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vpc spoke dns resolver type can not be set to delegated after a ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding #5262

Open powellquiring opened 3 months ago

powellquiring commented 3 months ago

Community Note


There isn’t currently a way in terraform to create a delegated system consisting of a hub and spoke VPC in 1 pass that includes an IAM authorization that specifies by the hub and spoke:

  1. hub vpc and resolvers
  2. spoke vpc
  3. IAM authorization hub_vpc, spoke_vpc
  4. resource "ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding" from spoke to hub
  5. set the spoke vpc DNS resolver type to delegated

Here is the iam authorization policy, notice it has the hub and spoke ids to narrowed as much as possible.

resource "ibm_iam_authorization_policy" "policy" {
  roles = [
    "DNS Binding Connector",
  subject_attributes {
    name  = "accountId"
    value = local.settings.account_id
  subject_attributes {
    name  = "serviceName"
    value = "is"
  subject_attributes {
    name  = "resourceType"
    value = "vpc"
  subject_attributes {
    name  = "resource"
    value =
  resource_attributes {
    name  = "accountId"
    value = local.settings.account_id
  resource_attributes {
    name  = "serviceName"
    value = "is"
  resource_attributes {
    name  = "vpcId"
    value =

The last step of setting the spoke to delegated currently requires that one goes back to the spoke vpc and make an editing change.

A solution would be to add the type to the binding resource as shown below:

resource "ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding" "spoke_vpc_dns_resolution_binding_by_id" {
  for_each = { for index, vpc in local.spoke_vpcs : index => vpc }
  name     =
  vpc_id   =
  type     = "delegated" # THIS IS NEW
  vpc {
    id =

As a work around it is possible to patch the spoke VPC DNS using curl. But this is problematic since the bearer token is persisted in the terraform state file and could (will likely) expire before the destroy operation is executed.

locals {
  api_version      = "2024-04-04"
  vpc_api_endpoint = "https://${local.settings.region}"
  vpcs_url         = "${local.vpc_api_endpoint}/v1/vpcs/${}?version=${local.api_version}&generation=2"
  patch_delegated = {
    dns = {
      resolver = {
        type = "delegated"
        vpc = {
          id =
        dns_binding_name = "spoke-to-transit"
  patch_system = {
    dns = {
      resolver = {
        type = "system"
        vpc  = null
  iam_access_token = sensitive(data.ibm_iam_auth_token.tokendata.iam_access_token)
  headers = {
    "Content-Type"  = "application/json"
    "Authorization" = data.ibm_iam_auth_token.tokendata.iam_access_token

resource "terracurl_request" "patch_delegated" {
  for_each     = { for index, vpc in local.spoke_vpcs : index => vpc }
  name         =
  url          = local.vpcs_url
  method       = "PATCH"
  request_body = jsonencode(local.patch_delegated)
  headers      = local.headers
  response_codes = [

  destroy_url          = local.vpcs_url
  destroy_method       = "PATCH"
  destroy_request_body = jsonencode(local.patch_system)
  destroy_headers      = local.headers
  destroy_response_codes = [

New or Affected Resource(s)

Potential Terraform Configuration

resource "ibm_is_vpc_dns_resolution_binding" "spoke_vpc_dns_resolution_binding_by_id" {
  for_each = { for index, vpc in local.spoke_vpcs : index => vpc }
  name     =
  vpc_id   =
  type     = "delegated" # THIS IS NEW
  vpc {
    id =
astha-jain commented 2 months ago

hi @powellquiring Fix was added in release v1.61.0

sumitkumartiwari commented 3 weeks ago

Closing based on @astha-jain comments.

sumitkumartiwari commented 3 weeks ago

@powellquiring Please confirm if the issue can be closed ?