IBM-Watson / design-guide

IBM Watson's Design Guide
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Deliver refined IA #93

Closed kathrynmcelroy closed 9 years ago

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago
kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago
kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Link to the IA research I've been doing and next steps for it:

Snugug commented 9 years ago

Please move this into our public Wiki here from Release Blueprints. If it has confidential information, please anonymize it first. Thanks!

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

viz-ia_2 viz-ia_9 viz-ia_4 fed-ia_1 fed-ia_6

Snugug commented 9 years ago

Question: I see that things are color coded, but I don't see a key for the color coding. Can you provide one?

As for the different IAs, I prefer the Design/Code/Both and Scale and Scope approaches over the disciplines one, leaning most towards Nick. The one exception to his flow is that we won't be providing a specific grid, but rather guidelines on how to determine layout and layouts for specific types of content, following content out layouts. Generally speaking, some of what we're doing (or going to be doing, layouts for instance) is new when it comes to design languages and pattern libraries (focusing not only on how things look, but how they work, how they respond, how they enhance, which ones fit together to form UX flows, etc…) so we should keep in mind that some of what we're providing our users will have never seen/considered before. It is also on the roadmap (eventually) to provide more than HTML patterns, so we shouldn't tie ourselves too tightly to only HTML in the long run.

Additionally, I noticed that everyone talked about not using the word "patterns" because it's too vague. Let me codify the definitions we're using, just so there's no ambiguity amongst ourselves and when we discuss them.

Base elements, components, and layouts are all types of patterns. Color, typography, and animation, on the other hand, are not patterns but rather style choices that affect the display of patterns. Icons can be both patterns (components) and style choices.

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Research posted here:

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

The color coding was for my personal use, so I could more easily see how the organizations differed. Here is the original organization that I used for color-coding: ux-ia_1

For the grid, I think the layout patterns will fulfill this desire. We also saw in Jessica's visual designer interviews that our designers don't currently have a unified way of developing a grid or layout, so we need to provide some sort of guidance for that (like you mentioned above).

As for the word "Patterns", I've added some of the specific quotes I heard about the term. It does not resonate with a couple of the devs I've talked to, and it has a broader meaning for our other target user, the visual designers. Although we can create our own definitions for these terms, if it doesn't intuitively connect with our user, then the definition will not work. So we need to either consider a different word choice or have specific "on-boarding" for that term for our users.

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Images from the mini-workshop. I will be posting the full playback of the workshop to the Wiki later this afternoon.

img_6011 img_6012 img_6013

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

original-idea copy discussion new-idea

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Updated Wiki page with IA Workshop process and results.

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

I made a clickable prototype of the initial IA hosted here:

I will be testing user flows through this in the next few hours and on Monday morning.

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

img_6014 Initial idea for the responsive navigation - original navigation on the left, and how it will alter for smaller screens on the right

Snugug commented 9 years ago

A couple of things to keep in mind when designing responsive navigation, in case you hadn't already:

  1. We should do our best not to hide or remove navigation at smaller screen sizes; consistent navigation reduces cognitive load on our users. If we have too many items in our navigation, maybe we re-consider if all of them are needed in general. In fact, it may be a good exercise to not think about the largest screen size navigation at all and only focus on small screen navigation, building the larger one up from the constraints built in the small version.
  2. Having navigation update itself while we scroll (highlighting the section, for instance) is neat looking and may provide a visual aid to where they are in a site, but very resource intensive (meaning bad for on-page performance). Same goes for sticky-ing things to the top of the screen on scroll. Really, any change that is dependent upon scroll position is very resource intensive and we should try and avoid as much as we can. This holds true for parallax as well.
  3. Some thing are easier to animate than others. Having things slide, for instance, is much easier than animating the height of something from 0 to X height.
  4. The large screen section almost looks like a single page view. Single page views can suffer from infinite scroll syndrome on smaller screens where the is simply no end in sight for the bottom of the page. Because we are serving a single HTML request to everyone, we should consider what our content will look like on small screens first, then expand up to larger screens instead of the other way around.
kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

@Snugug Re: 1 & 2, I would love if you could share some examples of websites with long navigation streams (API documentation, retail websites, etc) that handle this well. I have not found any ideal ones and very few good ones, so if we could share resources that would be really helpful.

And what is 3 referencing?

Snugug commented 9 years ago

Number 3 was a general statement when it comes to designing, say, a slide out menu.

As for 1 & 2, there aren't good examples, in fact I'd argue that long navigation streams is an outdated UX pattern (press spacebar to get through the splash screen and preloader). Basically, my recommendation from that presentation is Your Org Structure Is Not Your Information Architecture, or more specifically, not everything that is available on your site needs a top level navigation item if what it contains can be made obvious. What winds up happening with long nav items is people fall in to the Paradox of Choice. Instead, we should pair down our main nav to whatever our main concepts are and have (maybe) first level subnavigation once you get to that section.

Take North as an example. I've only got primary nav items for each section. When clicked, you are taken to that section and the second level nav items for that section become available. There are tertiary navigation items in there too, but they are not presented because we start to get too far into the "org structure" of North.

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Testing completed with updated, coded prototype:

Feedback written here:

No major issues with user testing the IA, ready to move into wireframes, visual design, and coding.

