"
  type        = map
  default     = {
    "user1" = "ssh-keys/"
    "user2" = "ssh-keys/"

resource "ibm_is_ssh_key" "sshKeys" {
  count = length(var.sshKeyMap)
  name  = local.keyOwners[count.index]
  public_key = file(

resource "ibm_is_instance" "w" {
  count          = var.worker_node_quantity
  name           = "${local.titledEnv}-${format("w%d", count.index + 1)}"
  tags           = local.globalTags
  resource_group =
  vpc            =
  zone           =
  profile        =
  image          =
  keys           = ibm_is_ssh_key.sshKeys.*.id
  user_data      = ""

  primary_network_interface {
    name            = "${local.titledEnv}-if-w"
    subnet          =
    security_groups = []

content of the SSH keys

ssh-ed25519 AAAA....T
ssh-ed25519 AA22....T

Debug Output

ibm_is_ssh_key.sshKeys[1] must be replaced
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan | -/+ resource "ibm_is_ssh_key" "sshKeys" {
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ crn                     = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:.." -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ fingerprint             = "SHA256:mxbAJUwVmg7cAAu..." -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ id                      = "r010-901a8421-5f6f-4....." -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ length                  = 4096 -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |         name                    = "user1"
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ public_key              = <<-EOT # forces replacement
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |           - ssh-rsa AAAA
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |           + ssh-rsa AAAA
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |         EOT
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ resource_controller_url = "" -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ resource_crn            = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu" -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ resource_group          = "cbe5ecb13.." -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ resource_group_name     = "Default" -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ resource_name           = "user1" -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ tags                    = [
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |           - "schematics:eu-de.workspace....",
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |         ] -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |       ~ type                    = "rsa" -> (known after apply)
 2022/04/30 15:24:39 Terraform plan |     }

but even with adjusted ssh key (without name), I still receive a must be replaced

 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |   # ibm_is_ssh_key.sshKeys[0] must be replaced
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply | -/+ resource "ibm_is_ssh_key" "sshKeys" {
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ crn                     = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu..." -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ fingerprint             = "SHA256:IONG3B...." -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ id                      = "r010-53c2c91f-15b3...." -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ length                  = 4096 -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |         name                    = "user1"
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ public_key              = <<-EOT # forces replacement
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |             ssh-rsa AAAAB...
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |         EOT
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ resource_controller_url = "" -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ resource_crn            = "crn:v1:bluemix:public:is:eu" -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ resource_group          = "cbe5ecb1323247c8..." -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ resource_group_name     = "Default" -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ resource_name           = "user1" -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ tags                    = [
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |           - "schematics:eu-de.workspace....",
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |         ] -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |       ~ type                    = "rsa" -> (known after apply)
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply |     }
 2022/05/01 08:48:16 Terraform apply | 

Panic Output

Expected Behavior

SSH Keys not changed, resources not changed

Actual Behavior

Somewhat changes the content of the SSH pub keys and removes the name/email at the end of the key This results in a drift and re-applying the same tf (without changes) will results in re-creation of the resource, which fails because the SSH keys are still in use (from the VSI instances)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. terraform apply

Important Factoids


julianhahn commented 2 years ago

had the same problem today! Solution seems to be, to trim created whitespace from tls key, before assigning the public key to the ibm_is_ssh resource. Discussed here:

haf-tech commented 2 years ago

@julianhahn yes, trim is in my case not working because I do not handling the key content, but key files. this is the reason why I already integrate the tf attribute to ignore_changes as workaround.

ujjwal-ibm commented 2 years ago

Resolved here #3701

hkantare commented 2 years ago

Fixed in latest release