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Failed to create authentication header #442

Open emraz opened 6 years ago

emraz commented 6 years ago

Its several months Im using BluemixAppID. It was working fine. But recently Im getting an error during login. At time of login onAuthorizationFailure is called and it show me an error called Failed to create authentication header. Full error message is given below...

[ERROR] [bmssdk.AppIDTokenManager] retrieveTokens(bodyParams:tokenResponseDelegate:) in /Users/emraz/Desktop/MyProject/Project_2/Parkingfinderapp/Version2.0/iOS/ParkingFinder-Swift/Pods/BluemixAppID/Source/BluemixAppID/internal/TokenManager.swift:91 :: Failed to create authentication header authorizationFailure("Failed to create authentication header")

Anyone please give me an idea to fix it. Please help.