Snugug commented 9 years ago

@kathrynmcelroy In the coded prototype you have, for the patterns, I see that you have text and forms, etc… under each header. What are these? Taxonomy that patterns will be grouped in to? We currently don't have any form of taxonomy for our patterns (we can have) but if we're going to introduce that, we're going to need a system in order to categorize them. What happens when we have more than 2 categories? What happens (as we've discussed) when we want to present components/layouts based on UX flows and not just categories?

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

I realized that I have not put the final IA map anywhere on here. This is the final IA:


@Snugug We will need a taxonomy for the patterns as they grow. As of right now, I do not have enough information about what patterns will be in "Elements", "Components", and "Layouts" to propose a taxonomy. I had enough of an idea of Elements to do a quick test for navigation purposes, but am not proposing any sub-sections at this point.

I think we should still have the meeting today to discuss and finalize as a group.

Snugug commented 9 years ago

Yes, let's talk more. Especially as some items in "elements" aren't actually elements as we have them defined, and we are going to run in to issues with displaying taxonomy under each heading for UI patterns, starting immediately and growing (specifically, items with the same taxonomy may exist under multiple items, like right now we have form items in both elements and components)

kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

Updated Site Map to show how we're setting up the pages.


bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

@kathrynmcelroy I'm thinking through the header for these pages, and I'd love your thoughts. Here are my best options:



kathrynmcelroy commented 9 years ago

In the future, do we see any additional internal sections if we went with "Vision"?

My initial instinct is to go with Principles --> Overview, because Principles tested very well for understanding, and I fear that putting it within Vision might not be as intuitive.

Also, "Getting Started" has specific connotations to the developer community, involving installation and starter files. I think we should stick with "Introduction", but we can test both if we want.

joshkimmell commented 9 years ago

"Vision" is too broad and really should be internal only. I think "Getting Started" is fine if we specify "Getting Started with the Design Guide"

ryanbrownhill commented 9 years ago

This issue needs more work on the pattern side of the IA before close.

joshkimmell commented 9 years ago

Waiting on Content Model of UI Patterns

Snugug commented 9 years ago

Unblocking now that CMs are delivered

Snugug commented 9 years ago

URL structure part of IA defined in #152. Looking for page IA now.

Snugug commented 9 years ago

What's the progress on this?

ryanbrownhill commented 9 years ago

I believe the IA for the UI Patterns section still needs to be refined. @kathrynmcelroy (she is out the rest of the week FYI)

Snugug commented 9 years ago

If that's all that's missing, I'm going to close this and spin that out to #172. Is that all that's missing everyone?

ryanbrownhill commented 9 years ago

:+1: on my end

britanyponvelle commented 9 years ago


bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

All right, y'all – this is the result of the convo that @joshkimmell and @Snugug and I just had.

  1. The "Introduction" page will become a true homepage, and it will not live in the "Principles" section. It will be the page you see when you go to or (insert the appropriate domain name).
  2. The main nav links remain the same – Principles, Guidelines, and UI Patterns.
  3. The side nav for Principles will change. Each principle will get its own page. Like this:

Principles -Introduce Cognitive -Inform Interactions -Offer Control

bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

Can I get some :+1: from @IBM-Watson/design-acceleration? I think this mainly affects Eva and Sam (whoever is doing the architecting).

bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

Also, @ryanbrownhill, @britanyponvelle, and I decided on a rule for structuring content in the side nav.

If there is only one category of sub-pages under the main nav link, no headers are necessary in the side nav. For example:

Main nav link: Principles Side nav:

If there is more than one category of sub-pages under the main nav link, headers are necessary in the side nav. For example:

Main nav link: Guidelines Side nav:




bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

As soon as we figure out what's happening with the brand attributes (#159 & #160), we can review and close this issue.

bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

:+1: Ready to close

ryanbrownhill commented 9 years ago

:+1: ready to close! resolved by the decision made via #152

bobbinrobyn commented 9 years ago

Final IA:


/Principles --> goes to /Principles/IntroduceCognitive /Principles/IntroduceCognitive /Principles/InformInteractions /Principles/OfferControl

/Guidelines --> goes to /Guidelines/Style/Accessibility

/Guidelines/Style/ --> goes to /Guidelines/Style/Accessibility /Guidelines/Style/Accessibility /Guidelines/Style/Color /Guidelines/Style/Grids /Guidelines/Style/Typography

/Guidelines/Interaction --> goes to /Guidelines/Interaction/Animation /Guidelines/Interaction/Animation /Guidelines/Interaction/SignaturePatterns /Guidelines/Interaction/SignaturePatterns/Avatar

/Guidelines/Branding --> goes to /Guidelines/Branding/Wordmark /Guidelines/Branding/Wordmark

/UIPatterns --> Goes to /UIPatterns/Documentation/GettingStarted

/UIPatterns/Documentation --> goes to /UIPatterns/Documentation/GettingStarted /UIPatterns/Documentation/GettingStarted /UIPatterns/Documentation/Settings /UIPatterns/Documentation/Animation /UIPatterns/Documentation/JavascriptStandards

/UIPatterns/Patterns --> goes to /UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements /UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements

/UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements/anchorlink /UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements/blockquote /UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements/body /UIPatterns/Patterns/Elements/button [...] /UIPatterns/Patterns/Components /UIPatterns/Patterns/Layouts

britanyponvelle commented 9 years ago
