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[CBR] Add the ability to update existing CBR rules and zones. #5235

Open Ak-sky opened 3 months ago

Ak-sky commented 3 months ago

Community Note


As of now there is no way to update the existing CBR zones and rules except from the UI. We have a requirement where few of the base CBR rules/zones will be created before and later we want to update both existing zones and rules based on newly created VPCs etc.

New or Affected Resource(s)

Potential Terraform Configuration

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zhenwan commented 3 months ago

@Ak-sky Besides UI, you can also update zones and rules by using API, CLI, Terraform. Please let me know if these are what you ask for.

tyao117 commented 3 months ago

is this the problem where the update doesn't recognize the update from the




if that is the case, the attribute contexts needs to become a TypeSet rather than a TypeList

ocofaigh commented 3 months ago

@zhenwan With the terraform provider my understanding is its only possible to create new CBR zones or rules. We are looking for the ability to update an existing zone or rule using terraform. Our use case is that we may have one terraform state that creates the zones and rules, but then as more resource get created in our account (in different terraform state files) we want to ability to update the zones / rules with the new resources. Does this make sense?

tyao117 commented 3 months ago

Previous CBR zones or rules can be updated. I tried the command locally and it does update a previous cbr rule.

$ terraform plan
ibm_cbr_rule.cbr_rule: Refreshing state... [id=db37786887b117ce3481b987d78d9a77]

Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  ~ update in-place

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  # ibm_cbr_rule.cbr_rule will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "ibm_cbr_rule" "cbr_rule" {
      + description         = "this is an example of rule with two contexts"
        id                  = "db37786887b117ce3481b987d78d9a77"
        # (8 unchanged attributes hidden)

      ~ contexts {
          ~ attributes {
              ~ name  = "endpointType" -> "networkZoneId"
              ~ value = "private,public,direct" -> "dba984bd974c1ec08d414896538ac390"
          ~ attributes {
              ~ name  = "networkZoneId" -> "endpointType"
              ~ value = "dba984bd974c1ec08d414896538ac390" -> "private"

      ~ resources {
          ~ attributes {
              ~ name     = "serviceInstance" -> "serviceName"
              - operator = "stringEquals" -> null
              ~ value    = "7484f1cc-09c4-4953-88f4-f36180fe1415" -> "cloud-object-storage"
          - attributes {
              - name  = "serviceName" -> null
              - value = "cloud-object-storage" -> null
          + tags {
              + name  = "tag_name"
              + value = "tag_value"

            # (1 unchanged block hidden)

        # (1 unchanged block hidden)

Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
$ terraform apply tf.plan
ibm_cbr_rule.cbr_rule: Modifying... [id=db37786887b117ce3481b987d78d9a77]
ibm_cbr_rule.cbr_rule: Modifications complete after 1s [id=db37786887b117ce3481b987d78d9a77]

Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 1 changed, 0 destroyed.

I checked the Update Resource code. It does call an Update provided from the SDK.

ocofaigh commented 3 months ago

I think in order to achieve this, we would need a new provider resource (e.g. ibm_cbr_rule_context) in order to be able to update existing CBR resources. Something similar to the way ibm_is_security_group_rule can be used to update an existing security group

ocofaigh commented 3 months ago

@zhenwan @Ak-sky Should we sync up internally on this? This is blocking one of our committed AHA items for 2Q

zhenwan commented 3 months ago

@ocofaigh please look at the response Tim provided above Tim has opened a PR that fixed rule/zone update issues. Please let me know if this new PR will address your issue. If not, can you please provide us a test case?

ocofaigh commented 3 months ago

@zhenwan I don't think Tim's updates will cover our use case. As per above comment, our use case is that we have one terraform state that creates the zones and rules, but then as more resource get created in our account (in different terraform states) we need the ability to update the contexts of the existing zones / rules we with the new resources we created.

So for this to work, we would need a new provider resource (e.g. ibm_cbr_rule_context) in order to be able to update existing CBR zones / rules. Something similar to the way ibm_is_security_group_rule can be used to update an existing security group.

vburckhardt commented 2 months ago

Suggest to name the resource attachment. This is conceptually the same as or where objects are created, and then another resource is used to attach an object to another. This follows best practices in terraform / IaC in general around idempotency.

LindaBat commented 2 months ago

Hello, can you please provide an update on this issue. Thanks.