Open pauljegouic opened 1 year ago
@attilatabori /Lewis Evan Can you look into this issue @pauljegouic In local you pointed it works fine . In local are you using serviceID or user APIkey
Service ID !
Any updates ?
@pauljegouic Can you share sample configuration files and the service ID (policies defined for services)
From Paul JEGOUIC: Just to remind: With ServiceID API Key - Manager/Administrator on IKS/ROKS Service: I can pull the cluster config from CLI, I can pull the cluster config from terraform locally using the terraform resource ibm_cluster_config (sorry if not exact) (ROKS or IKS) I can pull the cluster config from terraform on Schematics - if cluster_type == IKS I cannot pull the cluster config from terraform on Schematics, if cluster_type == ROKS Latest usecase ends up with this message:
Error: [ERROR] Error downloading the cluster config [opspf-cluster]: Request failed with status code: 400, BXNIM0453E: The refresh token contains subject type 'ServiceId', which is not valid for the intended operation. Supported subject types are UserId, Profile.
Hello there,
Following @hkantare demand, here is the bug regarding
Current behaviour
Works fine with an IKS, but lead to error with ROKS when executed over Schematics.