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ibm_is_lb: Total provision time too long #5380

Open sean-freeman opened 1 month ago

sean-freeman commented 1 month ago

Community Note

Terraform CLI and Terraform IBM Provider Version


Affected Resource(s)

Terraform Configuration Files

resource "ibm_is_lb" "example" {
  name    = "example-load-balancer"
  subnets = [,]

resource "ibm_is_lb_pool" "example" {
  name           = "example-pool"
  lb             =
  algorithm      = "round_robin"
  protocol       = "http"
  health_delay   = 60
  health_retries = 5
  health_timeout = 30
  health_type    = "http"
  proxy_protocol = "v1"

resource "ibm_is_lb_pool_member" "example_member1" {
  lb             =
  pool           = element(split("/",, 1)
  port           = 8080
  target_address = ""
  weight         = 60

resource "ibm_is_lb_pool_member" "example_member2" {
  lb             =
  pool           = element(split("/",, 1)
  port           = 8080
  target_address = ""
  weight         = 60

resource "ibm_is_lb_listener" "example" {
  lb                         =
  port                       = "9080"
  protocol                   = "http"
  https_redirect_listener    = ibm_is_lb_listener.example.listener_id
  https_redirect_status_code = 301
  https_redirect_uri         = "/example?doc=get"

Expected Behavior

Terraform Resource ibm_is_lb should follow API Specification and upon create allow data input via nested:


Actual Behavior

Terraform Resources are modular-only, there is no allowance for nested creation.

This means every end-user must use in sequence:

Therefore, creating just 1 listener (e.g. Port 443) and 1 pool (with 2 pool server members) will take approximately 5 + 16 minutes using Terraform versus 5 minutes from API/CLI/Web GUI.

This is a compounding problem as there are very few cases that use such as simple Load Balancer configuration. A more reasonable expectation would be 5 listener (e.g. Port 443) and 5 pools (each with 2 pool server members), which would take approximately 80 minutes. The API/CLI/Web GUI would remain at 5 minutes.

I can appreciate how the modular-only approach would be considered the correct approach, it is logical for Terraform purposes and there is no nested pools/members and listeners on the update[PATCH] API Endpoint.

A compromise needs to be found as this is far too long for execution of a Load Balancer setup. This may mean ibm_is_lb logic needs to be expanded to mask complexity and handle multiple API calls: