The AMLSim project is intended to provide a multi-agent based simulator that generates synthetic banking transaction data together with a set of known money laundering patterns - mainly for the purpose of testing machine learning models and graph algorithms. We welcome you to enhance this effort since the data set related to money laundering is critical to advance detection capabilities of money laundering activities.
Apache License 2.0
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obscure description regarding directed graph generation #80

Open Stephen37927 opened 6 months ago

Stephen37927 commented 6 months ago

In the of Wiki, there is a paragraph saying: " Degree Distribution List (degree.csv) This CSV file has three columns with header names: Count, In-degree and Out-degree. Each CSV row indicates how many account vertices with certain in(out)-degrees should be generated.

Here is an example of degree.csv.

Count,In-degree,Out-degree 0,2,2 1,1,1 2,2,2 From this parameter file, the transaction graph generator generates a directed graph with five vertices (accounts) and five edges. Two of five vertices has no outgoing edges and two of five vertices has no incoming edges (these two vertices might be same)." I found it hard to comprehend the author's design. why there are 5 vertices and 5 edges in total? It should be 0+1+2=3 I guess, and even so I still cannot find a graph conforming to the specification of degree.csv