IBM-Cloud / vscode-log-output-colorizer

Language extension for VSCode that adds syntax colorization for both the output/debug/extensions panel and *.log files.
MIT License
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Lockup VSCode #5

Closed triceam closed 7 years ago

triceam commented 7 years ago

Special characters in one particular log file of mine are causing the extension to entirely lock up VSCode. So, I'm guessing one of the regex is failing on it, but I don't know exactly which one, or why, and it has only happened in this one particular log file.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

Same thing here. It freezes VSCode as soon as i start a build task

triceam commented 7 years ago

Any chance you can share the log content of your task output for testing?

triceam commented 7 years ago

Single regex that covered quoted strings with both single and double quotes caused lockup. Switched to separate regex for each case, and lockup is gone.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@triceam still locking here. Is your fix pushed on the market? Here is the beginning of my output log:

arning: global matchers and tasks can't be mixed. Ignoring global matchers.
> neosmia-desktop-app@0.0.1 start /Volumes/data/dev/aryballe/neosmia-desktop-app
> gulp start
[21:25:20] Requiring external module babel-register
[21:25:22] Using gulpfile /Volumes/data/dev/aryballe/neosmia-desktop-app/gulpfile.babel.js
[21:25:22] Starting 'rebuild'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'node_modules'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'watchableCopy'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'sass'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'css'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'less'...
[21:25:22] Finished 'less' after 118 ms
[21:25:22] Starting 'typescript'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'javascript'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'html'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'php'...
[21:25:22] Starting 'packagejson'...
[21:25:22] Finished 'node_modules' after 334 ms
[21:25:22] Finished 'packagejson' after 251 ms
[21:25:22] Finished 'css' after 665 ms
[21:25:23] Finished 'html' after 644 ms
[21:25:23] Finished 'sass' after 1 s


triceam commented 7 years ago

Not yet - will ping you here as soon as it's been uploaded. Shouldn't be long... Sorry about the issues.

triceam commented 7 years ago

@farfromrefug OK, its up:

Would you mind testing it out and let me know?

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@triceam it works! great plugin. THanks a lot